AS FIERCE AS FIRE [ auburnflame ]

It felt somewhat taboo to return to a batch of sunning rocks mere days after discovering how populous they could be between friends and enemies alike. Despite his introversion, he rarely got a chance to be alone since his promotion, and even if his body could handle the strain of extra tasks, his mind seemed to grow duller with each conversation he was forced to be a part of. Even the warrior den, a place intended for sleeping, seemed to come alive whenever new faces were asked to fit in the ever-tightening space. After a brief word with Blazestar, the spotted tabby had ensured that his duties for the day were completed before retreating to let himself enjoy the blissful silence of the afternoon. An hour later and the ghostly figure was splayed out across one of the heated stones, one limb splayed in the air whilst the others tried to flop loosely to his sides. His fluffy chest rose and fall gently as the sun spread a gentle warmth over his face, leaving the Lead Warrior purring contently in a state of sleepiness. Goodness, the area was so much nicer without his clanmate's gossip acting as white noise.

He briefly considered if this was how good kittypets felt when they didn't have a care in the world. It wasn't something his own life had granted him the opportunity to understand, his myriad of owners in the four moons he'd spent as a house cat never treating Silver with the luxury of a good life. In his seemingly content state, he found himself frowning at the selfishness of enjoying time to himself. He needed it, but the clan needed him, how was anyone supposed to know how to balance that? A snap of twigs alerts Silver that someone is approaching and his ears flick as if trying to swat away flies. The skin around his closed eyes and muzzle crinkled in irritation, of course, he couldn't have expected solitude for long. Somewhat self-conscious about showing such vulnerability towards a clanmate (it had to be a clanmate, no one else would be so sloppy in their approach), Silversmoke rolled onto his belly, his mismatched eyes squinting as he spotted a familiar figure bounding towards the rocks. His broad cranium resting atop his paw, a solemn brow raised itself. Of course, he should've expected Auburnflame of all creatures to come to the rocks too.

"I trust you're not supposed to be on patrol right now." He greeted the calico, his tail gently lashing. Auburn's work ethic was still a point of suspicion within the silver tom. They had different modus operandi, Silver preferred to do his duties until his paws ached and relax later, whereas Auburnflame seemed to relish in their free time and find time to work when they were either satisfied or bored. The Lead Warrior didn't think he could understand it, though it wasn't like he pressed for answers either.


Frolicking about was something Auburnflame would forever be known for. He always had a thing for spontaneity, to suddenly fly off somewhere within the territory to enjoy himself or dragging along a fellow clan mate. Patrols this and patrols that, a rhythmic duty that he was scheduled to perform from dawn till dusk. There wasn't much time for adventure, to laze about and just watch the world go by. Although the tom didn't particularly care for patrols, he'd always oblige with a dutiful nod and a smile, happy to serve his clan in the best way possible. Sometimes patrols weren't boring; especially when coming in contact with other clans or stumbling across something new. It kept him on his toes, at least!
At the very moment though, he's off wandering about and enjoying the warmer air that he inhales and the breeze billowing around the thick pines that kissed his feathered features. He seeks something in particular this time, the slick stones that sit amongst the banks of the river, their smooth surface warm and embracing to caress him into an afternoon nap perhaps. He doesn't pay attention to just who might be at these varying nest of stones, not till an apparition of silver and darker spots splayed upside down filters through his vision. A smirk pinches at light features, mischief gleaming within pallid irises as he emerges from the elderberry bushes.
His sauntering doesn't seem to go unnoticed as Silversmoke rights himself immediately, a look of inconvenient irritation bubbling around his aura as the calico strides up to the ghostly tom. His greeting was like before, baring the same question and Auburnflame couldn't resist eyeing the lead warrior in his current position before answering. "You ask me that when your loungin' 'bout like some fat hound? Pardon me, your Grace." He acts out his little show, mimicking some bow by outstretching his red shaded forelimb and sweeping his thick tail along the pebble-laiden shore before bursting out with a hardy laugh. His breaths come in laborious huffs till he's finally managed to regain control of himself. "As a matter of fact, I did go on patrol this mornin' as the sun peaked over the horizon. Now scoot or get sat on, Silverhound." He starts to tease the lolling warrior, aiming to leap upon the sun-warmed stones and shimmie his way along the spine of the larger tom, splaying out their limbs whilst not caring whether he was in the other tom's personal space or not.
"So, tell me. What's eatin' you? I hardly ever see ya smile. You walk about like a grumblin' badger." It's no surprise how brutally honest Auburnflame is, as he's always had a knack for it. Why go tip-toeing around something when it was easier to run straight to the source? It was a hard lesson for him to learn to control. Sometimes it was best to ease in rather than just take it on all at once, not everyone was so opt to talk about their feelings or past. He had found himself being yelled at or offending someone, another thing that just rolls off his shoulders. It took a lot to offend them. Silversmoke may not feel comfortable talking with the calico about this, but it was obvious Auburnflame didn't really care. He'd get his answer or not. It'd be up to whomever he spoke with to steer the direction of conversation.


His eyes narrowed at the indignation of being associated with a dog, his twitching ears moving just a slight bit more sporadically as they grew flush with embarrassment. A singular brow raised at Auburn's mocking gesture, he forced himself to look away when the calico burst out into a fit of laughter. It wasn't the first time someone had been sarcastic with him for acting like undeserved royalty and it likely wouldn't be the last, but he still hadn't found an appropriate way to bite back the claims surrounding his haughtiness. "Whatever, just—" As he moved his muzzle to chastise Auburn for skipping out on patrols, the other confirmed that he had in fact been sent out at first light. His mismatched gaze moved back, considering the other silently. There was no Orangeblossom to back-up his story this time, and with no evidence to prove or disprove Auburn, the Lead Warrior rolled his shoulders and decided to let the matter rest. He almost didn't catch Auburn's follow-up statement as he lost himself to thought, only connecting meaning to the other's words when he hopped atop the rock.

Ears pinning back, a mixture of panic and annoyance caused Silversmoke's pupils to thin into slits. "What are you—?! Ugh, are you being serious right now?" He protested, a white paw aiming to bat at the other's head repeatedly for getting so close to him without warning (well, there had been warning, the tabby had just been too occupied to pay attention). He shuffled to the edge of the rock, half of his back dangling off of the side as he gave Auburnflame a wider berth than he had any right to give. A limb accidentally hit him in the face and he hissed, his eyes burning with self-consciousness. SkyClan cats were always so intimate with their body language, no amount of time in the clan could ever make the former Rogue used to it. "I should claw your ears off and feed them to the fish, not like you ever use them anyways." He grumbled sarcastically, refusing to abandon his precious rock entirely despite it all. Silver recalled a similar tale the other day of his enemy having to share a rock with someone, only to leave in shame - he would not break as easily as Slate did, even if it meant having to endure whatever Auburnflame put him through.

He tilted his broad head downwards, catching himself in the middle of a melodramatic prediction. Whatever it was, it probably wouldn't be that bad. Though he doubted the other would commit to silence, he couldn't see them having any particularly grating thoughts either. Annoyance was something often felt and often expressed by the silver tom but truly, it was such a natural state of being that he'd never pinned its existence on anyone but himself. He liked his clanmates, some more than others admittedly. Whether they were fondly irritating or wholesomely truthful, he would have their backs. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that someone with more emotional intelligence than him realised his 'resting bitch face', but his tone still reflected a muted level of shock. "I'm not in a bad mood if I'm not smiling, this is just how I am." He defended himself, his attention driving to the nearby steam. He was supposed to be the stalwart, ill-tempered servant to a society that could do with a grounding force to reign in its chaos. Then again, he hadn't exactly been on his best behaviour as of late.

Closing his eyes, the tom mewed, "I got dragged into a lecture about my words towards Slate the other day. I agree with Blazestar's verdict, but it doesn't lessen the sting of being in the wrong. That might explain why I look like a 'grumbling badger' at the moment, or it might just be the cat that apparently learned the concept of personal space from a flea. You decide." He shot the calico a pointed look. Hidden just beneath his rebuttal was a change in inflection, smaller than the fleas he'd just brought up. He was enjoying himself, though he'd be damned to admit such a thing out loud.
The warmth along the stones immediately kissed his fur and skin, an enriched purr leaving him immediately as he settled. He hears Silversmoke's complaints, a tantrum falling upon deaf ears. Auburnflame stretched patched limbs, lazily beginning to sprawl over a feathered flank until he felt a harsh repeated amount of swipes along his forehead. It felt as if his cranium reverberated from the multitude of blows, screwing his eyes till he's finally able to pull his head back. "You bes' knock it off before we both 'accidentally' happen to roll into the river." He retorts with a grim smirk, the tip of an incisor protruding under pink lips. "I'm a pretty good swimmer though, can't say for the rest of ya." A raucous snicker bubbled behind his empty threat as he finally pulled his limbs away from the shimmering warrior, hauling himself up and tucking his paws under his chest to give Silversmoke more room than hanging off the stones.
As he settled and blatantly asked his questions, a hint of a defensive tone from his clan mate grates his ear. Brows raise at Silversmoke in question, not truly believing that was 'just how he was'. Auburnflame couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes, his red ear flicking as a fly buzzed around the tufts of his ears. "Maybe if you pull the thorn outta your rear end, you just might." His vibrant eyes flashed a fiery glimmer of mischief within aquamarine irises, but continued to listen as he spoke further about Blazestar. A pique of interest has the warrior pulling himself forth, full undivided attention upon Silversmoke. Ah, of course that's what it's about. Slate. Auburnflame couldn't help but play out the melodramatic, heaving a louder sigh for emphasis and aiming to swat the silver speckled tom along his haunches with his splotched red tail. "You an' Slate, I swear. What'd he do to piss you off so bad, hm? I can get behind a friendly rivalry—but you two, uhh...well, you look like a couple of coyotes ready to scrap over a bit of Two-Leg trash." No matter how much he did laugh at the insults hurled from one to the next, the other day with Thistleback interrupting was definitely a more intense situation than a bit of banter. All over a collar, at that.

Now, here he was wrapped up in Silversmoke's venting session. It was his own fault, of course, and he didn't particularly mind. Talking to Silversmoke was as easy as the sun rising, despite the prickled thorns of ire that radiated from him most of the time. It was actually entertaining to watch the lead warrior get flustered and defensive at his jabs and return them to sender. Auburnflame can respect a feline with good humor, whether it was warranted as a joke or not. He took it as such; especially during times like this. That's why when a snide comment slipped past the tongue of the Maine Coon, the pointed stare as their gazes interlocked, he cackles till tears formed in the tear ducts of his eyes. This time he has no retort to offer as he controls his breathing as usual rhythmic breaths came out in loud huffs. All Auburnflame could do in this moment, was to aim to push the larger tom playfully on the shoulder. "Gah!—ehehe. You mean like the fleas in 'yer brain, Silverhound? Ahahaha—whew! Oh, Stars. That one got me, I gotta admit. Well, you're stuck with me now. Hehe."


"If I drown, I'm bringing you down with me." He grumbled, making no reference to his own swimming abilities or lack thereof. Silversmoke had seen RiverClan cats before, they looked suspiciously like him with their long stony pelts and fullness (though it had been some time since he'd been so plump), yet he'd always preferred to climb trees than be anywhere close to the water. Swimming was a skill the tabby longed to have, but with his heart in SkyClan and his pride (and likely RiverClan's) forbidden any interclan lessons, it would simply be an unfulfilled dream. Though the calico gave him more space, Silversmoke did not take it, a single brow raised as he still lightheartedly reeled from the previous clambering. "Hmph, I need that thorn. What else will I use to defend myself if my claws and teeth go blunt trying to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours?" He retorted, smirking briefly to convey that he had no intention of batting at the calico anymore. A slap of bushy fur upon his haunches caused him to blink incredulously towards Auburnflame, his good humour fading briefly at the mention of Slate.

The spotted tabby exhaled loudly - things had been so much easier to explain away before the altercation near the collar. Blazestar, as a leader, had the right to know his transgressions with the former rogue, but as he brooded in Auburnflame's presence, he couldn't tell if the calico also deserved to know. He feared the other may be a gossiper, or at the very least, condemn him for his actions in a far less professional way than the clan founder had done. After a few more seconds, Silversmoke let out a quiet, affirmative 'hmm'. He supposed keeping it brief for the warrior wouldn't hurt, getting the chance to admonish Slate would certainly lessen the sting of suggesting he'd been defeated. "I knew him from before the clans. We got into a fight over some scraps and he tried to blind me over it. He wasn't desperate enough for food to do such a thing... and unchecked cruelty isn't something I can forgive." He gestured to the scars over his right eye, instinctively flinching as the shape of his own paw entered the vicinity of his sapphire eye. The scars still hurt, physically and mentally - it seemed it would take more than just time to heal them.

A brief time passed between him explaining his issues with Slate and then Silver criticising the calico's concept of personal space, and the tonal shift caused his ears to lurch upwards in muted surprise. Those same tufted appendages warmed as the laughter went on and on, a single white paw raised in anticipation of having to bat at the calico for fear he was broken. He felt a nudge on his shoulder and it was the catalyst that the already leaning tom needed to feel his weight shift into empty air. He twisted like a corkscrew as he felt himself fall, his large forepaws balancing on the earth below whilst his legs remained splayed out on the sunning rock. Silversmoke hissed as he looked over his shoulder, shame bubbling as he struggled to decide who he should blame more for his blunder. He hopped off the stone completely, spun around, and leaped back onto it, attempting to roll Auburnflame off of the sunning rock with a mixture of his paws and head. An act of petty revenge for a crime Auburnflame hadn't even committed. "Good, I'd rather be stuck with you than one of the Daylight Warriors." If there was an ounce of sincerity in that comment, it was quickly backpedaled with a follow-up mew. "At least then I can make sure you're going on patrols."
Brows quirk and wiggle towards the ghostly man, that same shit-eating grin still plastered upon his maw while Silversmoke countered Auburnflame's idle threat with one of his own. "We'll see." His voice is light, almost sing-song like. The two continued their little charade until the question about Slate had Silversmoke grow wearily still, something shifted within his multi-colored gaze and he watches his counterpart grow rigid. Auburnflame had asked him why, and silence thickened between them. He shifts a bit, curling his lengthy body up more poised than normal amd leans in. Whatever it had been, it was no mere rivalry of the sort. The calico was an observationalist, always peeking in to body language and eye movement. It was certainly no business of his to know—but he'd never been one to not at least try. If Silversmoke didn't want to speak of it, then so be it. He'd respect a boundary like that. Not everything was meant to be shared with others. Some are too painful, too personal.
A thoughtful 'hmm' passes over the tabby's lips as if making the deciding factor before speaking. Silversmoke speaks of his olden days before clan life, a time where it was kill or be killed. Auburnflame had somewhat of a childhood loke that, except it was here within the colonies. Orangeblossom and him grew up together, fighting and playing. At least they had each other, plus half of their parentage. But, did Silversmoke have anyone? Was he alone most of his life till now?
His words absorb into the bi-colored ears of the tom, processing the information immediately. Slate and him had bad blood since before clan times. Fighting over a scrap of food, for survival or just to be selfish—he wasn't sure. Pink lips pursed into a hard line whilst pallid eyes traces over the light features of Silversmoke. They linger upon the ugly scar that runs down his cerulean hued optic, rugged and dusted pink tones a stark contrast against his fur. Silence falls upon them once again, thick and electrified.
Auburnflame mulls over his story with a flick of a barbed tongue across the roof of his mouth. He finally nods, slowly, indicating he understood the animosity. "That does sound cruel. I might've done the same in your situation." He begins, the light-heartedness in his voice void now. He could be serious when need be, and truthfully it was like another individual sat before him. Perhaps his jokes and fun were a facade, a ploy to keep his clan mates smiling and happy. "But—" He takes a breath, searching for the correct words to say. "One who relies so much in the past, can't hope to prosper in the future. Do you hate him so much—that you'd be willin' to risk your reputation within SkyClan? You've made a name for yourself, Silverhound" A smile breaking the seriousness of their discussion, unable to control himself. "You're in Blazestar's concil. Maybe it'd be bes' to turn the other cheek." A yawn passes through his lips, jaw widening and tightening back his muzzle to reveal ivory incisors. "But wha'do I know? I'm just a lowly warrior who definitely doesn't skip his patrol duties." A saccharine smile creases his features, a wink passed towards the lead warrior.

Auburnflame and him are soon back to their normal ways, his cackle piercing the ear and Silversmoke staring at him incredulously. As he slaps a paw over the warrior's shoulder, he doesn't realize the strength he had put into it. His force sends the tabby over the edge of the stones, half collapsing onto the bare forest floor while his rump still remained. The calico gasps, bringing a crimson paw over his alabaster maw in mock surprise. "Oops." He couldn't control the toothy grin widening behind his lifted paw, snickering at the tomfoolery. Silversmoke retaliation isn't unsurprising, a petty victory of vengeance has the calico tumbling over the rocks and half landing in the river. The crisp coolness of the water gripped at his limber hindquarters, plumed tail sodden. Being on the rocks had him almost uncomfortably warm, but now it made the water even more frigid. He gasps and frantically pulls the submerged half of his body out quickly and stands there, staring at the other warrior. "Oh, you'll regret that." He sneers, jumping back on the stones to shake a sheet of icy droplets upon the feathered form of Silversmoke. If he had to be wet, than so would the latter. His next response didn't go unnoticed, saying he'd rather be stuck with him than some daylight warrior. Auburnflame grins, aiming to roll himself right next to him. "Is that so? Are we gonna fly off into the sunset together, too? Whisk me away, mighty warrior!" Playfulness gleams within his vibrant irises, dramatically placing a paw over his forehead as if he were some damsel in distress.

There was a glimpse of severity from the calico that gave Silversmoke pause, subconsciously nodding in appreciation as his feelings were validated. Disappointment briefly flashed upon his features when Auburnflame settled back into old habits but he shook it off with the promise of a chance to justify himself further. "I don't care about my reputation, I care about SkyClan. This territory was my first step into the wild, they made sure I didn't die of an eye infection, and I made sure they didn't die in battle. If I must do something unpopular to defend my home then I will..." The lead warrior trailed off, his eyes flittering shamefully to the floor. His ears burning, he slightly flattened them towards the back of his head. "... I... admit that there was no threat when I egged him on." It'd been a harmless prank by a daylight warrior, the smoky tom's eyes had latched onto him with a fury that needed an answer from the spotted tabby - up to the point where Thistleback snapped him back to reality. A rejection of public perception may have been a white lie to protect himself, but it was only after spending more and more time among friends that such a thing was uncovered in the male's life.

He looked up with a fresh conviction. "But Blazestar doesn't want me to hurt him. That is enough for me not to engage with Slate again." It would not be an easy promise to keep. The other tom was on his mind just as much as eating and sleeping were, an ever-lingering shadow of a past defeat he had not yet amended. Silversmoke's patience was an erratic thing, moons since the incident had passed and he was unsure how many moons he had left in him to endure the torture of an enemy being respected in the very clan he wanted to protect. Auburnflame concludes and an instinctive eye-roll takes over the maine coon. "Hmph, idiot." It was a soft reprimand, almost bridled with affection as he caught on to the fact that the other was likely teasing him about skipping patrols. He hoped. As the tabby found himself becoming more and more acquainted with the way his new friend worked, he had to remind himself that there was no room for nepotism when deciding who did and didn't have a duty to their home.

Silversmoke lurched forwards as Auburnflame collapsed into the river, his claws gripping into the smooth stones when it quickly became apparent that the calico was good on his word - he could actually swim. Shock turns to smug satisfaction and he tilted his head towards the sunhigh sky, lording over the victory as if he were the king of the world. Then... "Ack!" It was a startled noise that escaped the tabby as cold fur pressed against his own, the plumage of a winter-bred cat doing little to cover the pink flesh upon his face and shoulder from the chill. Perhaps he deserved to be drenched, but he didn't mean he had to like it! "Do you want me to push you off again?!" He grimaced a forepaw hovering just above the rock in contemplation. He squinted down at the calico and, after several more seconds, he settled down next to the warrior. His paws were kept at an angle away from the other's sodden figure, perhaps so his spine would bear the brunt of the damp, perhaps to better catch himself should he be pushed, perhaps many things.

Looking over his shoulder at Auburn's theatrical display, the spotted tabby tutted. Despite the new numbing bite to his fur, he felt a warmth spread across his chest. It surprised him as he caught himself smiling along, but like the cat who couldn't quite admit how much it liked the new family dog, the tabby contorted the corners of his maw into an uglier smirk. "Am I a hound or a bird? You're as whimsical as the very fires you are named after." He found himself mulling over Auburn's words more, his cranium angled. Flying off into the sunset together, was that... supposed to mean something? 'Whatever. He's a weird cat.' Playing along in a deadpan voice, the tabby cleared his throat, scarcely giving the impression that he was actually joking. "You've proven you can swim now... and I heard fish can fly sometimes. Take yourself to the sky my fishy-friend, I will watch from the ground as a silver-hound-bird... thing.." Smooth.

Just as quickly as the tension brewed around them like the oncoming of a summer storm, soon it fades away. Silversmoke was becoming something more than just a stoic face in the throng of warriors, he was becoming a friend. His layers slowly peeled back, curiosity further pulling the patterned tom closer to see what lingered underneath. With their talk of Slate now gone, the sloshing of river water behind them, and even Silversmoke's shrill as icy droplets pelted his feathered coat; they lay there with Auburnflame laughing to the wind in his dramatic onslaught. Do you want me to push you off again? He replied in a nonverbal manner, a smug grim stretching over his patched cheeks as ivory teeth gleamed against sunlit rays and eyes widening into something of mock innocence. He decided to keep quiet about his possible plan to drag the lead warrior with him if he did try, a surprising turn of events. Auburnflame imagined a sodden Silversmoke, heavy fur from water clinging to his muscular frame and downsizing him nearly by half. Oh, how humorous that would be. To see him stand there in all his glory, looking like a drowned rat. At least he'd be a cute one.
He shifts from his previous dramatic pose, rolling over fully on his back with a wintry belly facing the sky. You're as whimsical as the very fires you're named after. He pauses for a brief moment, sparing another glance at his counterpart before jumping on the more entertaining topic at hand.
"Perhaps you're both. Some silver-hound-bird thing, right? Now is that a hound with wings? Or is a bird with the head of a hound?" He begins to giggle at the picture engraved within his psyche, some weird concoction of a hound and a bird mixed together like some mythical creature. Such a weird conversation this has turned into, but it's a welcome one nonetheless. Any chance to explore his creative side was always a positive in his eyes. Fishy-friend. Nice. Did Silversmoke compare him to the RiverClanners now? The calico's expression melts into a thoughtful one, briefly wonder how his RiverClan cousin was doing. Apricotflower. He did miss her at times. He often wondered how she was doing over there; especially during times like these.
"If I were to fly away, like the fishy-friend I am, I would take you with me. You're good company." He trills, stretching a crimson forepaw out towards Silversmoke's flank with sheathed claws. "It's fun talkin' to you!" I like you. He would smile towards him, mint shaded hues holding his bi-colored ones from an upside down angle, enjoying their lazing about with nothing but one another's company. It was nice, conversing with someone else about nothing. He felt fully relaxed, able to be himself in the presence of the lead warrior. He only hoped that Silversmoke was beginning to feel the same way as well.

"A silver bird with the head of a hound, a dog with wings is too mouse-brained for me to comprehend." He stated matter-of-factly. Both would be equally meddlesome opponents, he feared, but at least one could be eaten should it be bested in combat - not that he particularly wanted to meet that fate. Silversmoke didn't think he'd have cared what happened to his body when he fell (why should he if he was dead?), but his birdsona getting chomped to bits left him feeling slightly perturbed about that happening in reality. Thankfully, the conversation shifted before he brooded too deeply about such a fate. He gawked down at the upside-down warrior, briefly recognising the light caught in their mint-green eyes. 'Like little gooseberries...' It made his heart skip a beat, the lead warrior recognising the feeling near-instantly. It was the same but different, a feeling that extended beyond friendship as it had done with Ashenclaw. No, this was a feeling he could've assigned to Orangeblossom or Thistleback in the past, an appreciation, a want to get to know them better. It was just strange it was with this lackadaisical joker as opposed to a cat with a similar personality to himself.

Auburnflame reached a sodden paw out towards him and mismatched eyes instantly shot down in suspicion. Yet, the longer he looked, the more gentle the gesture appeared to the spotted tabby. He eyed it with even more confusion now, his eyes growing wider and wider until he finally gathered what the calico might have been implying. Oh. "I, um..." If cats could blush then Silver would be as red as his friend right now. He'd never been praised for his social observation skills but even he could see that the energy had changed - he just hoped he wasn't reading it wrong, else he was going to have some explaining to do. "Fine. You're not... bad company." His tail lashed as he confessed such things, feeling as if he'd just had a confessional with StarClan. He decided he hated his emotions at that moment, the way that they seemed to make him grow nervous to say anything to the calico at such a moment. It would be easier to push away, but even that notion refused to attach to his tongue. "And... it's fun talking to you too. You're an irritating little egg but... a good irritating little egg." Was that too harsh? Too soft?

He shifted closer to Auburnflame and gently rested his head upon that extended leg, eyes as level with the other as he could get them. "If I start hearing rumours about camp that I'm fun or good company or whatever else, I swear to StarClan..." Silversmoke warned with a snort. "The clan needs someone like me to ground them when they're being too much, the last thing I need is for everyone to start thinking that they're allowed to make jokes at my expense or cuddle up to me." He realised that made the other sound special, perhaps they were. No, they definitely were, they were the only cat who'd dared invade the tabby's personal space for anything other than to fight.