atonement | whitepaw

Life doesn't discriminate
Stuffed within his mouth was a mouse swaying limply as he padded forth on large paws. Burning amber eyes skim over the back of Whitepaw now that their ceremonies were over and the meeting below tall rock was adjourned. Coming to a halt beside the ivory molly, Adderpaw drops the rodent at his paws. "Congratulations..." He murmurs dryly, keeping his gaze forward whilst watching the hustle and bustle of clan life. He couldn't bring himself to look at her directly, not after dragging her through the sand and grit during their tug of war game. Not that it was fully intentional. Harrierpaw had annoyed him so much with his words that it caused him to go overboard with another. And of course, the moorland prince knew Whitepaw did not deserve that.

The tip of his tail flicks once then twice as the awkwardness of the tension continues to build. The silence nearly tangible until he breaks it with the muffled sound of prey sliding her way. Pride finally relenting now that they were alone for the most part. "Sorry." Adderpaw voices curtly, near vermillion eyes cutting to look down his nose at the smaller feline at his side. His ears burned from the mere gesture of apologizing alone. "For dragging you during tug of war." He finally clarifies, eyes glancing away again. "It wasn't intentional." Tone growing softer he lashes his tail a third time.(@whitepaw)
Between the sinners and the saints
The meeting had adjourned, and yet White...paw had lingered for a few moments longer, feeling a tad surreal really. It felt like a dream that she had finally become an apprentice, even if the daytime wore on her good mood. She had been in her thoughts for a moment before she registered the paw steps and the 'thump' of prey hitting the ground beside her. Looking over with soft eyes, she blinked at spotting the newly named Adderpaw at her side. Twitching an ear as he suddenly bid her a dry-toned congratulations, a small smile curled on her maw. "Congratulations to you as well." She whispered quietly as the silence elapsed over them for some moments. She was blissfully oblivious to the awkward tension festering in the larger cat at her side, as she took the moment to wipe her watering eyes with an ivory paw. Barely moving her paw from her face, she blinked as the mouse was pushed in front of her, staring at it for a moment before her ears caught his curt apology. She blinked, looking up at him, and caught a glimpse of his amber hues before he clarified and shifted his gaze away. Her rosy hues widened in understanding and she smiled at his final statement. Tilting her head, she observed the tom for a moment before she gave her response. "It's okay." She gave her response softly, her eyes closing as she smiled in his direction, before looking down at the prey in front of her. "I'm glad, actually." She whispered after, ear twitching. "I thought..." Her voice faded as her expression scrunched up, hesitant for a moment before she continued. "I thought I upset you when you stormed off." She confessed, a light huff leaving her. Perhaps it was a foolish thought, yet it was one that nagged at her since.
Life doesn't discriminate
Her response comes nearly as quickly as his apology, reassuring him that all was well between the pair despite his previous actions. Genuine surprise washes over the tom visibly in a fleeting wave. Illustrated by slightly lifted brows and a tilt of his head to give the small molly direct eye contact. He contemplates her confession, eyes narrowing briefly as he straightens his stance. "Why...?" He asks incredulously. "You didn't do anything." It was his brother that was the issue in his eyes. Regardless, he was curious to hear her answer. Pulling his tail to rest near dual colored paws he awaits her response.
Between the sinners and the saints
Hindsight was truly 20/20 wasn't it? There was a brief lapse of silence between them before she caught on to his incredulous inquiry. Of course, it was also followed by an equally toned, partial reassurance. Now the one avoiding eye contact, she was quiet for a moment as she thought of how to explain her response. "I don't have many friends," She started, kneading at the sand below her paws as she exhaled. "And I... don't want to lose the ones I do consider friends." She added, almost confirming that she did consider the chocolate tom as one of her few, her ears drooping as she frowned slightly. "I don't want to mess up, and I just... kind of worry that I do, I guess." She confessed before shaking her head. "It sounds dumb when I say it out loud." She grumbled, the frown deepening slightly.
Life doesn't discriminate
Her confession straightens his posture as realization begins to seep in, understanding washing over anew. His gaze lingers upon the nervous kneading of ivory paws churning delicately at loose sand before turning his gaze elsewhere with a low, breathy sigh. "You don't need a lot of friends. Just a few good ones." He understood her plight and truth be told he could relate to some degree. Adder hardly had friends himself. He was not as boisterous and friendly as Cottonpaw, or as warm and charismatic as Moorpaw. Both of which had plenty of friends and acquaintances. But he was not going to change who he was in order to gather more friends. A true friend would like you in spite of. Or so he believed.

Her confession go on, pouring out into the open as he watches a patrol return from a successful hunt. Her words are not missed as she dons him one of her few friends. It was news to him. He'd only believed she was a very friendly molly up until this point. Completely blind to the deeper level of relationship she wanted to gifted him with. Well, if he gained a friend on this day, then she received a protector. A sword that would not hesitate to cut down those that pestered her.

A subtle, comforting flick of his tail brushes against her side before the appendage snakes around his paws again. A rare gesture. "The only way you could mess up is by turning against windclan. Stay loyal, work hard...your true friends will come eventually." "Adderpaw!" The boy's head snaps in the direction of his name being shouted across the clearing, watching as someone beckons for him to come over. Gathering himself he stands to his paws, sparing Whitepaw one final glance over the blade of his shoulder. "See you later." He murmurs before mismatched paws carry him off.
Between the sinners and the saints