pafp AT THE GATES / hunting

Hawkcloud is attempting to be quiet — despite the layer of snow blanketing the ground that crunches under her eager pawsteps. She enjoys the way the snow seems to dry after a day beneath the leaf-bare sun, turning the upper layer of the frozen fluff to a fragile shell that cracks with her weight. Their patrol is meant to be hunting, searching for signs of prey between the leafless trees and in the damp, snow-melted undergrowth — hence why the she-cat is attempting to be quiet.

But her littermate, Foxtail, is among the other cats padding through the territory this morning, and it leaves the young warrior feeling playful. Hawkcloud walks behind the tom, purposefully kicking up the snow with her paws every once in awhile and aiming to land at least some of it on her brother's back. "Hey, Foxtail, turn around. Turn around, Foxtail," the she-cat giggles while she does, beginning to ignore the amount of noise she's making as she trudges through the snow behind him. Should the other warrior actually listen and turn around, Hawkcloud is ready to immediately flick a pawful of snow into his face.

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Foxtail wasn't nearly mesmerized by the snow blanketed ground, unlike his littermate. He was trying to focus on hunting, as hunting is far more difficult during leaf-bare, but luck doesn't seem to be on his side today. He keeps his ears alert for even the quietest sound, but he catches something else instead. No, it isn't a mouse scurrying by, or a rabbit hopping through the snow. Either of those would be great, but he lets out a quick sigh; hoping he can bring something back to camp later. "Hey, Foxtail, turn around." His ears pin back to hear his sister's giggles, as she trudges behind him. "Turn around, Foxtail." Her giggles are getting louder, and the cinnamon/chocolate chimera finally gives in.

"What is it, Hawkcloud?" Foxtail mews almost nervously, turning to face the tabby cat. Without a second to lose, he doesn't even get to blink before Hawkcloud flicks snow in his direction. It's more playful than anything— the snow is light and fluffy, but he is unable to stop his fur from bristling in surprise. "Hawkcloud!" He exclaims with a small laugh, he should've known his sister was up to no good! He shakes the snow off, before attempting to flick some snow back at her. After that, he would continue padding forward, scanning the territory for any critters, and briefly glancing back at his littermate. "Come on, we need to focus," He tries to say without letting a giggle escape his jaws, "Y-you're making me look bad in front of Eelpaw!"

  • apprentice ping @EELPAW
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Swiftfire knew that hunting in leafbare was of the utmost importance, especially with how much certain cats had been struggling as of late. Yet still, she couldn't help but feel just the slightest bit bored by how often she was emerging from camp with a hunting patrol, rather than venturing out to the borders or checking on their rapidly developing rogue problem. The former colonist would never say as much - there was no way she was going to subject herself to that particular lecture at her age - but the thoughts still remained. The frustration that sent her mind wandering as she followed after both Hawkcloud and Foxtail, nose raised in a motion that was mostly just for show. As eager as she was to actually bring a significant piece of prey back to camp, the damp scent of melting snow and rotting wood obscured her from the task at hand.

It was actually a relief to be presented with a distraction, a smile slowly twitching onto her face as she watched Hawkcloud toss snow liberally over her brother's back. Swiftfire couldn't help but want to join in, flicking her own pawful of snow in the direction of Foxtail's fluffy namesake. "Oh, I'm sure Eelpaw won't have a problem with a good old-fashioned snow fight. After all, what else is the stuff good for?" She supposed that she could admit the snow was pretty too, but it proved to be nothing but a hinderance the majority of the time - taking away from that inherent beauty. Using it as weaponry seemed like a far more worthy role for the sea of white around them, even if it was distracting them from the hunting they were supposed to be doing.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

It pulls taught like chains around her chest to watch the two warriors engage in what is essential harmless play.... A mimicry of herself stands at the forefront of her mind, like watching a memory play out but with two actors that did not match the original story. Ripplesnap was not that much removed from Hawkcloud in mischievous entertainment, flicking snow at her sibling with a giggle she couldn't suppress.

And Foxtail... It twists uncomfortably in her stomach just how similar she feels to him in this specific moment. Flustered, dismissive of the opportunity to bond and mess around and enjoy being young warriors (that is... what they are.... young). She thinks to encourage it but Swiftfire, equally gentle in her thinking, beats her to it.

What apprentice would be frustrated by some silly game on an otherwise boring patrol?

The deputy glances towards the split-faced warrior with a smile pulling at her cheeks. Well... if she was going to condone this then...

Careful not to draw too much attention, the deputy slows her paw-steps to sulk behind the rest, eyeing the snow with thought before coming to a brief pause. Just a little further ahead... a little more.... a littttle more.... There.

Taking off into a brief but eager sprint, the blue lynx point builds up just enough speed to give a proper slide in the powder, kicking up a wave of snow to douse the patrol with a eyes-closed grin at her great ploy. "There... now you're all covered in snow. Nothing to be embarrassed about anymore."