Wasprattle did not consider himself superstitious. It follows him more closely than he ever did it; worried and woes that flitted past his ears. Unconsciously, they find him. Perhaps it had to do with his name. To some, it was unremarkable. To one, rattling wasps had spelt new beginnings; prosperity. And what did anyone else's thoughts matter, when one cat's believing had been enough to make him this way?

In all his life's wanderings, he has stumbled upon good luck and bad luck alike. A stranger might tell him: his find means good things for the future, and who was he to argue? To dispute something anecdotal, he found, was a difficult thing to do. Trust had no limits. No bounds. Why should he forgo something that is plentiful, indeed. Were someone to tell him that an acorn fallen from a tree meant their good hunting — and they said it was always so. That so long as they kept it with them, good things will come, who was he to insist that their belief was mere coincidence? A lack of knowledge, is what it was. Wasprattle would not claim to know more than anyone else.

He is along by the riverside when he sees it: A plain acorn. Where he amongst oak leaves, he may deem it unremarkable. Context; wetland near - devoid of oak, a season that would see it's natural bounties picked clean by prey animals, it what gave it that certain glow.

Often, lately, does he find himself pondering the lands beyond the rivers. Perhaps it is this peculiarity that allows him to stay for a while longer. It would never not fascinate him, things like this.

( Of course, to any other, it was really quite dull. )

Wasprattle takes it between his teeth, regardless. What has him returning to their solitary island is not the setting sun, but instead the opportunity to show something that he rarely ever could. How could one quantify things like appreciation? When there is no aspect of exchange, tit for tat. He hunted, and in exchange, a clanmate may let him pick their prey from the pile. This: he finds, was not quite the same to them. It was beneficial, so much so that it was simply always done. Did this portray what he would otherwise like it to? I'd like to make your home mine as well.

He cannot say for certain. A gift would have to do.

Wasprattle would pad into the clearing, his bounty now at his paws. An anecdote would come easily, murmured ot any cat willing to listen. " I once knew someone that keenly believed in the luck held within acorns. " He would judge the object in question with a paw; rolling it under dark pads. " They carried one with them wherever they went, no matter how seemingly inconvenient that it was to keep track of it... Perhaps I did not believe them at first, but one day, I heard them complain of hunger, and a bird subsequently fell from the sky, a wing clipped. I believed them a little more, after that day. "

The memory floods his mind and sweetens the words on his tongue. Perhaps he would not mind seeing them again – or anyone else he had ever spoken to, in those days.

But he was certain they still held their treasure. Wasprattle ought to hold onto his while he still could. " It was quite strange to find it where I did, " he muses, and perhaps no one was really listening at all, but he'd like to try. " Perhaps someone amongst us is due for good fortune. " Golden eyes would fall upon others around him, dicerning.

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  • [ PAY MORE FOR OLD ADVICE ] WASPRATTLE: RiverClan Warrior ; Brother to Cicadastar

    & He / him , fine with they / them pronouns as well.
    & 52 moons old as of 12.27.2023 ; ages every 1st

    a strikingly tall tabby tom striped shades of warm amber and brown. dons a four - pointed star on his forehead as well as a white tail - tip and golden eyes. typically wears a too - intense stare that is not telling of his nature. despite his outward appearance, he tends to make himself quite small. particularly interested in the experience of living.

Hazewish gravitates to storytellers, adventurers, travelers; those who have seen much, gone far and wide, beyond the limits of the territory in which she was born, and who talk about it readily. As such she particularly likes Wasprattle: her former mentor’s brother, his demeanor at times odd (though how could she judge?) but always fascinating, in the way of a stranger with different customs. His calm voice leads her through stories of cats she would never meet, places she might never see, as efficiently as the scent of prey leads her along its trail. She could listen to him all day and feel as if she had walked through all of their land three times over.

”All,” they pipe up wryly to his comment that someone here would need good luck. They gesture with their bushy tail to the camp around, the tension thrumming through due to cold, hunger, and petty grievances. ”Good sign.”

They want to read a message from Starclan in it: hope, new growth, something positive — or perhaps a coming invasion from Thunderclan hailing from their dense forests, but Wasp’s story has them convinced of the acorn’s more positive connotations. Though, given Riverclan’s latest trials and tribulations, perhaps a few more signs of good fortune would not be remiss.
Moonpaw had always enjoyed stories, even when they were of something she knew nothing about - especially if it was something she knew nothing about. She didn't know if the story Wasprattle had told was true or not with birds falling out of the sky but she liked to believe that it could be. When he was done with the story and mentioned how someone could probably use good fortune the apprentice couldn't help but nod her head slightly after Hazewish spoke, amber eyes looking around the cold camp for just a moment before a small exhale left her. "Maybe it could be put in the middle of camp somehow, or somewhere where everyone walks by it?"

It was the only way she could think of to get the good fortune to spread, to make sure everyone was able to actually get use out of whatever luck the acorn could have, if any. It could be weaved into the walls of the nursery so that those with new life were born into good fortune, or set it beside the river rock that Smokestar held meetings from.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 8 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
"It's just an acorn." Came the apprentice's skeptical tone while he eyed the warrior and his little find. He had half a mind to mention they were cats, not squirrels, and a fish might have been better to ogle at. But he's in no mood to be angry that morning. For now the nipping frost had bit away at his fiery temper, but it was only a matter of time before it thawed away again.

"I'll believe that acorns something lucky if I catch a fish today. What are you supposed to do with lucky acorns anyway, eat them?" It didn't look very appetizing but if was real... he could be convinced.​