at peace | whiskey


ravenous / 2.25.24
Nov 2, 2022
A ghost among men, Banshee often drifted from shadowy crevice to shadowy crevice, her burning eyes always bright but never quite adjusted to light. She was a sensitive creature, a wicked blade for her chosen leader but far too often detached from most goings-on. Oh yes, she followed the call of her lord and she respected the whims of her people, but she was so... odd... in the way that she did not form attachments to them. They simultaneously her entire purpose for existing and also the most insignificant of beasts - perhaps aside from her champion.

And yet she broke her fast this morning alongside one of her own, abruptly settling down beside @Whiskey with a bird in her mouth, cherry-red eyes transfixed on the younger tom. "Will you feast with me today, little prince?" She asked in her typical monotone, though her unblinking gaze seemed almost... expectant.
- you call for peace when it suits you

Whiskey — We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
The chill of winter threatened them further every single day. With the concrete becoming icey, numbing paws from even walking the territory a little bit, and there seemed to be lack of food as well. Whiskey though couldn't keep out of his mind about those clan cats. The forest cats never wanted anything to do with them, never came to their aid or accepted them as a valid part of the forest, and now they wanted others to join? It was rather insane if you ask him. They must be desperate for something if they were willing to put up such a promise to so many cats.

Fur brushed chocolate tortie coat and caused the youn tomcat to jump in his place; fur bristling and claws out as if on edge for an attack. Then seemed to calm down upon seeing who it was that plopped down beside him- Banshee. The odd she-cat was something of a mystery for Whiskey, but one he didn't mind sitting beside for the moment- eve more so for food.

"Afternoon, Banshee, nearly skinned me there," Whiskey drawled a bit to the white colored cat, murky green eyes meeting bright crimson for a moment before looking down to the food, "Feast huh? What is there to celebrate?" Those velvety green hues twitched his tail a bit before tugging the food over to take a small bite, then pushed it back towards Banshee. "speech"
The phantom allowed herself a delicate nibble at the dove's wing before answering her companion's question. "We have been visited by the blessed ones." She droned out, the subtlest hint of mockery coloring her words. Her tongue swiped across her maw gingerly. "The forest clans whose names were gifted to them by the stars - gods among leeches." She had heard stories through the grapevine, whispers upon lolling tongues, hushed and reverent as if the clan cats would bear down upon the speaker for even a perceived sleight.

"Today we feast, for our blessed neighbors and perhaps tomorrow.... we feast on them..." She offered this with a wolfish grin.
- you call for peace when it suits you

Whiskey — We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
A snort came from the tortie tomcat with a flick of his lion-like tail, "Perhaps we could, they would make fine meat," Forest cats where strong, well fed and bred for excellence- they would make the tasiest of meals. Whiskey took a small bite of the dove and hummed as he chewed on the stringy meat for a moment, "I do hope Gin doesn't give into their demands. They have chased us out for moons, now they want us? Sounds suspcious to me even if they feed us for the winter," The chocolate cat waved his tail back and forth behind him with a small shrug, "What happens after winter? Are we just going to be chased off once again?" "speech"