other AS THE SKY FALLS (oneshot)


Nov 20, 2023
It has been two moons since Juncoclaw left DuskClan. She never belonged there, under the lead of a a false prophet, with cats she only viewed as competition for Sootstar's grace. In that time, residing in Horseplace where food was plentiful and the company wasn't half bad (loathed as she was to admit it, she grew to like some of them, even the little kitten Harvest who had recently disappeared), she had more than enough time to reflect. Though much of her time was spent daydreaming about what could have been.. an honorable warrior at Sootstar's side, with a mate and kits to raise to honor her queen.. her longing for the past had ebbed away, naturally, as many things do when one grows up. She grew comfortable. She grew weak.

The putrid scent of DuskClan had carried itself closer and closer to WindClan's border - by extension, Horseplace - for too long. Junco, desperate to preserve her safe haven in the barn under a false identity, had become antsy in the past moon. Waiting for the day that she is finally found; that Granitepelt would ambush the Horseplace and bring hell to her new companions; that she is outed for what she really is. A traitor, a liar, a coward.

When she saw their forms in the distance on the full-moon night, Junco was.. terrified.

Junco does not understand why she wants to warn them. Why she, who has sworn against Sunstar and his followers the day of the final battle, would want to save WindClan from a death-filled fate at the hands of Granitepelt. Perhaps it is the nostalgia for her home, which spun the same fear in her the days it was ravaged by fire, the days she could not laugh. Maybe it is her weakness, her adjustment to sharing her space with others in the barn. Or, perhaps.. it lies in a plush pelt and bright blue eyes, that of a soft medicine cat she felt vulnerable for since her apprentice days, who was always a promise of a better life.

Would she sacrifice her life for her?

What feels like hours is spent pacing the doors of Horseplace. If questioned, Junco does not speak. She has been clueless and lost for quite some time, and now battles with the realization that perhaps a sacrifice will see her found. A sacrifice of her faith, all the ever knew and believed in; a sacrifice of her pride, that she should see herself at the mercy of Sunstar.

When the cloud darkens, casting shadows that grow across the moorland, Junco makes her decision.

  • juncokit juncopaw JUNCOCLAW "JUNCO" ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ BARNCAT
    ━━ 13 MOONS,, ages every 21st
    ━━ CASSO xx BUDGE
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | FORMERLY MENTORED by mockinggrin
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | junco is healthy.​
  • 75081289_xM0heZ2Ey6nooMy.png

  • speech is #6a7d8a