private At some level I think I understood |Florabreeze| that these hands of mine are clumsy, not clever


It's not work. Not if it's you.
Oct 23, 2023

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It was raining. Was it raining? Her breath came out quick, pained, like gasps. Flickers in the dark. The grass beneathe her feet was so far away. Was it day or night? The world seemed to be one consistent shade of white it was nauseating. It hurt to open her eyes.
She'd traveled from camp half-blind, on paws that felt soggy. She licked one, frowning at the lack of iron-scented liquid. Why had she expected them to be bleeding? She had done nothing wrong. Her tail lashes, a chorus of cicadas erupt in it's wave, like soot on the wind. Tired. Tired. She was tired. She closed her eyes only for the panicked rhythm of her heart to jolt her awake.
She was at the threshold. The apex. Right where forest gave way to twoleg-camps. They sprouted everywhere like sores. In the dim(?) light they seemed to pulse, some sort of portable, small light within. She knew they hadn't, but some part of her - the clan-cat part of her - thought they had stolen the sun, just for a second. For a small second, she had lost control. Is that what it felt like for him? Or was it longer? Was like a sickness that took you over from the inside, liquefying everything important to you starting with your spine or was it something you consulted? Something telling you to do those things?
Her stomach slammed against her throat. 'Flora' was all she managed to get out before her mouth was filled with things more repulsive then her own blood.
A choking sensation took over before she develed deep into her memory. Climbing trees, looking at stars.... Flora's jokes, her consent questions. They brought her back. Grass stung her flank as she approached the house that she hoped was Florabreeze's. How far had her paws carrired her? She didn't stop to think as she pawed at the not-hole, hoping that somehow, this would get Florabreeze's attention.
↪ OOC: not-hole is window, couldn't think of a cat name for it lolol

It had been a pleasant day, a mugginess that lingered in the atmosphere but throughout the course of the day it had slowly started to dwindle, as the sun gave way to the moon the weather took a chill. That exhaustion that she used to carry back home with her from camp when she first joined had started to come back. Her brain is still taking a mental toll on the concept of this whole lead warrior thing. With a sigh she reclined on the grey fabric of the couch, she dubbed it her nest long ago.

The texture brushed against her as she tossed and turned in an attempt to get comfortable, her Twolegs had left shortly after she returned back to their nest. Ditto had retired for the night, after she had given her the recap of the day of course. It had become routine, to chatter about what each of their days entailed while eating together. Most nights they spent together, occasionally the pair separated for separate activities before resting and tonight happened to be one of them.

The sound of something batting at the clear panels that peered into her Twoleg's nest (windows, she had learnt) caused her head to perk and for hackles to raise. It couldn't be Ditto, he was off rummaging through the miscellaneous items their twolegs had gifted the pair recently for Flora's weird twoleg celebration, the one with the screaming and pink metallic floating objects. There was a presumption that only the worst was waiting for her but when she jumped upon the windowsill the last thing she expected to see was Sorrelsong.

She beamed immediately at her though she couldn't help but notice that glass appearance to her eye. With a tilt of her head she disappeared from the huntress's view to go through the door her Twolegs had just for herself and her sibling. Peering around the white walls of her nest she raised her tail in greeting to her friend. Gesturing for her to hop down from the ledge she found herself on and join her against the blades of grass instead.

“Sorrelsong! Are you okay?” Her immediate thought is that either she had forgotten something important or something dire happened at camp. To quell her own anxieties she tugged at the soft grass beneath her paws, surely she had just forgotten something. “Can't get enough of me at camp, huh?” It's easy to fall back on jokes, when confronted with the unknown why wouldn't she fall back on what she knows?

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 36 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


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Florabreeze's smile was enough to paint the world with color - however dull it stubbornly remained. The Maine Coons forum retreated as Sorrelsong's heart beat steadied. Flora was here now - she would be okay.
Stumbling, the molly made her way to join the other molly outside the twoleg's nest - the dying sun set it's coat a shifting hue of death-berry and blood red. Sorrelsong's stomach twinged again. She was not okay - did she look okay? Maybe she was more composed then she thought. That was a relief. Leftover bile stung her noise as she opened her mouth, a soft, tired, but not hollow laugh at Flora's joke.
She could never get enough of the molly. She trusted her. She knew - she knew that Florabreeze would have her back. She'd never lie to her. And her to Flora. They were rock soild. Thank you, Stars, for letting us meet. Maybe there was one thing clans were good for... She flinched at the sound of tearing grass. Her shoulders felt heavy again. She tasted iron in the air.
Blue eyes studied Flora's.
"I-". The words stung her mouth more then the bile. Anything she could think to say slammed against her head before she could speak it - shattering in her throat. She closed her mouth, trying to swallow the shards.
"Dusk-k-pool he-" His name. It ripped it's way out of her. Slithering between her ribs, piercing her lungs. Oh, what would they say? Her eyes shot up. Far beyond the Maine coon's head. The stars began twinkling above, not quite sun-down, but it was dark enough to see them if you squinted. "You can't -" What? Tell anyone? Tell anyone the truth of what happened to her brothers? Was this how it started? The lies. The deceptions? No - Florabreeze should tell the others. Sorrelsong should! The truth... the truth needed to be told. Finally. Finally after all these moons. Justice needed to be served. Loyal, she had always been loyal. Never to a clan, never to a group, but to her family. Her brothers... they were all she had. But they were all dead. Duskpool killed them all.
"I need your help - to tell Orangestar." Did she mean it? Did she really mean it? He was her family. They made promises. Did spilling shared blood omit him from the protections provided by it? Was he still her brother? Was there a little bit of Yokai in there - could she save him? She counted the stars. Too many stared back at her.
Whatever was left to save - whatever still haunted that animated pelt - was not enough to justify their murders. Realization ran down her spine, infecting her paws like ants. The murder of Chi, too.
"Duskpool " The words where choked. Her mind raced. Who else had he killed? Where there more? " - he killed my brothers. Shadowfire. Smokefang. Yokai. He killed - he killed them. He killed them Flora, he killed them. They're all- they're all dead Flora and I could've saved them. They're the only reason I- and they're- And more- he killed more, the kit's mom that he saved - he killed her. Stole the kit. He-"
↪ OOC:
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