pafp asking it for closure | open

RiverClan had set up a temporary spot for their camp while the other filled with the very river itself. The small area by the gorge was not ideal, he disliked being so near WindClan’s border, but it was the best they could do for the time being and about as dry and secure as it came. The rest of the territory was melted snow and too clustered with trees to make a good location; having an open area meant it was easier to guard and see when things happened across them that might otherwise be a danger. Smokethroat found himself longing for the luxury of the warm nest back in the willow tree, a comfort he had only gotten to enjoy for a single night before the river thought his peace was otherwise unwarranted and swilled upward to take it from him. Horrid waters, he gazed out across them every day wondering their current mood and often times being surprised by how wrong he was. The river took as much as it gave, often times more and he could not help but feel out of touch with it from time to time; as if it were plotting something against him. The dark tom shook his head and turned his focus back to shredding moss for nesting, a task he had not wanted to do but what needed to be done all the same. The extra padding would keep their temporary nests warmer, the bodies of their fellows would do the rest; it was uncomfortable but it worked. His focus remained on his tedious work, paws kneading and claws shredding until the faintest bubble of a sob rose up and popped near his ear, instinctively Smokethroat looked over, fully turning to compensate for his missing eye and spotting the morose and hunched form of Darkpaw sitting not too far from the edge of the temporary home-turned from him to face where the camp once was. It was hard for the younger cats, he imagined the kits enjoyed the surprise excitement to a degree but the apprentices knew the stakes were much higher than they seemed. With a sigh he broke from his task, a paw waved to encourage a nearby warrior to take over as he approached the despondent young tom.
"Darkpaw, was that you? What is it? What happened?" Had he hurt his paw escaping the flood waters as Ashpaw had? Was he cold?

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darkpaw couldn't believe it. in the midst of all that chaos, fleeing the camp that their river had overtaken, he'd left his pebble. his special pebble, which starclan bestowed upon him as a small kitten. gone! he'd been so careless, now starclan's pebble might be lost forever, washed away by the raging waters. what if starclan stopped watching over riverclan because of his stupid mistake?! what if darkpaw single-handedly destroyed the future of his clan?! could starclan even watch riverclan with their blessing gone astray?!

the young boy lets out a sob, and he turns to look forlornly back in the direction they'd came from; towards starclan's watery tomb. how could he forget? perhaps the conflict with windclan had more of an impact on his soul than he had imagined. maybe this is his punishment, eternal darkness for his clan without starclan's blessing.

he nearly jumps out of his own fur when smokethroat speaks up next to him. sniffling and wiping the budding tears from his two-toned eyes, darkpaw turns to the lead warrior with a hiccup. "i-i, my pebble... starclan's pebble, i-" shame burns beneath the surface of his cheeks, his ears flattening, half-expecting the stern warrior to reprimand him for his negligence. how could you leave behind starclan's pebble?! darkpaw imagines smokethroat hissing. "i left it! i, i forgot to grab it when we were leaving! and, and now- and now-" the lanky apprentice breaks down into a fit of forceful weeping, his words completely unintelligible as he blubbers incoherently. without thinking, darkpaw would try to bury himself into smokethroat's chest, dampening the lead warrior's fur with his sobs if successful.

i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry! he never intended to bring riverclan to ruin!