as light as feathers | tallulahwing


Nov 11, 2022

Rustling in the grass the tom finds himself upside down, wiggling as he attempts to get at a scratch on his back that be can not reach himself. The trail is going fair that is until he moves too aggressively to one side. His back pinches, he winces, and then finally he decides to give up on that endeavor. Maybe later on he will try again but he needs to get going. He is due for another patrol and he has little liking for his paws to be idle for too long. With a large yawn parting his muzzle he flexes dark colored paws against the ground as he surveys the camp. Ah, who can he ask to go with him on his latest excursion? Tired but bright eyes shift over the others that are coming and going in camp, large tail dragging the ground he pauses as he sees the molly that might just come with him. Even though he doesn't know much about Tallulahwing he knows that she is training Figpaw and is an exceptional mentor. So with a smile on his muzzle the tom walks forth with a light step to his paws.

"Bonjour, Tallulah! Would you care to come hunting near the river with me?" He pulls back his droopy ears slightly but he looks eager to head out. Afterall he is sure they can find some water voles or even a few mice if they are lucky. Ah, if she does decides to come with him.

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Tallulahwing has just strolled into camp, pawsteps light and yellow eyes gleaming with purpose. She doesn't know yet what she wants to do today, but with leafbare coming, she's sure there's plenty to do. Especially since Figpaw has only recently made her first catch, Tallulahwing worries for the young marmalade tabby left to her own devices as the snows come and drive the prey beneath the earth.

But a soft, lilting voice, accented and soothing, reaches her first. She turns to the russet warrior and offers him a brilliant smile. "Well, how do you do, Mr. Foxgekker? Do you fancy yourself a bite of fish?" She giggles to herself, but abandons the idea she'd had of recruiting Figpaw. The boisterous tabby has other things she can do; once she situates her apprentice, she approaches Foxgekker again.

"Do ya know much about fishin' in the river, Foxy? I'm afraid I never was much of a swimmer or fisher. We didn't have much of that on the farm I grew up in, and my housefolk would be right furious if I dipped my paw into their fish bowl!" Her voice is chirpy, sunny, and warm, unlike the filtered autumn sunlight that barely reaches her pelt through the pine trees.

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A soft and warm laughter left him as he gave the molly a light smile. "Well, I'm doing pretty okay so far. A little worried here and there but alas I think everything will be okay." His eyes flick over to the entrance of camp and he beckons her to come along with him as he starts to walk out of camp. The foliage is thin with the coming of the cold and he sighs as he looks up at the trees that are like reaching hands clawing at the sky. The tom is hoping that this leafbare is easier. That they will all make it through despite all of these issues they are having with the rogues and especially with Windclan. "Poisson? To be fair, I hadn't thought about getting fish but I think it'll be worth a try for the clan. Traiter, it'll be a treat, ouias?" His body slips around a tree and he parts his jaws, picking up the smells of the river. The murky waters tell him a lot, especially in which direction he is going.

Pausing for a moment, the large tom lets out a hum of amusement. "Non, I actually don't know much about fishing. I normally stick to water voles and mice. I love birds the most though." He smiles brightly then at her announcement of not dipping her paw into the fish bowl and he understands. Though his former upwalkers did not keep fish the next door ones did. And the cat that lived with them told him about it before. Pushing himself through the thin bushes and he peers out with a bit of caution. "My former upwalkers never had fish but I bet they would have been the sams if I tried. Want to try at this bank, mademoiselle?"