AS IT WAS ⚘ snowed in

Leafbare continued to be a great thorn beneath his paw, wedging in sharply and reminding him with every step of its presence through aching pads and cold chills. Dandelionwish longed for newleaf, the flowers blooming and the sound of insects stirring in the morning in a shrill cacaphony of sound; the feel of a warm breeze on his back and the trees returning to their once lush green. For now he grit his teeth and took comfort in the warmth of his life's joys and did his best to not let the weight of the snow crush him under its cruel and frozen embrace but it was very difficult when it literally tried to crush him. The chocolate and cream tom gave a shrill start as he hopped to the side, the faintest brush of slush blanketing his back in a rush of wet chill and he danced in play as he stepped back from the clump of it that had almost smothered him after being shaken from the trees above by a strong gust of wind. The camp was covered in these mounds of white, built up over the nights and stirred from the heavens to block pathways and clutter around dens and he rolled his eyes with a groan as he strut forward to fetch Lupinepaw, "Change of plans, I think we need to work on helping clear the camp today." Battle training would wait for a moment, though he wanted to get into it as soon as possible - more tricks and the unique skills he'd developed in his time in the moors would be beneficial to pass on and he wanted his apprentice to have the best edge she could when it came down to threats.
But that was for later, now he wanted to ensure his clanmates could walk without snow brushing their bellies and swallowing up their paws, "I think if we start from that corner by Dawnglare's den and work to the middle it'll be more manageable..."
His slender brown tail twitched as he sat, mulling over the best way of going about this that wouldn't leave everyone with brittle frozen whiskers and aching paws but either way it was going to be a lot of work, "If only Blazestar was as warm as his name, we could roll him over the snow and melt it." A paw raised, poked Lupinepaw in the side playfully.
  • Prompt - After a heavy snow, camp is filled to the brim with it! Organize a clean-up patrol and start shovelling!
    Apprentice Tag - @LUPINEPAW (He's talking to Loopy but this isn't a Pafp!)

  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

UGH! A groan leaves his maw as he kicks his paw to rid of the snow. "I hate it here." No matter what he did he was going to be covered in white today. It was already cold enough, but now his pelt had to be damp from the stupid snow! Not to mention it was a huge pain to move around in camp due to the big mounds of snow. Leaf-bare wasn't too bad and everything, but he will not deny there were times when it sucked. This ocassion being one of the downsides of Leaf-bare. Battle training was going to put on hold at this rate considering he couldn't even lift his paws without them being swallowed by snow.

The apprentice was extremely offended by this that he started grumbling the entire time he dragged himself though the snow, leaving a path behind him. This is getting ridiculous! "Why did it have to be today?" Resigned, the boy slumps, accepting his snowy tomb. He closes his eyes and focuses on the chatter going on. He finds himself listening to Dandelionwish saying to help clear the camp. Do we have to? This is too much! Can't we just skip it and do more battle training? Regardless he listens on, and stifles laughter when a joke about Blazestar is made. That would've been nice. We could all take turns rolling him around in the snow!

A couple of moments pass before he leaves his snowy tomb and approaches, more like drags himself to the other warrior. Crowpaw takes not not too hold his gaze on Lupinepaw or even acknowledge her existence more than a glance. He shakes his pelt, bits of snow falling to the ground. "I'll help. Tell me what the plan is. The sooner we get the snow out of the way, the sooner we can train."
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 9 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Snow was still an entirely new experience for Glimmerpaw, and while their genes from their father have helped keep them warm for the most part, it still was an unpleasant experience. Their pawpads feel brittle, and even breathing felt constricted in a way they never would have expected before now. They definitely understand why cats older than them complain about how awful it is, though they would continue to keep their head high.

They happen to walk by as Crowpaw cries on about how much he hates snow. They can understand, but they can’t imagine being that whiny out loud. Maybe they should help out too. “I’ll chip in, too. I’m sure we can clean up all this snow in no time.” Glimmerpaw offer to the smoky black apprentices. “Maybe we should even get Cherrypaw to help,” they chide with a small smirk, knowing how quickly she would complain.​


"I imagine it'll be more than just Cherrypaw that gets roped into clearing some of this out." mused Johnny as he slipped out of the warriors den and trudged through the snow to join the group. The lead had made the decision to stay in camp the night prior when the snow had began to fall thick and heavy, anticipating the potential snow-in and not wanting to find himself trapped on the other side of the forest with chest high snow separating him from his clan. This time around though, Johnny hadn't needed to share a nest with one of his clanmates since Silversmoke had taken the liberty of making one for Johnny the day prior- which was not only great timing, but also a sentence he never expected himself to say. "I'll lend a paw too if your not full up on recruits, Dandelionwish."


Between the blanket that covers the camp and the one he’d trudged through atop rocky peaks, Greeneyes thinks he’s seen his fill of snow for this season cycle. “ It's no better than the mountains. “ Impasto painted everywhere he looks, its all too familiar chill coating his fur with each step he takes, the young lead nods to his sister’s mate at his suggestion to his apprentice.

It does need a good cleaning — I’ll help you out too, “ Greeneyes agrees with a swish of his tail. Though such chores have never been his favorite to take part in, it would do them all some good to be free of snow brushing up against their stomachs as they cross camp. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
It’d been a relatively fine morning, waking up to the bitter chill that seeped into scared bone, Duskpool stared at the snow-covered terrain in distaste, muzzle wrinkling in muffled annoyance. “Best be gettin’ all the paws ya can find.” He rumbled from a distance, approaching the others with cautious steps, bulky build dragging through the worst of the snow-riddled mounds.

A burning hue flickered, staring idly at the two apprentices, briefly wondering where Drowsypaw was, but ultimately deciding against finding the sleepy apprentice. Duskpool had little planned for today, more than to see where Drowsypaw was with his huntin’ crouch before takin’ the kid to hunt without the prying eyes of clanmates, just the two of ‘em.

He grunted in agreement, tail flickering lowly. “Mountains were no better.” Maybe even worse with unfamiliar terrain beneath their paws, it’d been a cold trek. “Best be gettin’ to work, otherwise the lot of us will be here the entire day shovelin’ snow till we’re wet en shiverin’.” He rumbled, gaze drifting to Dandelionwish.
thought speech