ash's spectacular scheme || kits bein naughty

Aug 1, 2022

it's a long way forward, so trust in me

Two glass-green eyes widen in concentration, black pupils dilating. The tiny orange kitten focuses hard on the medicine den; inside lies a tantalizing collection of mysterious plants and cobwebs and other such trinkets. The medicine den has fascinated Ash because she's never allowed in it! Last time she tried to mess with the mystery plants, Beesong said some of them were poisonous. Which is the most exciting thing ever, so now she has to play with some.

Now, there are a lot of ways Ash might resolve this issue. For example, she could get sick or hurt so then she'd HAVE to be in the medicine den a bunch. Ash has spent a long, long, long, long time (like at LEAST ten minutes) ruminating over her options, and at last she has concocted her plan: Ash's Spectacular Scheme.

"Okay," she whispers to Gill. They're crouched in a patch of reeds at the edge of camp, which is Part One of Ash's Spectacular Scheme. She really has to be very clever these days because there are so many grown-ups telling her not to do things. They'll scold her and scruff her and drag her back to the nursery because "that's dangerous, Ash." Very silly of them really. Don't they know about Having Fun, the most highly-prioritized priority of all time?

"First I'ma cause a distraction. A real big one." This is Part Two of Ash's Spectacular Scheme. It's critically dependent on her ability to be very, very, VERY loud. So it should go fine.

Now for Part Three. "Then, while everybody's distracted, Gill, you're up. Your part of the plan is to sneak into the medicine den and get an herb. Or even two or three herbs. Make sure you get the really cool-looing ones, okay? This is a matter of highest priority. The fate of our afternoon rests on your shoulders. Are you in?"

As an afterthought, because Gill probably deserves some warning, she adds, "Oh! And some of them are super deadly poisonous! So be careful!"

i'll give them shelter like you've done for me

  • feel free to throw your cats in (whether to partake in the troublemaking or stop them in their tracks) once @GILL. has posted <3

    the herbs are NOT poisonous btw, beesong has just said that to ash as a joke and she believes him with her entire soul
  • - three moons old
    - will bite you
    - will put nettles in your nest
    - latches onto anyone who shows her affection
    - she's trying her best, i swear

Black-and-white sits beside orange. Both are hidden by long, overhanging reed stalks at the edge of camp. Sunny gaze is set forward, following a path the sea-glass gaze next to him takes. The two are staring at the medicine den - a new concept for the kit, but a fascinating one all the same.

He hasn't been an 'official' RiverClanner for long, but he's been doing his best to settle, to make more friends within the group. And, Ash and whatever she was always scheming up was the perfect opportunity to form another new friendship!

Gill carefully listens to the orange kit's words, her plan unfolding with each syllable she utters. It seems quite simple - she causes a distraction, Gill sneaks into the medicine den, grabs a few leaves, and then sneaks back out. He isn't quite sure why Ash is so interested in the herbs Beesong stores in his den, but, maybe he can find something interesting to keep for himself, too! He was all in.

That is, until Ash mentions that some of the herbs might be poisonous. He tears his gaze away from the medicine den to look at her, eyes wide in concern.

"I'll do it, b-but, but how do I know which one's are p-poisonous?" he asks. He doesn't want to give Ash anything poisonous! That could ruin their friendship! It would be best to know which ones he's not allowed to get, so he can choose which ones are the coolest from the rest of them!
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Beesong had jokingly told Ash that some of his herbs are poisonous in hopes that she wouldn't mess with them... Instead, it seems to do the opposite.

He's padding back towards his makeshift storage, a couple thyme leaves grasped between his teeth, when the voices of children drift to him. Beesong's nose wrinkles, recognizing one as Ash immediately. It seems to come from a clump of reed nestled near his small collection, and with a sneaking suspicion of what the children are up to, Beesong sets down the bundle of thyme outside of his storage and sneaks over to the reeds on lightweight paws. With ears pricked, he listens in on their conspiratorial whispering, stifling a small laugh at Ash's grand plan. Children are so funny...

With an idea brewing in their mind, they stalk to the back of the reed cluster, bobbed tail twitching with anticipation. As quietly as they can, they slowly poke their head through the stalks, glancing between the two kits in front of them with a grin. "That sounds like a great plan," they chime in as if they'd been apart of the conversation the entire time. "You think it'll work?"
Fox only watches Beesong approach the kits from a small distance. She wears a soft, nostalgic smile, remembering her flank brushing against her siblings' as they prepare to wreak havoc in their tiny marsh camp home. Her heart stings -- is Froggy behaving? Is Rocky eating enough? Is Dizzy keeping an eye on them? Is Ivy being nice to the others?

She tucks her tail around her paws and stares at the ground. You're the one who decided to do this. No one made you. It's almost as though her internal voice has taken on the soft, weathered edge Dewdrop's had in life. Exhausted with a core of wisdom and attitude.

The thought makes her smile. She's forgotten about the conspiratorial gleam in the kits' faces already. Instead, she decides it might be nice if she offers to play with them. She fluffs her tail out behind her and begins to pad forward, golden eyes trained on Ash and Gill. "Plan? Can I be part of it?" She shifts her gaze from Beesong to the little ones. Already, that big sisterly ache is beginning to gnaw at her chest -- oh, how she's missed the feeling!


It would not be long before more shrill voices of young kits joined the troublemakers' in the nursery – Ice could barely sleep comfortably without drooling all over her nest these days as she wondered why it had been so much easier when it was just Lily... Perhaps, an inner voice chuckled, perhaps because that had only been one kit?

She was constantly tired, maw opening more often into a huge yawn and many a day she'd spent lounging by the river, hoping its soothing burbling would entice her unborn kits to the life of a RiverClanner. Currently, the tricoloured molly was making her way back to the nursery when her eyes caught the whispering forms of Ash and Gill – herbs and poisonous were two of the words that made her pause in her tracks.

But then, the presence of Beesong himself reassured her that it was just kits being kits - and of course he would never keep anything poisonous just in reach of tiny eager kit paws! Keeping her laughter to herself, she sidled over, peering over young Fox's ears – "Would I be too obvious in any plan of yours?" The queen gestured to her round belly. "I could also stand guard of course!"


Gill jumps at the sound of a new voice, head turning to face the one cat that absolutely shouldn't have heard their plan - Beesong. Of course, Beesong would be the one to foil their plan!

"O-oh," Gill squeaks out, a dejected tone in his voice as he looks over at Ash. What now? The plan was ruined! How would he be able to get her any of the cool leaves she requested? How could they be friends now? Maybe he could give Ash a rock instead - it seemed less likely to get ruined than leaves did. After all, leaves can dry out, or get wet and mushy - rocks didn't do that! Perhaps he can find a super cool one for her!

After Beesong comes Fox, and after Fox comes Ice. Both seem to want to be part of the plan too, but how can they want to be part of a plan that's ruined? He doesn't understand!

"Y-you'll have to ask Ash," he tells them, so they won't be upset about not being able to be part of such a failed plan, "Ash... Ash is real good at making plans!" Or, at least, Gill thinks so. He isn't quite sure if she's all too good with the actual execution part, but the scheming? The scheming Gill thinks Ash is good at.
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it's a long way forward, so trust in me

Ash squeaks when Beesong appears-- she registers his words before his title, thinking the kits have landed themselves an accomplice, and she's halfway through a response when she realizes the problem here.

"Okay," the kitten says, her voice deadly serious, "this is perfect. Thank you for vol-en-teer-ing." She says the word slowly, sounding out each syllable. "I'll still be the distraction team, of course, but Gill will need help carrying... Beesong's...... herbs." She trails off, mouth open, because oh. Oh, this is Beesong. Oh. Oops.

Hmm. This is a problem. How does she get Beesong to steal from themself? They sure seem to want to, but she's not sure about the logistics of this one.

Then Fox and Ice appear too. Hmm. More people is good. Especially if they're grown-ups, because grown-ups always look like they're supposed to be doing things and they don't get in trouble very much. They are very good assets when they're not being silly dumb-dumbs.

"Don't worry, Gill," says Ash. "I've got it all figured out!"

"Okay. Fox. You're gonna be part of the distraction team, okay? So when I fall over and start dying, you gotta yell, OH NO! ASH IS DYING! to make sure the distraction works and get EVERYBODY'S attention."

"And Icesparkle, yeah, you should stand guard. You are just perfect for this job. If someone walks close by and looks like they might catch Beesong and Gill--" (stealing from Bee's own herb pile? Does that even count as getting caught? Oh well, better safe than sorry) "--you gotta yell, uh. Hmm. We need a code phrase. Any ideas...?"

i'll give them shelter like you've done for me

  • ooc text goes here
  • - three moons old
    - will bite you
    - will put nettles in your nest
    - latches onto anyone who shows her affection
    - she's trying her best, i swear