border ASH IN THE SUN [windclanner at the border]

༄༄ Sunstar is dead—or not far from it, at the very least. He is in no shape to lead the clan, to give guidance or to make decisions about what they are to do. Which leaves the problem-solving to the council… and their disagreements keep them all in a deadlock, unable to sway each other one way or another. If they don’t do anything soon, they will not have the time to make their choices—the fire will decide for them what happens to their weak, their vulnerable. They cannot argue forever. But there is no deputy, so there is no higher authority but Sunstar.

There is a point at which Scorchstreak is forced to take matters into her own paws. The fires are spreading steadily across the moorland, and though they dwindle in some places, every WindClanner knows the danger that they pose. Flame may burn itself out when it runs out of grass to eat, but the flower-laden moorland has no shortage of fuel. Already smoke fills the air in and around camp, choking the flowers along with every other source of beauty that the fields once held. The horseplace is the first thought of nearly every lead warrior, but to navigate the fires blocking the way would be too difficult a task, Scorchstreak thinks. What if the dog comes back? What if the twolegs catch them? What if a kit is separated from the rest, and becomes trapped? The risk is too great.

Their borders have each been set alight, it seems, yet there is one place that the fire will certainly not reach—one territory that will be safe. Across the river, a gorge’s width between the flames and their own singed territory… it is the safest place that she can think of to move the clan’s most vulnerable. The warriors can outrun the fires when at last they encroach upon the gorse walls of camp, but the queens, the kits, the elders—stars, Sunstar himself—need to be moved somewhere safe, and quickly. Even now, as she sprints through tunnels in pitch-darkness, the only thought on her mind is that she could be too late. She pays no heed to her stinging pawpads as she pulls herself from the tunnel’s entrance with a huff of breath and continues her dash for the twoleg bridge. Dappled paws touch down hardly a whisker’s width away from the first stone of the bridge, her flanks heaving with effort.

It is a difficult feat, waiting for a RiverClan patrol to pass by. She calls out a hello, but there is no response at first. Each heartbeat that passes is another lick of flame across the moorland, and it feels as though there is no time to waste. But she needs help. WindClan needs help. Scorchstreak cannot risk provoking conflict with RiverClan now. She flicks her tail in a quick greeting as the first faces of a patrol poke their heads through the reeds, thinking over how she will traverse this conversation.

She knows how she would react if someone approached WindClan’s border and demanded to speak to Sunstar without explanation; still, no warrior can give permission for what she requests. "I come alone, and in peace. I need to speak with Smokestar—as quickly as possible." She looks across the faces of the RiverClanners who greet her, seeking approval, acceptance. Or worse, anger, denial. She would not blame them for telling her to haul herself away from the bridge and back into WindClan’s territory. "Please," she adds, quickly. She is sure that she looks haggard, her normally stoic mask so plainly beginning to crack, but for once she does not feel shame for such a display.

This… this is worth begging for. Worth groveling for. This is worth digging a hole all the way to the deepest badger pit and leaving her pride to die in it. Her clanmates may despise her for asking aid of RiverClan, but she will not see them burn. She will not see more lives lost when they could be saved. But it is out of her paws, now, left to the whims of RiverClan’s warriors and their leader.

When Sunstar spoke of the fires he had not expected to see sunset colors burning across a field in the distance, smoke rising so thick to form dark clouds and blocking out the sky with its choking. Other clans struggles hardly mattered to him for the most part, RiverClan had its own problems and he wasn't inclined to be a bleedingheart and offer aid to any cat who pitifully glanced his way like a nosy ThunderClanner might. But he couldn't deny the way his fur prickled and he grew more and more concerned by the trouble so obviously brewing across the gorge. The very gorge that protected RIverClan from the flames that overtook the moors. You could even see the smoke from their camp if you were at an angle enough between the trees to get a good view of the skyline. He had been staring at it when Foxtail and Troutsnout approached, both breathless and with news. A WindClanner at the bridge.
That bridge had seen so much in its time between borders, a skirmish over a rabbit that took his eye, a battle between clans in retribution for lives lost, a carefree swim among three very different groups on the cusp of newleaf's arrival. The dark tom rose stiffly to follow the two warriors, single amber eye narrowed to find not a patrol but a lone cat awaiting them, her patchwork black and ginger pelt mockingly matching the very inferno behind her.

"Scorchstreak." He is familiar with her enough, one of the cats who had brought back Lungwort, one his own lead warriors had vouched to be worth humoring regardless of clan loyalty. Though he was loathed to put any time or interest into WindClan, he was not so foolish as to disregard voices more knowledgable than his on a cat's character. Iciclefang and Ferngill had both spoken somewhat highly of the tunneler lead, it was perhaps for that reason alone his hackles were not raised at first sight of her. Perhaps also because he could see the fear and desperation so evidence in eyes the same color as his own. "...what in StarClan is happening?"

  • Mini Patrol- @FOXTAIL & @Troutsnout
    Apprentice Tags- @BEEPAW & @CICADAPAW

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


Curiosity couldn't help but itch at Moonpaw as she listened to the words that Troutsnout and Foxtail spoke, ears flicking for a moment before she watched her leader stand and move, heading towards the border that the single WindClanner currently reside, waiting to see if he were to show up. When he began to move, Moonpaw couldn't help but follow, curiosity getting the better of her as the white medicine cat apprentice followed behind the older tom, coming to a stop silently a tail-length away from him.

Ears pricked as she looked towards the WindClanner, soft frown gracing her face as she saw the fear within gold eyes, and Moonpaw cast her own towards Smokestar as he spoke to ask what was happening. As she wait for the answer she knew would be quick to come she couldn't help but look at the smoke and hazy sky behind the tunneler before quickly looking away - she couldn't bare to look for too long.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

reed had been drawing a paw over his ear lazily when he found his ears pricked at the sound of alarmed, hushed voices. the tom had quickly rose to his feet to track out after his leader and the cats that followed, wasting no time to hurry to where the aforementioned windclanner waited at the bridge. as they approached, he noted the alarm in the other clan cat’s eyes and voice, but he didn’t allow that to waver his exterior. he kept a rigid face, unable to keep his dark pelt from a slight bristle- it was difficult to act calm when all he felt was hostility for the other clans. the large dark tabby lingered off to the side, positioned in a way he could pounce if the windclanner made a move towards smokestar, moonpaw, or any of his clanmates. surprisingly, reedstrike kept his trap shut, he had enough respect for his leader to make any snarky remarks. if anything, smokestar had already asked the most important question and all reed needed to do was stay alert.

for a slight moment, his amber eyes broke away from the feline in front of them and he was confronted with the sight behind her. inferno blazed across the moors, a black smog filling the sky and he realized he had been so intently focused on the threat before him he hadn’t realized the larger one in the distance. he coughed, his throat and lungs only used to the occasional bit of water, never such a nasty smoke. glancing across the stretch of the moor before focusing back on the situation directly in front of him, an unfamiliar anxiety filled reedstrike - why was windclan still on fire? he had figured it wasn’t that serious of a situation and was only a brief event. reed felt a twinge of worry for the bright windclan apprentice he had met at the gathering, where sunstar had briefly spoken of the peril windclan was facing. he forced himself to remain stoic in the face of another clan but his insides were in turmoil. what did this mean for riverclan?

  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed
Last edited:
Foxtail can smell the smoke from the blaze, even all the way from here. As he pads back to the twoleg bridge with Smokestar ahead of him and Troutsnout, shivers run down his spine as he watches that thick, dense cloud of smoke paint more of the sky. Most RiverClanners are distrustful of WindClan after everything they've done, even he feels tense around them, but he saw the desperation... the fear in Scorchstreak's golden eyes. She spoke quickly to him & Troutsnout— without a doubt it was quite the surprise to find the sole WindClan warrior at the twoleg bridge. It isn't every day a WindClanner comes in peace, begging to speak with Smokestar. But StarClan they can see the smoke from here!

This must be the blaze Sunstar spoke about at the gathering. The fire feeds on the grassy moors, and he's positive the breeze made that fire worse. ...He can feel his heart racing as the patrol reaches the twoleg bridge, relieved to see the WindClan lead warrior waiting there. In the minutes they were gone, it feels like the smoke in the sky has gotten darker. That fire is only getting stronger, isn't it? What if the breeze leads it to RiverClan? Should they be concerned about this blaze endangering their territory? Smokestar speaks up, voicing out the concerns that Foxtail had on his mind. What is going on? Why is WindClan burning down? It isn't just a concern for WindClan, a fire does not care about the invisible borders the five clans follow— it will continue to spread destruction and pain. He nervously waits for the WindClanner to address Smokestar, trying to ignore the burning moors in the background.

  • apprentice ping @PEBBLEPAW
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    18 moons

The scent of smoke, dirt and Windclan made her head foggy. Her and Foxtail had been the first to discover Scorchstreak, her appearance disheveled and clearly in a panic. The Windclan lead warrior's voice was weak and willing to plead to Riverclan, which they openly despised. She knew that the Windclanner wouldn't do anything to trespass their borders or harm them, the sight of smoke could be seen in the distance and clearly she wouldn't risk taking the chances of ruining whatever she openly needed to ask Smokestar. Her concern is shared the same as Foxtail, but they were safer than the other clans from the raging path of destruction. The only thing that connected them was the bridge— that was the only way that Riverclan could fall to the grasp of the fires that consumed the moors.

The familiar dark coat of Reedstrike catches her attention as she follows behind Smokestar, her gaze lingering a moment before stripping away and towards the darkened heavens. Was the sun being devoured temporarily a testament to the disaster happening to Windclan? Her head throbs at the thought, raising an ivory paw to her temple as her cobalt gaze closes momentarily. There was so much that was going on and she couldn't seem to keep it settled on one thing before another issue in the forest bloomed once more. Would there ever be a moment of peace without chaos breaking out throughout the clans? A faint sigh leaves her lips at her wish for every clan to have a rest from destruction and she glances at Moonpaw who had followed along them to hear the news.


I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — The bicolored molly follows her mentor closely with her snout scrunching up at the smell of burning and her eyes lock onto the sight of Scorchstreak seeing the smoke and hazy sky. In all the moons that she and her littermates had been alive, she had never experienced such a thing and its enough to make the fur on her body prickle in the slightest but continues to watch through narrowed pupils. She spares her littermate a quick glance wondering how he felt about the sight before them and the molly that had arrived to them begging to see Smokestar, her ear flicks and tail sweep behind her with slight unease. She bumps her shoulder gently against Moonpaw's trying to comfort her friend and continued to remain silent waiting for Scorchstreak to speak up, it makes her wonder if her father would aid the Windclanners and allow them a place to stay or go help.

  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

( ) padding with haste beside his mentor, pebblepaw wrinkles his nose at the scent of acrid smoke wafting from the direction of the border. an ember haze hangs in the air, reddening the landscape and casting the territory into a thick shadow. just beyond the border, a scarred calico woman waits, eyes wide to bursting. his own flaming gaze turns towards his uncle as the dark man begins to speak, tone hurried and invested.

as pebblepaw awaits the news from the windclanner, he glances beside him at his cousins, who appear as confused and worried as he does. moonpaw gazes at smokestar with worry as well, and the boy watches as beepaw presses into the medicine cat apprentice, an obvious attempt to comfort.

  • // " #E6CCA5"

  • pebblepaw.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

༄༄ The patrol that greets her agrees to fetch their leader, earning them all a grateful flicker of the tunneler’s dappled tail. "Thank you," she says, sincerity billowing from her muzzle in an echo of the smoke that rises behind her. The cats take their leave, and when they return is is with their dark-furred leader at their helm. She dips her head to the tom, her dark ear flicking in greeting. "Smokestar." This is no time or place for pleasantries, and so she does not engage in them. Instead, she answers Smokestar’s question with as much concision as she can muster.

"Surely Sunstar has told you—" or surely you have noticed, "that WindClan is burning. Fires burn at each of our borders, save this one." This border, where Smokestar himself had dragged Cottonpaw onto the bridge and sparked a battle. This border, where they have only recently finished construction of a tunnel meant to keep a close eye on their neighbors. The bitterness that lies between the two clans is what gives her pause now. Can an olive branch be extended after so many moons of mutual distrust? "The warriors can attempt to save our camp. But the others… we have kits by the pawful, and plenty of queens. The river and the gorge will keep the fire at bay, and so I am here to ask if you would allow them to shelter here, only until the fires have passed." Her gaze sweeps across the RiverClanners who have steadily joined their leader’s side; what do they think of her, now? Will they gloat? Will they urge Smokestar to turn her away?

No. They can’t. With Sunstar gone, and the council torn, there is no other option. She has taken matters into her own paws, and that very decision may bring about WindClan’s downfall if Smokestar refuses. "I know—I understand—that my word means nothing to you, but I swear to you that WindClan means you no harm. If you say no, then we will find another solution. I would not fault you for it."
A clear struggle began to ripple across his face, jaw tightening and nose wrinkling as he fought back the immediate reflex to scowl at the audacity. Across the gorge, in his clan territory-the only spot he can think to house an entire clan is the Beech Copse. The very place WindClan had once attacked them in the dead of night, took advantage of their flooded camp to trespass and draw blood and even lives. So many of the clan had been injured, Clearsight had been killed, the meager constructs of nests and dens they had made were destroyed and left their queens, kits and sick exposed to the elements and then weakened in the aftermath they had lost Sunningrocks to ThunderClan. He had every right to say no, he WANTED to say no instinctually.
To say he could care less if WindClan burned was an understatement, since Sootstar’s time they had been enemies without question and not a single shred of peace reigned between them. Did he doubt Sunstar capable of breaking from that ashen shadow? Hardly. But even though his thoughts roar at him to deny this and let the moorland rats burn a memory bubbles to the surface of ThunderClan’s camp ablaze and the cries of kittens and trapped apprentices - it echoes the very sounds of panic and fear that once rang within RiverClan during the flood a year ago when their dens collapsed and nearly drowned their youth.
His own misgivings aside, could he turn away knowing he was letting kittens burn - he’d heard the litters spoken at each gathering, he knew WindClan too had several. He grits his teeth so hard it's a wonder they don’t crack under the pressure.
For once, Smokestar pushes his paranoid logic away, a decision needs to be made now and hesitating for longer than the several seconds his mind raced with outrage would condemn WindClan without question.
His reply to Scorchstreak’s plea comes in a snapping of orders, “Moonpaw, with me-you know what herbs are most important to help their medicine cats grab. Foxtail, remain here at the bridge, when the WindClanners come direct them to the other side. We’ll lead them to the Beech Copse once everyone is out. Pebblepaw, run to camp and let Lichentail know what's happening so she can make arrangements.” And to give her warning in advance of what he just did because he could already hear the griping about it. The dark tom steps forward onto the wooden slats of the bridge, a season ago he once lay upon this very spot on the edge of death and bleeding out and now he was about to let the very clan who did it cross into his territory. ‘StarClan do not play me like a fool for this.’ Single amber gaze bore into the WindClan tunneler as he frowned, “Lead the way, my patrol and I will assist.”

  • Ooc- RiverClanners who posted in this thread but were not assigned to something else (aka Foxtail & Pebblepaw's bridge job) will be heading to WindClan to help them escape, please don't make any threads for it as Scorchstreak (Foxlore) will be making the thread later-I'll toss it in channels when I see it!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.