Ask Johnnyflame! [Mentor Q&A]

Feb 14, 2023


Hi everyone!

So, I wanted Johnnyflames apprentices (current and future) to have a good idea of what an apprenticeship under him would be like. As much as I intend to try and convey that IClY, there's a lot that goes into mentoring that might not get covered as in depth as it needs to be, and so I wanted to create this Q&A page for Johnny where his apprentices (or anyone else who has a mentor related question for him) can post to get an idea of his reaction/thoughts/vibes with something.

It's kind of hard to explain because I suck at that, but check out the next post for an idea of what I mean and feel free to post any relevant questions you might want answered!

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What is Johnnys stance on Twolegs?--
Stay away from them. As much as some Skyclanner will deny it, twolegs and cats are a lot alike in Johnnys opinion- you've got good ones, and you've got bad ones. He's seen and heard of twolegs doing some pretty despicable things to each other and animals before, but he's also seen and heard of just as many going out of their way to help and comfort rather than inflict pain. At the end of the day though it's always a gamble, and you should never approach a twoleg that you or someone you trust can't vouch for.

How does Johnny feel about new joiners?--
Johnny is optimistic about newcomers. He never advocates for outright tearing another cat down or rejecting them just because of where they've come from or what skills they might currently have. What he looks for when it comes to passing judgement on newbies is how hard they're willing to work to prove they want to be there. Clan life isn't for everyone, and that goes for forestborn and kittypet alike. Not every feline that shows up at the border will have the drive or moral integrity needed to function in a clan setting, and ultimately it's that which determines how they'll be seen in Johnnys eyes.

What are the main values Johnny would teach his apprentices?--
Johnny is really big on three things; hard work, loyalty, and doing the right thing. There are a lot of clans living out here that rely on a lot of things, but these are the traits he considers to be most important to a Skyclanner. Johnny is a cat of action and believes that they often speak louder than words, so it isn't enough to just say your a warrior, but you have to act like a warrior as well. Any cat who isn't willing to put the time or effort into clanlife doesn't deserve to be there. Loyalty is no less important, because the entire point of being in a clan is to have each others backs even if it's a cat your not particularly fond of; because if you can't rely on the cat standing beside you the next time your out on patrol, then you might as well be patrolling by yourself. And doing what's right? Well, that's just common sense, and Johnny isn't above looking the other way if rules are broken for the right reason. You should always still expect to be punished for rule-breaking though regardless of intent, because that's how law and order works.

What is a typical day of training like with Johnny?-- Well, Johnnyflame typically leaves his twolegs nest around dawn when his humans leave for work. He'll arrive at camp just in time for the dawn patrols to go out, and if he and his apprentices aren't assigned to one then they start their day with a light workout- usually along the borders, or maybe some rock-hopping over at the Rockpile. Throughout the day they're usually kept busy between training sessions, border patrols, hunts, typical apprentice stuff, but it should be noted that Johnny isn't a harsh mentor. Unless his apprentice is in trouble, he'll often find time for them to still go and do kid stuff with their friends.

How does Johnny react to a disobedient apprentice?--
While typically Johnny prides himself in being a good-natured and open minded cat, his respect for an individual only goes as far as they're willing to give in return. You'll find that his easy-going grins and patient suggestions will quickly be swapped in for stern frowns and firm commands. Johnny has no problem playing the bad guy in a situation if he has to, especially with those who don't seem to be putting in any effort to remedy the issue at all. Lazy, defiant, aggressive, or disinterested apprentices won't find the bobtail to all that pleasant at all.

How seriously does Johnny take the rules?--
For the most part, Johnny takes them fairly seriously and will convey to his apprentices the importance of following them. However, that being said, Johnny isn't above breaking said rules if he feels he has a truly good reason to do so. This is reserved for extremes though, and it should be noted that Johnny does understand the meaning of the words 'actions have consequences', even if he doesn't always act like it.

Pay Your Debts & Settle Your Scores--
Johnny is big on the whole 'treat others how you'd want to be treated' thing. It's why he tries to let every stranger start off with a clean slate and basic respect, building out from there. Do good by him and he'll do good by you. Cross him, and he'll cross you back. This isn't something he would necessarily teach so much as it's something his apprentices might naturally pick up over time. Those who help Johnny out or show him respect, be they Skyclanners or not, are typically given the same in return. And those who fuck around, find out.

What does Johnnyflame think about apprentices that might lack 'traditional' skills like fighting or hunting? Can they still be warriors?--
Absolutely. Johnnyflame is a firm believer that a cats worth as a clanmate isn't measured by something as shallow as well they can fight or climb a tree. Every individual will have strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to your mentor to discover and nurture them so that the apprentice can use them to benefit their clan. If a mentor ever tells an apprentice they're 'too weak', then it's a failure on the mentors part.

What are his thoughts on Daylight Warriors?--
Johnny doesn't really tret them any differently than a normal joiner. He always emphasizes how difficult and dangerous it can be since not every cat knows what they're signing up for, but if they're willing and want to train, he's happy to have them aboard. To hate daylight warriors for their split lives is the equivalent of throwing away extra help just because. And to Johnny, that's a very poor strategic move. His opinion on this really only changes when it becomes apparent that the daylight warrior is just there to leech off clan resources- eating their prey and not hunting, skipping out on patrols to sleep in or laze about, refusing to train or to participate in daily chores. When they take more than they give, that's when it becomes an issue- but he would say this about []any[/i] cat who tried to take advantage of the system, be they clanborn, loner, or kittypet.

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