private At Skyfall // Fireflypaw

What could he even say? It’s a question that keeps plaguing Drizzlepelt’s mind as he worries for everyone in the clan. Everyone is grieving Blazestar in their own way, but other than Bobbie, one cat comes to his mind. Fireflypaw…

There’s only so much he’s seen of the apprentice lately, and he witnessed his reaction first hand. He immediately grew worried for the seal point, and as soon as it feels like there’s any room to breathe, he knows what he has to do. What kind of friend would he be otherwise?

Drizzlepelt takes a peek into the medicine den, happy to not see Dawnglare for the moment. Despite his grievances, he hopes the medicine cat is well. But that’s not who he’s here to see right now. As soon as his eyes lay on the seal point’s form, tears start welling up in his eyes. Not yet… “Fireflypaw…” he gasps, voice coming out shakily.​
He's thankful that Dawnglare is away from the medicine den grieving right now, leaving him to his lonesome in the back of the medicine den to sniffle and snort as he thinks back on the times he had with his father. Blazestar was his idol, the very air he breathed- when he lost Blazestar, he had lost a part of himself. He only had Howlfire left, only had his siblings and family in ThunderClan- they wanted nothing to do with him, though.

Fireflypaw.. It's gasped, shaky- Fireflypaw takes a moment to wipe his tears from his face before he turns to face the direction of the calling voice. Drizzlepelt's scent wafts to his nose, and he plasters on a small smile for the tom. Hefty paws carry the seal point through the piles of nests with ease, tail trailing against the side of the den to make sure he didn't bump into anyone. "What is it, Drizzlepelt? Is everything okay?" He asks softly, deepened voice like sweet baritone. His cheeks are damp from the tears he has shed, but he must stay strong for his clanmates. Especially those who admired his father.​
Drizzlepelt’s crying stops briefly as Fireflypaw identifies him almost immediately- it shouldn’t shock him, as he needs to rely on smell more, but it still hits him. Briefly, it makes him feel…noteworthy. Like his life here isn’t a fluke, and all the pain was worth it. Fireflypaw might not be his father, but he means so much to him too.

Seeing the medicine cat trying his hardest not to cry in front of him moves him even more. Drizzlepelt is the most vulnerable cat he knows, so he wouldn’t mind at all if Fireflypaw teared up. It would almost make him feel better. “…How are you so strong?” Drizzlepelt finally asks, after considering what to say. He’s so much stronger than him…​
How are you so strong?

It's a question that sends him into thought for a few moments, for even he doesn't know the answer to that. His tail wraps close to his body as wide blue eyes stare towards the direction of Drizzlepelt. He continues to think for a few more moments before he smiles, awkwardly. "..Because I have to. For the Clan, for my sister. For Dawnglare. I have to be strong for all of you. My duty is to support all of you even when I'm struggling myself." He smiles again, this time more genuine as he places a paw clumsily out to try and pat at Drizzlepelt's shoulder. His dear friend was sensitive, and so was Fireflypaw, but he couldn't imagine being a warrior having to lose his leader. Something about it just made it seem.. Worse, almost.

Fireflypaw blinks a few stray tears away, gesturing for the tom to follow him outside of the medicine den to sit beside the hazel bush instead. Giving some privacy and quiet to his patients was always the best. "When my father died, he took a part of me with him." Fireflypaw admits with a sad smile, a paw drawing up to wipe tears from his face. He was always an ugly crier. "My mother dying took a big chunk of me, as well. And then.. Berryheart. I feel like family has always mattered the most to me, and now I'm starting to lose them." He hiccups softly, leaning into his friend's shoulder for comfort.​
Drizzlepelt looks down, realizing how silly his question actually was. Of course, he has to be. That’s the entire point of Fireflypaw being a medicine cat. But it’s not like he asked to have this life… he wonders briefly if the seal point ever regrets how his future turned out. But that’s not important right now, is it?

“Don’t be afraid to let it out, though. You can always come to me.” And it’s something he feels very deeply, as well. They might not talk as much as they used to when they were both younger, but he cares so much for Fireflypaw. Though, a lot of cats do, huh? The thought makes him feel a little better as Fireflypaw tries to comfort him.

Luckily, his words are immediately taken to heart. At his beckoning, Drizzlepelt follows the medicine cat apprentice outside to continue this conversation. He listens intently, ears drooping as Fireflypaw admits that losing so much family is deeply affecting him. The blue tabby might not understand, but he’s happy to provide any comfort he can.

Drizzlepelt leans his head in as Fireflypaw cries into his shoulder, and he licks his head in a comforting manner. “I don’t know what it’s like, but I do know that they cared for you deeply. Even if losing family is a part of life, it’s still not fair, huh?” He gives an empty chuckle. “It’s not fair.” He thinks to how he will feel when Duskpool dies, when Bobbie dies. It won’t be pretty.​