August 2024 RiverClan MCA Check


i'd rather be normal, yes, so normal
Jun 7, 2023

this interest check has a soft closing date of September 2nd, this could shorten!

A lot has been happening in the clans the past couple months, and with Moonbeam being stretched a little thin on days that she's in ThunderClan she's come to the decision that she needed help and that her clan needs comfort in the knowledge that someone will be there for them just in case. With the news of yellowcough appearing in WindClan once more it's solidified her mind - though she's not finished her training yet Moonbeam needs to take on an apprentice so that her clan can be safe while she's away and so she knows the clan is in good paws.


Hi guys! This is an interest check to see who'd be interested in the MCA position to become a full MC after training! I'm not looking at any temporary MCA plots at this time so would prefer someone who is dedicated to the role and wants to eventually become a full MC and take over when Moon is gone! (she's not leaving any time soon don't worry lol) Please make sure to read all of the information in the tabs below, and read the MC/A section of the rank guide for more information on the position overall! As a note, due to Moonbeam not being fully trained herself, anyone who gets this position will have an 11 month training period instead of the usual 10, as an extra month will be tacked onto the end of both Moonbeam and her apprentice's training time to make up for that.

  • - your character must already be made before this check, as characters made for the sole purpose of applying will not be considered

    - your character must be active within the clan, RiverClan's posting requirement for activity for the hp team fluctuates depending on board activity for the month, but a general rule of 10-15 posts is considered active. Overall it's quality of the post (no one-liners, responding to things that happen, etc) over quantity (no spamming, no posting just to get an hp, etc)

    - your character can be any age, but Moonbeam's preferred apprentice will be someone who isn't a warrior. If your character is a warrior however it does not bar you from being considered!

    - you must acknowledge that your character will have to agree to every code, whether it be them naturally agreeing or go through plot development to agree to the code, whether it be currently implemented codes or potential future codes.​
  • - you must be active ooc as well, have a presence in the discord will be considered in choosing who gets the slot as it's a requirement for all hp's!

    - you cannot have an mc/a in another clan

    - you must be patient and respectful during the interest check and after ​
  • - this check has an optional plot involved for your cat to become mca! if chosen I'll dm you about the plot information

    - moonbeam is a very devout follower of the codes and starclan, please keep that in mind when applying

    - your character does not have to get along with moonbeam, but they have to be willing to learn from her and follow her teachings, a cat that doesn't mesh well with her/even try to pretend to mesh with her won't be mca for long as she needs to trust her apprentice​

[b]Main Account:[/b]
[b]Character Account:[/b]
[b]Tags:[/b] (this is not mandatory but appreciated!)
[b]Why Are You/Your Character Interested In The Role:[/b]
[b]Do You/Your Character Agree To The Codes Future and Present?:[/b]
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main account: @antlers
character account: @shellpaw
tags: blinks at you cutely
  • shellpaw, through no intention of her own, has grown up in a way that relies heavily on herbs to keep her going. she is sniffly, short - breathed and brittle with the remnants of a disease wrought upon her too young. in that alone, she’s gained a small foundation of knowledge on how to treat herself — a skill she seemed to pick up on far quicker than anything she struggles with now. she is a constant in the medicine den, growing more agitated and desperate by her recurring visits. her training is slow, painful, and has wrought little progress — not by any fault of lichenstar, but she simply cannot find the capacity, the stride in her wispy breathing. it’s difficult, and while maybe doable, i think it would be icly realistic for her mentor and mother to recognize that she’s having . . issues.

    her transition to medicine cat apprentice could be pretty fluid, but i’m not sure how she’d take it icly. she wants to be a warrior, despite all odds ; she believes she was brought home from the rogues, lived through greencough, through the twolegs and bears to become a great warrior alongside her best friend, pinepaw. it’s her destiny, it had to be. depending on the plot you have in mind, i was thinking maybe. possibly. the truth of her choosing could be stretched a little. just saying that they had a dream, or seen a shell somewhere — she’s a little naive and super suggestible when it comes to starclan, she’d believe it in a second and reshape her destiny in a better light ( meant to be a medicine cat, instead of a failed warrior ). absolutely not required obv but i thought it would be so fun to see how a little kept secret cold affect them in the longterm !! i also have a little idea for her choosing that could involve more characters, and a very longterm plot involving my bad guy . .

    — she was raised with empathy, not friendliness. though bearing an inherent love towards those her clanmates, she has always been an oddball about it ; with little filter and forever rheumy eyes, she will be a little strange & offputting to approach. i think it’d be a fun dichotomy to moonbeam’s amiable, quiet but strict nature! and if it ever came to it, it would be very cool to see the clash between moon’s ruthlessness towards codebreakers and shell’s “please let me help/heal/feed them” attitude . .

    — just the idea of her begging moon to let her help someone who’s repeatedly broken a code / a murderer / someone who doesn’t ‘ deserve ‘ it UGH !! she will always listen at the end of the day, but she is pretty sneaky . . looks at the yellowcough plot in windclan

    — i’d love for her to garner a reputation for being the medicine cat that “couldn’t cure her own cold” ( even though she isn’t actually sick ), as runningnose had in the first arc. will other clans medicine cats view her differently? will her clanmates? would someone ever refuse care from her?

    — overstocked on honey when she can and will be often found being chased by bees rip! she will excel in breathing treatments and infections, eventually ( i was thinkin abt a little mini plot where they discover certain plants can ease the chest or coughing too hehe . . )

    — there would be very interesting parallels with them and their favorite person(s) that we would have to discuss. privately. that could be SO cool too.

    — raised and taught to watch her surroundings at all times, shellpaw will have an almost unusual sense of telling if someone is in pain. she can sniff out a liar, and doesn’t take no for an answer ; this could cause some tumultuous relationships between her and possibly older members of the clan that opt to “i’m fine” their way out of the medicine den. while soft spoken, she is not a pushover.

    — i can only apply or accept hp positions if its icly accurate and realistic to my characters story, and shellpaw fits this criteria for me ; her transition would be so fun to play out, would lean into lichenstar’s nepotism if a sign is placed or a dream lied about, would expand on her relationship with moonbeam . . she cares a lot about her clanmates and in turn i feel like a lot of them would want to keep her safe and feel like this would be a fun diverging arc for her !!

  • HI HI i’m going to yap here for a bit bc ultimately, my ooc reason for applying for mca is because i care so, so deeply for this community and clan. i’ve seen all of these characters grow up, have a story and shift and change since the very beginning ; it would be a super huge honor to be allowed onto the team again with my favorite girl. shellpaw is a huge source of muse for me, of consistent plots and ideas and whether she is made mca or not, she will be around for a long time. she means a lot to me, since my last big character was so impacted by some family tragedies at the time and i didn’t get to do all i wanted with him, and she has an amazing and unique dynamic with the leader, deputy and medicine cat that makes the ic potential SO fun. ( she’d be hazestar’s medicine cat . . after lichenstar’s death. omg !! )

    i also REALLY enjoy the idea of moon and shell’s dynamic once she’s taken on as an apprentice, i’m so eager to know how she would be in training compared to the easy and familiar way she treats her now ; especially being lichenstar’s former trainee. shellpaw has always looked up to her because she’d saved her life — traded for it, came back covered in soot from a burning territory and gifted her catmint. she knows firsthand the dredge of fever, weakness and slow lull of near death . . as well as the gust of air into her lungs from a single plant. she would be a whimsical and devout apprentice, with a newly harbored goal of learning how to prevent seeing her mothers dying over, and over, and over again, both in turn ( this action will have consequences ).

    — shellpaw has had an activity shoutout each month except for one since her creation, and was my first kit to hit 100 before her apprenticeship. she has never had a quota nor was this a goal ; i just really enjoy playing her. she’s my no - brain poster!

    — i do best with a main or two and shellpaw has maintained that consistently since her litter was born. i am so invested in her story, plots and relationships, i plan to be in this for the long run.

    — riverclan means the world to me. genuinely, it’s my favorite place to be and my favorite place to plot in. it’s the only clan i’ve been in consistently since it’s creation, and being able to help out again with plots would be so much fun !! the team is such a great and unique cast of characters and i would be so honored to be welcomed in these ranks again.

    — i know and am able to uphold the responsibilities of an hp ; i get a little nervous in the discord that people are annoyed by me at times BUT i have and will be able to put this aside for the sake of being an hp and keeping up in the community. i will be able to keep up with time - sensitive threads, and will keep her as a priority character.

    — i would be more than okay with the extended training time. shellpaw was always intended to graduate late to make up for her physical ailments as well as being apprenticed a moon behind her litter, so a lengthened training time would be just fine!!

    — she would be my first hp since cicadastar, and would be my very first on the medicine cat track, ever. i have so many stored up ideas and thoughts, especially since the code isn’t fully developed . . there is a very particular similarity between them and their partners / besties that i have an inkling of a plot for the no mates code . . and i have an idea for a longterm plot involving my big baddie, bee, moon, shell and a few others that could help aid in the formation of a new code . .

    — all in all, i think it’d be a very natural progression for her character and still something that could give her the direction that i want for her in the future! her ic struggles will shift from being a ‘bad’ warrior to not being able to save everyone, taking everything far too hard. something moonbeam will likely have to break her out of when she loses someone ( similar to cinderpaw and yellowfang in the first arc ).

do you/yc agree to the codes future and present?: yes!
other: none! i’m excited for the plot opportunity, i had lots of fun brainstorming the possibilities and good luck to everyone else applying !! + made some last minute edits < 3

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Main Account: @wolfie
Character Account: @Magpiepaω
Tags: Here ya go!
Why Are You/Your Character Interested In The Role:
They have always had a sense of justice and self-righteousness, while being a warrior is a good idea and what they have grown up to wanting- they have never expected to be a medicine cat. Magpiepaw is very aggressive and prone to arguments so this might be a good way to teach them patience, compassion and care. While they may struggle with self identity i think they’d loose their mind over Starclan and seeing them in real life. Could lead to some sort psychosis break like with their borderline personality disorder. It would probably devolve into insanity or become a monk, there is no inbetween.

I havent had an HP at all! Ive always wanted to show i am active, willing to participate and show willingness to do better! I’m also super active with Maggie andi would love more to add to them and keep them going! They have nothing planned as of right now, but im hoping to change that!
Do You/Your Character Agree To The Codes Future and Present?: yes of course!
Other: none!
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Main Account: dallas / this one
Character Account: @horizonpaw
Tags: here! (im actively working on more formatted tags, though pikai's older ones apply for the most part!)
Why Are You/Your Character Interested In The Role:
IC: Horizonpaw is a softer character of mine- not the cold ice of Claythorn, not the prickly edges of Scalejaw. He's quiet, wears his emotions on a sleeve, a bit 'I get what I want'. Underneath the quiet exterior there's anxiety, nerves, some that bite down to his core and control him sometimes. I'd imagine the eleven moon training period would not only build his confidence and trust in others in Riverclan besides his family and closest friends, but trust in himself. There's a lot of pressure on him to rise to a mantle- being Lichenstar's son, he thinks he is expected greatness.

Alongside this, he knows his siblings, adopted siblings, and family are all at risk. He worries for them, deeply, and being able to heal them? To take care of their wounds, to be useful? It would mean the world for him. I also think the angst factor would be high- becoming in-tune with Starclan allows him to be able to see Lichenstar's lives, the familial connection there... there is other secret plots that would be amplified by him being a MC/A.

OOC: While theres a ton of interesting/stacking plots that could come from Horizonpaw specifically becoming MCA, I've been invested in Riverclan for a little bit. Like I mention in 'OTHER' down there, while Horizonpaw hasn't been mine for very long, I've been in Riverclan for a minute with Claythorn. I can be consistently active here, and am invested with the ongoing storylines that have been brewing in RC. I have a deep love for the community and the HP team here, and try my best to be more active in different parts of the Discord as time goes on/Claythorn makes more connections.

I have previous experience as a HP on Thunderclan's team. I have a realistic taste of what activity is looked for IC and OOC, keeping plots secret, and being civil all around. I have previous experience being staff elsewhere, even being an 'officer' on large-format guilds on World of Warcraft (a very serious business thank you /j).​
Do You/Your Character Agree To The Codes Future and Present?: aye aye capn, all good there! (Sidenote: I don't plan on romance for Horizonpaw right now. He wouldn't even blink at not being allowed to have a mate, given his preferences!)
Other: YES. I understand that Horizonpaw has only been in my grasp for a mere amount of time, but he was not created with the thought of becoming a MC/A. I have plots, future ones, in the works for him, and will make him my tandem-main with Claythorn (especially if chosen). That being said, I have been consistently active with Claythorn, and hope that her activity displays how invested I am in RC.
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Main Account: @kerms
Character Account: @robinheart
Tags: (this is not mandatory but appreciated!)
Why Are You/Your Character Interested In The Role:
ic: robinheart will forever be searching for her place in the world, her place in riverclan as a true riverclanner. forever haunted by her mistake as an apprentice, forever remembering cicadastar's words to her and the personal vow she made to herself to make him proud of her again. she is a character longing for redemption and purpose. she didn't get to be a warrior for long before falling pregnant, then didn't get to be a true queen for long before getting attacked and sent to the medicine den. after her broken leg was mended she has felt some doubts in her physical abilities to serve riverclan, and in a late night one-sided conversation to brookstorm in starclan she did voice an interest in becoming a medicine cat apprentice under moonbeam. she would love to serve her clan in a manner that does not rely on her lacking strength and speed, a manner where her gentle heart can be put to good use. she gets along well with moonbeam and proved herself an obedient apprentice under willowroot, so there's no doubt she would thrive under moonbeam's tutorage. she has helped with vigils before and is very well versed in tick removal. she has an interest in herbs and a reverence for them and for starclan. a small selfish part of her would want to become a medicine cat for the tie to starclan - for a possibility of seeing brookstorm again, if only for a moment. beyond that minimal selfishness does lie a much greater desire to tend to her clanmates and care for them. they've all come alongside her in her times of need, it's her turn to return the favor <3

ooc: first things first i adore riverclan and the community. it was the first group i clicked with and found my confidence in when it came to writing. riverclan has a very special place in my heart. i think robin has a lovely temperament for healing, she is an established maternal character with an interest in medicine. i applied for her to be mca before, though she was still new and moon was a much better fit. now robin is well established in rc and i have been able to maintain activity with her, so applying for mca again feels right. she is my main focus, my primary character, so i believe i can continue to maintain posts and activity. i also try to be active in the rc discord server and friendly to all. i haven't had the opportunity to play a s/hp on tt yet but i have held hp ranks on former sites so i am aware of the responsibility and work that goes into the position. also this would be a perfect cinderpelt type of development.
Do You/Your Character Agree To The Codes Future and Present?: i, kerms, and robinheart do agree to the codes present and future. robinheart has no intention of ever pursuing another relationship or having kits again - she had her short lived relationship with brookstorm and will wait until they are reunited in starclan to love again.
Other: robin is currently a queen in the nursery and her kits will not be apprenticed until november 1st. however she has spent half of their life apart from them to heal from her canine attack in the medicine den. if choosing dates + her time as a queen ends conflict, an omen from starclan or a plot itself would be cool to play out if she's chosen. she'd put her duties first knowing her children have been well cared for by family and fellow queens in the past.

AGREEMENTS: I agree to the code requirements! So does Eveningpaw; so far she has not shown romantic interest in either her own Clan or others due to her age (minus a puppy crush on Moonbeam lol). Though this might make her sad as she grows older, it would not be something she would risk if tasked with the responsibilities of a medicine cat.


  • I have yet to play a MC/A on Tabby Tales, and ever since Moonbeam succeeded Ravensong, I had the thought of Eveningpaw being one in the back of my mind! Out of all my characters, she is the one I can see take on this role in the most natural and fitting way.
  • I've been extremely active with Eveningpaw — not exactly since her birth, because I started actively roleplaying her in March, but I easily reached the minimum for shoutouts and exceeded it often every month since then. Even while she was a kit and thus with less threads she could realistically be in, I've had a lot of fun and never felt like I had to force myself to play her. In fact, I almost reached 100 posts with her before she even became an apprentice; the only reason that did not work out was because of my flight to another country for personal IRL reasons (which I did notify the Discord of in advance).
  • Although I have a HP and a SHP in other Clans, I am confident I could take on this role without the responsibilities affecting my activity or motivation. I am extremely passionate towards Tabby Tales, and since Eveningpaw is one of my three mains, I know I would continue to stay a consistent member in RiverClan, both IC and OOC. I have shown to be dedicated, friendly, easily approachable and more than willing to communicate/compromise as a HP, and I am very knowledgeable on what is expected of me in a community like this.
  • In addition to the above, I love working on a variety of projects in a team setting. Event discussions and development, creating assets in either drawn or written form, moderating, coding, keeping things up to date, coming up with ways of keeping the Clan active... I have no issue dabbling in either of these.
  • RiverClan is one of the coziest places on this site for me! I have a lot of love for both the characters and the members, which I think shows in how often I reach out to other people for plots and fun interactions.

  • Everybody knows Eveningpaw — regardless if it's willingly done or not —, courtesy of her heritage and loud personality. She has always had a bit of a heightened ego because of who her parents are, and in her mind, it would make total sense for her to "rise" to another rank of power within the Clan as a result... plus, she is not at all faceless in the crowd, having made herself familiar to all RiverClanners already by busying herself with their lives.
  • That being said, such an important rank would definitely set her onto the right path towards maturity. Her short-comings are no secret; she can be quite impatient and acts on a whim, following her heart rather than her mind. It has led her to make extremely ill-advised decisions, and it is through sheer luck alone that she is still alive to tell those tales... the most recent incident even risking the life of Magpiepaw as well. Being taken under Moonbeam's — and by extension, StarClan's — wing would be another wake-up call that she needs to work on herself and become more cautious; both for her own and others' sakes.
  • The elephant in the room: Eveningpaw loves being a warrior- or rather, training to become the best one. Although she has shown some interest in the art of healing before, namely how Moonbeam manages to remember all the herbs and their proper usage, Eveningpaw has not yet imagined herself as one. Her fate being pushed towards this would likely have to come as a sign from StarClan — though I am more than willing to talk about other possibilities, if this one is not preferred!
  • In case we go with the StarClan's sign route, Eveningpaw would likely not be too happy in the beginning... she would feel robbed of the chance to make Lichenstar and Hazecloud proud by fighting for the well-being of her Clan. I can see her butt heads with Moonbeam at the start of her training, but it would quickly be overshadowed by her need to actually do well in this role and follow in her parents' pawsteps towards greatness. Her love for not only her family but the entirety of RiverClan would ultimately win her over, and I can see her enjoying Moonbeam's teachings in the near future.
  • Eveningpaw, despite her friendliness and quickly-growing empathy, would not be the most typical, soft medicine cat! She would act quite bossy when it comes to patients unwilling to take the sourest of herbs or injured cats who keep complaining about stings and discomfort. A bit of tough love goes a long way, doesn't it?
  • Eveningpaw would never be unnecessarily cruel in any way. She is deeply caring and compassionate, and through her multiple friendships she's formed during her life so far, she has learned to be more considerate as well. Physical or verbal comfort would be readily given to those under her care.
  • She is no stranger to the medicine cats' den. With her sister's ever-present condition, Eveningpaw has spent a lot of time glued to Shellpaw's side while she initially battled the worst of her coughs and breathlessness... plus, as a result of Lichenstar being forced to lose their life more than once, she knows full well what it is like to see your loved ones in pain. Should she be chosen, she already has an expectation of what this job entails, and would not be disillusioned in thinking this will be easy. Fortunately, she is no quitter.
  • Eveningpaw has shown to be quite adaptable in even the worst situations. She learns fast when she is paying attention, and Moonbeam would quickly become one of those cats she would not want to say no to — or StarClan forbid, disappoint.
  • Selfishly, Eveningpaw would hope this presents an opportunity to get to know Snowflakekit more, since she didn't get the chance to do so in life. She would look forward to the half-moon meetings for this reason, and would look for "signs" of or from him throughout her daily life.
  • In addition to all of the above, becoming medicine cat would not only strengthen Eveningpaw's currently flimsy relationship with the starry ancestors, but would also grant her some much needed insight into Lichenstar's decision-making as a leader. She deems it vital so that she can understand her mother's way of thinking.
  • I can see a variety of ways for her to grow and develop as a character, as well as her relationship with Moonbeam. I'd love nothing more than to explore these possibilities in case I get chosen for this role!
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