AUTHENTIC TEARS \ march meeting

Newleaf's clearer skies felt like taking a heaving breath after a three-month submergence— in a lot of ways, it was exactly that. Though the temperature's uptick was only slight... Twitchstar knew, knew their hardships would not be over in the blink of an eye... the blooming flowers, the persisting snowmelt, meant at least that the bedding would be warm again while the sun began its crawl back toward full lustre. Guilty thoughts of Butterflytuft plagued him, for a moment; between his ears he heard the rattling of her breath. Bringing her moss, woven with flowers... it would be a first priority. Twitchstar's leap to the Highbranch was confident— at least, in intent. "All those... old, old enough to scale the trees... please gather for a Clan meeting."

Among those he called, old enough to take to the pines... he sought out one with wide eyes. A sole kitten in their nursery, and someone who would be taking charge. Twitchstar bore a smile, feeling feathers of relief brush flat the bristles of his pelt. Together, they would strive through this. "Gravekit... please step forward. It's time for you to... to leave the nursery." As ever, there were no fangs in his grin— close-lipped sincerity graced him fully.

He hoped he would find resolve within Gravekit's face... as much as could be offered at this age, anyway. The harshness of the world had been demonstrated to him, soundly, over the last moon. And it wouldn't get easier— as the frost melted, so too did the predators become more protective of their young. The scar wreathing his neck stung. "From this day on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Gravepaw. Your mentor..." Wide eyes snapped to another pair, perhaps equally frozen in worry. "... Will be Chickbloom. Chickbloom is a loyal and hardworking warrior, and I have ... I- I have faith he will guide you well."

Every word of it, he meant. Though Chickbloom's heart beat quickly, it also beat persistently.

What awaited the Clan now were four more faces... with the turn of the season came the turn of these four lives, as well. A blooming into one's full self... Radiopaw and Teeveepaw, two longtime apprentices. Blizzard and Chalk, hailing from different eras of SkyClan long before now, ready to join him as they stepped into the next one.

"Radiopaw, Teeveepaw, Blizzard and Chalk... um, p-please step forward." His eyes flicked up to the sky, clear of clouds and blinding bright, where the stars lay obscured-but-listening. "I... um, Twitchstar of SkyClan... call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these cats. They- they have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I... I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."

To each of them, he gave individual address. "Do you... promise to uphold the warrior code and to... to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" A lofty vow, but one he felt with which he could trust each of them implicitly. As... as implicitly as he could manage, at least.

\ MARCH ACTIVITY SHOUTOUTS: @FIGFEATHER @DOEBLAZE @Florabreeze @edenberry ?! @GREENEYES @~Fawnpaw~ @DROWSYNOSE @DUSKPOOL @butterflytuft @Blizzard @Chickbloom @Howlfire @Mizzlepaw @RAMKIT


WARRIOR CEREMONIES: @CHALK , @Teeveepaw. , @Radiopaw , Blizzard
Ramkit manages to mutter beneath her breath as the meeting begins, pale blue eyes falling towards her brother as they idle by the nursery. It's weird to see Twitchstar conducting a meeting, even if the tom has been at the helm of everything SkyClan as of late. Maybe it no longer has to be her mother, she's slowly understanding that - but why does change have to be so... fast? Fawnpaw was quick to leave the nursery, and Budpaw not long after. And now so many other cats have shifted their weight to new positions and acted as if it's always been this way. Will anyone slow down?

Her eyes widen as one of her denmates is called forth, watching the pointed tom be cleaned brazenly by his hover-moth of a mother. Again, she looks towards Lambkit, hissing a stunned, "He's older than us...!?" For all this time, she could not recall who was born first or second. Only that one day, they were all there, and Gravekit was always crying over something. She shakes her head and tilts away from the ceremony, clearly jealous in the way children can be, but remains present if not to listen to the rest of the meeting.
  • ooc // mentioning @LAMBKIT :3​

  • 7WaGD6M.png

    ⸻☆ ramkit is a wily, outspoken, borderline ill mannered she-kit. born of orangestar and slatesnarl, raised alongside lambkit, this nearly blind she-kit takes life by the horns. the brain to her twin's brawn, ramkit can often be found tattling on rule breakers (whilst breaking them to the benefit of herself, too.)
/ Radiopaw didn't feel the same excitement he had when he'd become an apprentice. The feeling was soured by Falcongaze's lack of presence. He was grateful to Wolfgrin for setting him back on the right path, but it wasn't the same. Twitchstar's call brought him to rest beside his sibling. Gravekit became Gravepaw and was apprenticed to... Chickbloom? Alright, not the choice I might've made... I'm not leader though... he thought. Chickbloom was a fine warrior, maybe a little... timid. Gravepaw was also timid, though. He shook off the thought. He's not here for that. Their names were called and he shared a glance with Teevee. "I do," he meowed.

RADIOPAW‎ㅤ amab / he/him / SH black cat with white toes, left ear and tail tip with amber eyes / 13 moons( ✦ )

To hear that pledge was something fulfilling, wonderfully so; this was only the second time he'd been given the privilege of naming warrior, but to Twitchstar it felt like every agonising life could be worth it. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." Desperately, he hoped each of them would carry their names proudly... woudn't be embarrassed to carry them, wouldn't shy away. Oh, but- hopefully that desperation didn't show on his face. Only... leaderlike gleams of knowing in his eyes, he hoped.

"Radiopaw, from this moment on... y-you will be known as Radiochatter." Something acceptable, he hoped... he had always been a positive presence in the Clan, sticking close to but standing out alongside his siblings. A hard worker, especially since the loss of Falcongaze... Twitchstar knew starry eyes would be looking down in approval. "StarClan honours your courage and passion, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan."

"Teeveepaw, from this moment on you will be- will be known as Teeveesight. StarClan honours your curiosity and intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Teeveesight had always been a more watchful presence, alongside Radiochatter... but one equally of beneFIt to SkyClan's ranks. They would make a good pair of warriors together, these siblings.

To the other pair, then... one from the pine colony, one from Blazestar's era. Even though the lives they had known before were passed, missed due to moons and moons away, Twitchstar looked somewhat optimistically, shockingly, to the possibility that this may stand as some positive symbol for the both of them.

"Blizzard, from this moment on you will be- be known as Blizzardstorm." He had surged into a strong presence, Clanwide... as bright and surging as a snowstorm. It felt like a compliment to him, at the very least. "StarClan honours your determination and resilience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan."

Then, he met clear aqua eyes. It felt odd to stand before a cat who had been on the Journey and give this honour, when all he'd done was lounge around camp and somewhat-obsessively managed to avoid getting sick. But if there was anyone who deserved this name... "Chalk... from this moment on, you- you will be known as Chalkwhisker." Fitting for someone who never seemed to stop searching, he hoped. "StarClan honours your patience and intelligence, and we honour you as a full warrior of SkyClan."

A breath shuddered into the air. With a smile, he would join the chorus of SkyClan's cheers: "Radiochatter! Teeveesight! Blizzardstorm! Chalkwhisker!"

teeveesight & 13 moons & nonbinary & neutral pronouns & skyclan warrior
─ ─ Twitchstar calls for attention, and teeveepaw obliges - wide eyes staring up at a brown figure not unlike their own, if they were sharper and twitchier, and had far more white. Still, he speaks, and they listen - ear twitching as Gravepaw is named an apprentice and entrusted to Chickbloom to train... and then they and their brother are called up. Blizzard and Chalk, too, are summoned, but they are an afterthought that pales in comparison to their affection for radiopaw.

Excitement bubbles in their chest in spite of themselves - for all that, in the quiet seclusion of their mind anyways, they may claim to be uncaring and impassive of Skyclan as a whole - unbothered by commitment and attachment, seeking only knowledge and adventure, and a sense of comrade with their family - there is something to be said of gaining their warrior name. proof, tangible in their very being, of the skills they have carefully crafted and honed - even if it was with less... attentiveness then some would have liked. Teeveepaw isskilled after all, for all that they hardly return to Skyclan these days.

" I do " they answer the question they are posed - echoing a heartbeat behind Radiopaw, and it is the first thing they have spoken all day. But it is worth it, they think, when the next thing they hear is the careful curl of their new name upon the leaders lips -


It is a good name, they think, their deer-like figure all but preening as they receive what has bestowed upon them with all the honor and burden they know it comes with.

A warrior, at last.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

  • Yes!
Reactions: Radiochatter

In every aspect a contrast to his jittering appearance, Twitchstar's call rings true throughout their camp. His first meeting in his own right—or at least the first not doomed from the beginning by blazing proclamations and disgruntled whispers—and he hails it appropriately. Blazestar's meeting calls had been staid and steady, Orangepath's clipped and businesslike. Twitchstar handles his with a little more flair, Doeblaze notes with a fond flick of the ear. Warm winds gust past her cocked ears as she listens.

Good. It distinguishes them, sets forth from the first the thing they're known for, named for. A bird pinwheels overhead, a magpie with its wings velvety and blue in the clear newleaf light, then dips into the fields of trees beyond her vision. A black feather curls slows through the cloistered pines, whisks playfully through the winds of camp as Twitchstar calls Gravekit forth with a smile. A strange kit, this one, serious and intense—different from his boisterous denmates, but then again, who could match the energy of Orangepath's brood? She can see Ramkit and Lambkit lingering, no doubt sullen over their continued confinement, near the nursery.

The air seems lighter, somehow. Perhaps it's just the slightest warm breath of newleaf, seeming to come from the golden sun rather than the chilled and distant mountains. Or perhaps it's the prospect of a fresh young apprentice with more to come, of new nests crowding the overtaxed warriors' den and young warriors' gossip filling the evenings. Times like these, it's that much easier for Doeblaze to cling bare-clawed to her hopes for her Clan, her belief in it.

Your mentor… will be Chickbloom. Doeblaze's solitary eye brightens as it flicks between the freshly christened Gravepaw and his new mentor. The gilded warrior was skittish and a little softhearted, true enough, but he'd also proven to be one of the most reliable among their number. Perhaps his nerves would cancel out Gravepaw's and they could drift like untethered birds through the territory, she wonders with a slender curve of amusement along her muzzle.

A ragtag bunch of warriors-to-be step forward at Twitchstar's call, Blizzard's hulking tabby surrounded by the slender tawny of Chalk and the bobbing heads of Lightninghaze's brood. Doeblaze's eyes turn up at the corners and she waits with snared breath for their acceptances. An old friend and a budding new one, and two fine apprentices besides. Radiopaw, steadfast for Falcongaze's loss, and Teeveepaw, enigmatic but skillful. A fine crop to swell their warriors' den like RiverClan's banks.

Steady I dos fill the clearing in the brief breath of silence, four sets of assured eyes shining. This was nearly her favorite part of meetings—the heavy, excited pause as the Clan waited to hear the names of their new warriors, and then the raucuous cheers as they were hailed for the first time. With a pleasant buzz around her chest, she recalls the chants of her Clanmates when she was graced with her own name. It's nice, feeling that cozy lamp-bloom between her notched ribs rather than sodden wringings of despair.

Radiochatter, he bestows upon the first of Lightninghaze's kits, surely a litter to be proud of. A buzz, it calls to mind, chattering electric like the promising cries of the birds in the trees. Teeveesight, to the second, a fine herald to their wide-eyed intellect and quiet curiosity—she anticipates a peaceful night, if they'll be sitting vigil. Doeblaze hums approvingly, without meaning to do it—Twitchstar hardly needs her approval, after all.

His blotted gaze shifts to the elder two prospects—one lost, and one having lost. Both marked by sprawling absences, unexpectedly returned, and now finally named. Blizzardstorm, and perhaps onen of Twitchstar's lives had been accuracy—it fits the solemnly determined warrior perfectly. Lastly comes Chalkwhisker, and Doeblaze perks her ears, the chant of his name lingering expectantly on her tongue—recollections of clear aquamarine eyes and vibrant curiosity on the Journey nodding behind her eyelids.

Finally, Twitchstar exhales a shudder of a breath. It's a wonder the leaders don't walk around with sore throats, with how long some meetings run. The tiny curve of a smile graces her muzzle as Doeblaze lifts slightly on her paws, as if preparing to lift off with the force of the day's sudden wind of optimism She meets his beginning cheers, chanting, " Radiochatter! Teeveesight! Blizzardstorm! Chalkwhisker! "

Doeblaze is a small, scruffy lilac tabby she-cat spotted with white. She has one jade-green eye, the other blotted out by a prominent scar.

thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
59 moons old as of 3/5/2025
penned by dejavu


Gravekit's body was alight with nerves, practically humming with nervous energy that he was sure his mother had received several static shocks while grooming him this morning. Then again her nerves were just as poignant, clearly he had to have gotten it from somewhere. For all her flaws, for how stifling she feels at times, he is sad to know that they won't be spending as much time together. There's something daunting, what he had once felt suffocating he momentarily yearns for, though he's sure that she will find a way to linger at his training, certain that she would even try to join if he could be so unlucky. Still, he lingers by her here, listening to the confident call of Twitchstar, he had always heard the leaders calls from a distance but this was his first time to be so present for it.

His name is called upon and for a moment he's left there standing in paralysis, until the softest nudge of his mothers paw draws him into reality. He shudders at the idea of having so many eyes on him for a moment but shuffles forward. Twitchstar calms his nerves, a genuine smile felt like a breath of fresh air that he hadn't taken. It is painfully awkward, the manner of which he carries himself at this moment, torn between wanting to have pride and wanting to curl in on himself. Wide blue eyes shine in nerves unspoken as he looks up at the leader, treating him as the anchor that keeps him away from his anxieties.

Chickbloom is called, he likes Chickbloom. The newly named apprentice is very thankful to not be given to a warrior that he deemed scary, of which he couldn't single out since he deemed too many to be on there. Touch noses, he remembers the instructions given very clearly. With a small sucked in air he finds a resolve to not be a trembling mess as he does so. "Hello" he says, thinking later that it sounded a little dumb to say, he supposes it could have been worse since the other option that sprung to his mind was 'pleased to meet you' as if they haven't met several times before. Gravepaw shuffles to sit next to his mentor, fighting the urge to try and look for familiar places in the crowd and instead listens to those who recieve their warrior names.

It's weird to think that one day that will be him. It's a lot sooner now than yesterday he supposes. He has to admit that the chanting seems like fun, he was eager to jump and throw his voice into the crowd. "Radiochatter! Teeveesight! Blizzardstorm! Chalkwhisker!" He felt like an adult right now, part of him hoped that Ramkit and even Lambkit would think he's a little cooler for being a 'paw now.

——————————————————————————————— you can't get free

Fluffypaw had known Blazestar for only her first two moons of life, and then it had been Orangepath's stern, scarred face and body sitting upon the Highbranch. She expects to hear her voice now, slicing the bustle of camp like claws, but it's not her confident, cool mew that envelops her like ice-breathed wind; Twitchstar clambers onto the branch, his call stuttering but loud. The pale tortoiseshell dutifully comes to sit with her Clanmates, pulling her thick, marbled tail close to her paws.

It won't be me. Not today. She tells herself this well in advance, to prepare herself for disappointment. She hadn't passed her last assessment—and Greeneyes would have told her if Twitchstar had approved her ceremony. She knows he would have. She searches for him in the crowd, briefly, but is too ashamed to meet his gaze. I would be so embarrassed, if I were him, she thinks, her ears threatening to flatten against her skull. He probably is… he's just too nice to say it out loud.

Gravekit comes forward, meeting Chickbloom's nose. Fluffypaw's gaze warms, happy for the golden-splashed warrior—he had to be having big feelings about this! Gravepaw will be his first apprentice, and it's a great honor, she thinks, to be trusted with one. "Gravepaw! Gravepaw!"

And then, it's the siblings, the daylight apprentices, who are called forward, along with Blizzard and Chalk, to receive their names. Fluffypaw tries to maintain her smile, but the absence of her name from Twitchstar's mouth is like a blow to her stomach. She bites her lip. I already knew, she reminds herself. Next time. Next time, for sure.

They are all named, each of them becoming full warriors of SkyClan, and Fluffypaw forces herself to cheer for each of them: "Radiochatter! Teeveesight! Chalkwhisker! Blizzardstorm!" They will be joining Candorflight and the rest of the warriors in the main den tonight… and she resists the surge of jealousy that infects her like sickness. I just have to work harder.

Fluffypaw is a SkyClan apprentice. She is slightly smaller than the average cat, but her thick, puffy pelt somewhat makes up for her size. Her fur is mainly solid-appearing cream, broken up by swirls of chocolate and amber. The tip of her tail, the center of her face, and her paws are white. Fluffypaw's eyes are a round, innocent jade-green.

Dandelionwish x Butterflytuft / sibling to Weedwish, Daisydrop, Budpaw / mate to none / mother to none
mentored by Greeneyes / mentoring none
16 moons old as of 03/08/2025
penned by Marquette

  • Sad
Reactions: waluigipinball