pafp atom bomb baby .. strange bird!!

Escort patrols aren't commonly on Applefrost's daily to-do's, but the sunshine wasn't going to last forever and Butterflytuft seemed ready to stretch her legs, too. So they weave through the pines together, avoiding hunting patrols to not ruin their game. Applefrost is chatty as ever, talking about everything she's seen lately as a way of 'updating' the queen on whats been going on without regard of where she might of been or what she had seen between her last outing and now.

"There were bird eggs a'plenty around for a while, have yours shown any taste for them yet?" Yet, because no way in StarClan's shine would a SkyClanner not love a good egg! But something, a sound, burst from the sparse brush that made Applefrost pause. She flicked her tail to Butterflytuft to communicate as such, to do the same. "What was that?" She muttered, wide pale eyes searching.

Out slowly waddled a bird Applefrost had never seen before from some fox-lengths away. It muttered in a guttural sound she could compare to a duck, until it suddenly tipped back its head and howled! What was this strange wolf-bird?

"Oh my. I've never seen- heard- anything like that." Applefrost began to crouch down, wondering if it may even be safe to hunt! What if it had a bite like the beast it imitated?

// pls wait for @butterflytuft ! they came across a loon ​
Butterflytuft is grateful for any cat willing to take valuable time out of their day to take her for a walk outside of camp. Normally, the walks are much less noisy, but the queen doesn’t mind the constant chatter of Applefrost at her side. She smiles as she watches her, nodding along as she intently listens to all of the ‘news’ being shared with her. It’s all very interesting, and the warrior talks about it with such focus that she can’t help but be fascinated! She shakes her head delicately in response to the other’s question, mewing, “Oh, not…I don’t know if I’ve even had that before.” An egg? Isn’t that just a baby bird? Oh, she’d feel too sad to do that!

When the sound reaches her, she freezes in alarm, watching her companion with rapt attention as the other moves forward slowly. “I don’t know,” She whispers fearfully, yellow eyes wide as she sinks to her stomach to hide. A paw is thrown halfway over her face, blocking one eye while the other flicks to and fro to locate the source of the noise. Could it be a predator? A two-leg?

It is neither of those things. Instead, a bird she has never seen before enters their view, large like a fat duck and patterned in gorgeous black and white speckles. Its eyes are crimson, perhaps the only unnerving thing about it. When it tips its head back and emits the oddest sound she perhaps has ever heard, Butterflytuft removes the paw from her face and lifts her head. Her ears flick forward with interest. What a strange, beautiful bird! “What is it?” She trills quietly, fascinated by the creature.