camp AS THE PENDELUM SWINGS ⁺˖⋆ gathering talk

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ "it's gonna be a bloodbath." nightbird comments to the small group of cats she sat with. the full moon was nestled directly overhead, the cats attending the gathering had departed some time ago. all everyone else could do was speculate about the drama that tended to unfold every moon without fail.

it was nearly comical, not even a moon had passed since everyone banded together for lungwort, to defeat rogues. and now, shadowclan kits had gone missing from their nests, a skyclan apprentice was deemed a murderer by nearly all of thunderclan (hopefully blazestar had the foresight to not send her tonight), and windclan was... well, windclan. their claim of highstones was ridiculous, it wouldn't stand. not in the eyes of starclan or any of the other leaders. how could they claim that cutting off everyone but their own's mainline to starclan was anything but antagonistic? she'd almost give a paw to listen to sootstar try and weasel her way out of that mess. the only reason she wasn't was because the journey had given her enough proximity to the other clans for her to have her fix for moons.

"sootstar must have finally lost it, who in their right mind is brash enough to lay claim over highstones, and to think she commands a whole clan," nightbird pauses to fit a judgmental scoff into the middle of her sentence. "you almost can't blame the rest of the windclanners for being how they are with her calling the blows, i think i'm beginning to pity them." the lead warrior just hoped that thunderclan wouldn't have to deal with this mess alone. certainly skyclan would help, shadowclan was generally apathetic to all things that didn't affect them directly, and riverclan had a tendency of hanging them out to dry, tossing them to the wolves- or dogs in their case. what a headache.
  • open to anyone not attending the gathering!

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


A tiny red pelt moves through the camp, big eyes wide with thrill and excitement. Tonight was a full moon, and that meant the gathering was being held as they spoke! How was she suppose to settle down in the nursery, tucked at Leopardtongue’s belly knowing so much fun was occuring? Even the warriors were staying up late to talk about it and apprentices shuffled in their den hoping to stay awake long enough for the gathering party to return.

Foxkit was certainly not suppose to be out and about, but here she was eavesdropping on warrior conversations. Her ears swerve to listen to Nightbird (who she thought was very scary) communicate with other warriors. She talks about WindClan naming Highstones, that a cat named Sootstar must’ve lost it. She’s heard all these words and names before, but they mean nothing on innocent kitten ears. The most Foxkit understands is WindClan is bad, a clan you did not want to mess with. The thought of them brings terror into her young heart.

Still, she listens in as quietly as she can. If she doesn’t make herself noticable they won’t see her and tell her to go to bed. Right?
  • » Foxkit
    » ThunderClan kit
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike was still gazing idly at the gorse tunnel when Nightbird dropped her comment, and it made him scoff, dragging his attention away. "When isn't it a cesspool of drama?" he nearly muttered back. "The other Clans are always out of their fucking minds, she's just the mouse on the top of the pile."

Settling onto his belly with a huff, he rolled his eyes. "Sootstar lost it a long time ago and you know it. She just loves to see how far she can test her luck." Then she mentions pitying the WindClanners, and his nose crinkles. "They're just as bad. If they had any sense, they would throw her to the crows."

A flash of red fur caught his attention from the corner of his eye, and Lightstrike turned his head, searching gaze falling upon the little form of Foxkit. For a moment he didn't think anything of it, but then he glanced up at the moon far overhead. "Shouldn't you be sleeping in your nest, kiddo?" he questioned with a pointed raise of his brow. "It's real late, you know. It's warrior time."

Of course, it was more of a suggestion than a command, and he turned his head away. The kits were the queens' job, and he knew he wanted to be places he didn't belong when he was around that age anyway. If she managed to slip away from Leopardtongue, then more power to her, as long as she stayed in camp or something.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Wolfwind nods somewhat solemnly in agreement with Nightbird. Part of her mourns not being there to see it, but the other part of her— the part that chose to stay back in the first place, is sort of relieved she would not have to deal it tonight. With RiverClan the way it was, the gathering was already bound to be somewhat exciting, but with Sootstar doing what she did... Wolfwind's pelt prickles uncomfortably.

Sootstar lost it a long time ago and you know it, Lightstrike says, settling on his belly for late - night gossip. With a huff, Wolfwind agrees," You're not wrong... Bet she'll try to claim fourtrees for herself, next. Want to hold the gathering? Oh, you must grovel at her feet, first... "

She wouldn't have notice the scrap of ruddy fur, had Lightstrike not pointed them out. Wolfwind knows what it's like to be a young, nosy cat, eager to poke around for whatever about awesome, warrior life she can pick out. Had Wolfwind noticed her, she probably would've kept her mouth shut to begin with. Wolfwind keeps silent on the topic though, silently chuckling to herself about warrior time, a phrase that made Lightstrike sound like the dad he was not. Wolfwind doesn't mind little Foxkit, but she makes a mental note not to use any language that'd get her booted from the nursery.

Refocusing on the conversation, Wolfwind sighs. " I kinda thought... I dunno, that all that rogue business would have her normal up, if only a little bit. " Her expression mashes into a frown, brows scrunched. " Draggin your entire clan to another, to two, even, s'gotta be humblin' right? But she's right back to her nonsense, already. " She just can't wrap her head around it.


make peace with your broken pieces .
He couldn’t help but agree with Nightbird, brows furrowed, troubled by the thought of what would befall the cats gathering at high moon, surrounded by strangers and a molly who seemed to slip further into insanity. It was worrisome, unable to consider the thought of what could happen to his newfound family. A first-time father, brimming with uncertainty, but did well to hide it beside a welcoming face and a soothing, thunderous rumble of his voice.

“It will be nothing but unneeded bloodshed.” He sighed, gaze lingering on the camp’s entrance. “Let us hope it does not come to that, but I fear this faux peace will not last long.” He breathed deeply, tilting his helm to stare at the sky. We are in your paws. He thought with wavering hope, for a life without hope is a life as good as dead, but perhaps the stars have another path in mind for them to take, to succeed.

At Wolfwind’s remark, Whitelion hummed. “I do not think she did it out of the good of her heart, but as a last option, or else, she risked the entire extinction of WindClan.” He rumbled. “A cat may hide behind a thousand lies, but their true intentions will leak to the surface.” He breathed, tail flickering.
thought speech
"I hope it isn't a bloodbath, my kits are going for the first time since being made apprentices..." They had their older siblings with them but, well, Mousenose and Sparkwing were never known for their responsibility and he hoped being mentors would help with that adjustment. His green eyes fall on Wolfwind briefly, warily, knowing she would understand his worries given she mentored one of said older kits. His son, his spitting image, unfortunately took more after Rabbitnose and was fiesty and impulsive; befitting most young warriors, but it was especially prominent with him. He only hoped he wouldn't start any fights knowing he had Pigeonpaw to look over.
"...Sootstar has always been this aggressive, it's only a matter of time before she decides the forest only needs one clan and claiming highstones is the first step." He remembers this furious she-cat at their border demanding passage, he remembers her attempting to forge an alliance that Howlingstar dismissed thankfully. The raid upon SkyClan, their attacks against ShadowClan and RiverClan. There was no clan more power hungry and open to war than the one of the moors. It was terrifying. " don't think she'd actually try to stake a claim on Fourtrees do you?"

Lightstrike's words draw his gaze to Foxkit and he finds himself slowly standing, he was no longer in the nursery but the natural instincts to herd kits had not entirely faded from him during his time back on his duties so he padded over swiftly on all three limbs. "Foxkit, Lightstrike is right-its way past time you were in your nest. You'll worry Leopardtongue." Red tabby head bowed and he attempted, gracelessly, to scruff the kitten to carry back. Sunfreckle's movements were slow and he wasn't the fasted of cats at all so he was fully prepared to fail in his efforts if the speedy kit made a dash for it.


  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.


⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ she shrugs at lightstrike, maybe it was cutting windclan's leader too much slack to say she had only just lost her mind. perhaps it was because her antics had hardly caused thunderclan any trouble until now. it wasn't likely to stay that way, this affected all of the clans. aggression or lack thereof, this was a move that was idiotic from all views.

nightbird huffs a morbid laughter at wolfwind's claim that sootstar would next conquer fourtrees, what a sight that would be. "peace only lasts as long as it's convenient, soon enough we'll all be squabbling like kits again." whitelion sounded hopeful that it would have lasted, but everyone seemed to always have something another was willing to die for. that didn't change just because of a split second of hospitality and teamwork.

"wouldn't be surprised. maybe next she'll try the thunderpath, claim that the kills the monsters leave behind are the only things that'll get windclan through leafbare." she could imagine the mindless drones patrolling the snowy tar that separated them from shadowclan. sunfreckle had risen by now, corralling an escaped kit up far past her bed time. "starclan's gotta be haunting her every time she closes her eyes. maybe the next lightning bolt they send down will have better aim."

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

thrushberry sat idly near by the gossiping warriors, not quite close enough that you would assume he's part of the clique, but just enough to listen in on what they were saying.

the tabby had only just been made a warrior within the moon; as young as he was, he wasn't chosen for the gathering yet. by the sounds of it, a good thing too. bloodshed. the tom shuddered at the thought. he'd never physically fought anything, dedicating his time to hunting and bonding instead. he'd never been needed, nor desired for battle knowing how.. squeamish he was. just the thought of bloodshed was enough to send him off ease. needless to say, this is a gathering he felt comfortable missing out on. don't think they'd stake claim on fourtrees, do you?.. maybe she'll try the thunderpath.. the words of sunfreckle and nightbird intrigued thrushberry, who angled his ears towards them to catch their words; though his vision remained trained on something in the distance, pretending he was focused elsewhere. despite his young age and inexperience, he knew who they were talking about. sootstar was the talk of the clans often enough to give him an idea of what exactly they were up against. a tyrannical molly with bees in her brain. a slight frown tugged at the corner of thrush's mouth as he pondered. naively, he wondered, if she was so bad.. why didn't someone just take over?


relax, take it easy, lay down next to me

Talk of the gathering is what lures him over. His mate had been chosen to go but he had opted to stay. With WindClan acting the way they were who in their right minds knew what they were going to do next? He wouldn't put it past the moor land queen to decide that the gathering was the perfect time to strike at the cats who had been left at home. Probably proclaiming something mouse-brained about why she needed the territory for herself. He listens quietly as the others speak, front feet crossed and fluffy tail flicking behind him in a steady motion. Sootstar claiming highstones was just the latest thing in a long spiral into madness. StarClan had sent her a sign, clear as anything. A lightning bolt that had stricken her spot in the gathering. If he was her he would've smartened up immediately after, but she seemed to be doubling down instead. It's like she was just asking for trouble.

He almost does not notice Foxkit, not until he hears Lightstrike chiding her about being up past her bed time. He spares her a glance but he would not add anything on, she had enough adults telling her to go back to her nest as it was, she did not need another.

A snort of laughter escapes his nostrils at the idea that Sootstar would ever lay claim to the thunderpath as well. "You all laugh but with the way things are going I fear it is only a matter of time" its why he had decided to stay behind, after all. He wonders if Sootstar had been this way when she was younger too, when his mother knew her. He wishes he could ask...


What!” Foxkit pouts in dismay when Lightstrike quickly spots her. She had sworn she was well-hidden… Her ears fold, disappointed that she would not be able to stick around and listen in. She didn’t understand much of it… but she knows they speak of the gathering, and the gathering was cool and important! Sunfreckle slowly moves to nudge her in the direction of the nursery, she nudges out of the way in fear he may attempt to pick her up by the scruff. Fine! I’m going, I’m going…” She whines, tail tucked behind her legs as she retreats to the nursery.
  • » Foxkit
    » ThunderClan kit
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
. ° ✦ Careful paws move quietly across the clearing in quick fashion behind his older sister. Though Bravekit is quickly showing promise in his physical size with wide paws and ears, sneaking around with Haze and Fox had helped him stay sneaky enough to get out of the nursery for some fun, but it was never too long until he tripped over himself and tumbled forward to reveal he was always there.

That's exactly what followed as he tumbled head over heels with Foxkit caught only a blink before. He spoke of warrior-time and Bravekits gaze turned up to the sky as if it would spell that out to him in the clouds. The kit gave a huff before shaking his head, as if catching him in a lie.

"It's not warrior time! It's moonhigh, even we know that." But Sunfreckle has already chimed in, despite some of the others not giving them a care. "We just wanna listen! We'll be quiet until Leopardtongue comes to get us, promise!" He tried to bargain with a pleading stare, paws kneading his tail as he wrapped it around himself.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.