AS YOU LIKE IT \ rain nap

Though his primary role was now as a healer, Berryheart had never forgotten the true calling of his soul- his love for indulgence in relaxation. Always had he believed work deserved reward- for what was the point of life if it was simply restless toil? The idea of working himself to a cadaver, experimenting day and night on his herbs in a way that might end up killing him if he tunnelled upon that goal for too long... it was not appealing. Therefore, some herbs successfully gathered, the tom took a moment of sun-high to settle into a patch of ferns. Green and thriving, the sun touched this spot well- it would warm him as long as he lay here... not for too long, of course...

A drip on his nose fluttered uneven eyes open, and around him he heard the soft pattering of rain-fall. It was not torrential- his fur would be sticking to him by now, if it was. A yawn split his awry maw, but he did not rise- in fact, the touch of the sparse rain was soothing, somewhat. It felt as if the heavens might be revitalising him... ensuring he did not sleep too long, while greeting his awakeness with kind spring rain.
The sounds of rain on the leaves around him breaks the tom‘s concentration, a scowl marring his expression. He’s spent all this time tryin’ to track down a bird, only for it to hide away soon as the rain starts. "Gah, this weather’s awful," he grumbles, tipping his chin up to glare at the sky. A raindrop lands directly in his eye, and he squeezes it shut in defense. Damned raindrops.

When he shoves through some ferns with a disgruntled huff, he stumbles upon the still form of the clan’s healer. And by golly, Berryheart would look dead if he didn’t choose that exact moment to pick his heavy head up and let out a jaw-crackin’ yawn. The warrior’s ears flick backward, judgment heavy in his gaze. "You’re sleepin’ in this?" He don’t care if he wakes up the medic, he just wants to know why.
[ tie my bones to the saddle ]