Newleaf's clearer skies felt like taking a heaving breath after a three-month submergence— in a lot of ways, it was exactly that. Though the temperature's uptick was only slight... Twitchstar knew, knew their hardships would not be over in the blink of an eye... the blooming flowers, the persisting snowmelt, meant at least that the bedding would be warm again while the sun began its crawl back toward full lustre. Guilty thoughts of Butterflytuft plagued him, for a moment; between his ears he heard the rattling of her breath. Bringing her moss, woven with flowers... it would be a first priority. Twitchstar's leap to the Highbranch was confident— at least, in intent. "All those... old, old enough to scale the trees... please gather for a Clan meeting."
Among those he called, old enough to take to the pines... he sought out one with wide eyes. A sole kitten in their nursery, and someone who would be taking charge. Twitchstar bore a smile, feeling feathers of relief brush flat the bristles of his pelt. Together, they would strive through this. "Gravekit... please step forward. It's time for you to... to leave the nursery." As ever, there were no fangs in his grin— close-lipped sincerity graced him fully.
He hoped he would find resolve within Gravekit's face... as much as could be offered at this age, anyway. The harshness of the world had been demonstrated to him, soundly, over the last moon. And it wouldn't get easier— as the frost melted, so too did the predators become more protective of their young. The scar wreathing his neck stung. "From this day on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Gravepaw. Your mentor..." Wide eyes snapped to another pair, perhaps equally frozen in worry. "... Will be Chickbloom. Chickbloom is a loyal and hardworking warrior, and I have ... I- I have faith he will guide you well."
Every word of it, he meant. Though Chickbloom's heart beat quickly, it also beat persistently.
What awaited the Clan now were four more faces... with the turn of the season came the turn of these four lives, as well. A blooming into one's full self... Radiopaw and Teeveepaw, two longtime apprentices. Blizzard and Chalk, hailing from different eras of SkyClan long before now, ready to join him as they stepped into the next one.
"Radiopaw, Teeveepaw, Blizzard and Chalk... um, p-please step forward." His eyes flicked up to the sky, clear of clouds and blinding bright, where the stars lay obscured-but-listening. "I... um, Twitchstar of SkyClan... call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these cats. They- they have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I... I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."
To each of them, he gave individual address. "Do you... promise to uphold the warrior code and to... to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" A lofty vow, but one he felt with which he could trust each of them implicitly. As... as implicitly as he could manage, at least.
\ MARCH ACTIVITY SHOUTOUTS: @FIGFEATHER @DOEBLAZE @Florabreeze @edenberry ?! @GREENEYES @~Fawnpaw~ @DROWSYNOSE @DUSKPOOL @butterflytuft @Blizzard @Chickbloom @Howlfire @Mizzlepaw @RAMKIT
WARRIOR CEREMONIES: @CHALK , @Teeveepaw. , @Radiopaw , Blizzard
Among those he called, old enough to take to the pines... he sought out one with wide eyes. A sole kitten in their nursery, and someone who would be taking charge. Twitchstar bore a smile, feeling feathers of relief brush flat the bristles of his pelt. Together, they would strive through this. "Gravekit... please step forward. It's time for you to... to leave the nursery." As ever, there were no fangs in his grin— close-lipped sincerity graced him fully.
He hoped he would find resolve within Gravekit's face... as much as could be offered at this age, anyway. The harshness of the world had been demonstrated to him, soundly, over the last moon. And it wouldn't get easier— as the frost melted, so too did the predators become more protective of their young. The scar wreathing his neck stung. "From this day on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Gravepaw. Your mentor..." Wide eyes snapped to another pair, perhaps equally frozen in worry. "... Will be Chickbloom. Chickbloom is a loyal and hardworking warrior, and I have ... I- I have faith he will guide you well."
Every word of it, he meant. Though Chickbloom's heart beat quickly, it also beat persistently.
What awaited the Clan now were four more faces... with the turn of the season came the turn of these four lives, as well. A blooming into one's full self... Radiopaw and Teeveepaw, two longtime apprentices. Blizzard and Chalk, hailing from different eras of SkyClan long before now, ready to join him as they stepped into the next one.
"Radiopaw, Teeveepaw, Blizzard and Chalk... um, p-please step forward." His eyes flicked up to the sky, clear of clouds and blinding bright, where the stars lay obscured-but-listening. "I... um, Twitchstar of SkyClan... call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these cats. They- they have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I... I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."
To each of them, he gave individual address. "Do you... promise to uphold the warrior code and to... to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" A lofty vow, but one he felt with which he could trust each of them implicitly. As... as implicitly as he could manage, at least.
\ MARCH ACTIVITY SHOUTOUTS: @FIGFEATHER @DOEBLAZE @Florabreeze @edenberry ?! @GREENEYES @~Fawnpaw~ @DROWSYNOSE @DUSKPOOL @butterflytuft @Blizzard @Chickbloom @Howlfire @Mizzlepaw @RAMKIT
WARRIOR CEREMONIES: @CHALK , @Teeveepaw. , @Radiopaw , Blizzard