The sun is warm on Little Wolfs midnight black pelt as she traverses through the forest to the border her clan shares with Sky Clan, her green eyes match the foliage around her as she surveys the forest for any sign of the cat who had, so many moons ago now, completely stolen her heart and soul. She loved Blazestar, with every fiber of her being she loved him and nothing would change that.

It was nice to not have the kits in tow, as much as she knows they love their father as much as she does she also has been yearning for some alone time with her mate, and now that their children were apprentices, what better opportunity would she have?

Leaf-bare is cold, but it doesn’t matter. The feeling she gets in her chest just at the thought of him, the steady beating of her heart when she imagines those brilliant blue eyes and that familiar soft cream fur, is more than enough to keep her warm as she waits for him.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

// backwritten :,)

As much as he misses having their children tiny, squirming, and mewling between them, Blazestar would readily agree he's thankful they've reached apprenticeship. He's not had a moment alone with Little Wolf since they were born, and when he scents her scent on the breeze, musky and singing of the forest, he lifts his tail with excitement. She parts the undergrowth on ThunderClan's territory as though it's water, her leaf-dark eyes luminous with love.

"I was hoping you'd be able to get away for a moment," he purrs, bounding across their borders to touch his nose to hers. The cold is invigorating today -- this meeting of theirs feels so new, so fresh, as though they are seeing one another with unspoiled eyes. He drinks in her scent, presses his pink nose into the soft dark fur at the back of her neck.

After a moment, he pulls away to examine her. Though she looks strong and healthy, Little Wolf is thinner than the warriors in his own Clan. Blazestar frowns. "How is ThunderClan doing, right now?" He uses the cream fluff of his tail to guide her to their spot, at the base of a pine, where they can rest, press their pelts together, share tongues. "I've been worried, with the fire..." He reaches over to groom one of her ears, a hint of anxiety revealed in the gesture.

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