twolegplace AVENGE ME . skyclan dusk patrol

It felt like a century since he'd last ventured towards his past life. Dogbite led the small patrol back to the familiar border of Twolegplace, an area he had lived most his life. It was a bitter reminder of the past, a time when he had longed for companionship after his mother's passing. Now, they were here for a different purpose.

As the trio reached the fence line, Dogbite paused and turned to his companions. Their raspy voice carried a sense of caution as he laid out their plan. "Alright, stick close together but stagger out a fox-length between us. Let's try to cover as much ground as possible. Also, if you get the chance, feel free to freshen up any markers." A dry cough cut the tabbies train of thought off for a moment. Taking a moment to gather himself Dogbite relied on physical cues.

He directed their attention to the fence with a nod. "Thankfully, this isn't a place any of us are unfamiliar with. However, if you run into danger of any kind, do not pick a fight. Report back to camp if things go awry." Assuredly, his reminders could come across as patronizing, but to them it felt necessary. Times were far too hard to be riling up more enemies.

With a shake of his bony head, Dogbite started ahead of them. Lifting their leg to mark a spot along the fence, making a message clear: Stay away. As he waited for the input of his patrol, their tired gaze hardly reflected his commitment to the task.

  • ooc ; hunting patrol @MOMOWHISKER @MALLOWLARK
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Oh, he knew Twolegplace well enough, though it wasn't really his favourite border. The best conversations you could have were often spurred by some territorial urge within wandering rogues, or idle curiosity from kittypets... it was all much more interested when there were other Clan cats at the border. He could pick up on their business- their issues, the like. Nevertheless, past the threat of boredom he still grinned, staring into some unseen dead space. Some part of him ached to return to camp, but- he and his mate had drawn distance from each other, an effort to prevent infection.

Eyes scraped around the surrounding, seeking. "Let's hope any prey we scent isn't dead by the time we find it," Mallowlark hummed, a giggle brushing through his words like a tail along a spine. Laughter occupied him even now- oh, it was an inconvenience! If he hadn't learned to live with it by now, though, he'd hardly be living at all...

\ retro to getting yellowcough!

Dusk's bite brought about more than the promise of predators, as they maneuvered into the Twolegplace, Momo's wide eyes consistently darted towards the red sun, hoping it had not dipped too far down the horizon. Time was not on the Daylight Warrior's side, at any moment, he feared hearing the call of his Twolegs split the silent air, dragging his name through the mud and alerting his parents when he returned too late or smelling too strongly of the world away from his house. Distracted, Dog and Mallow's conversation came as something of a surprise to the Oriental who smiled nervously and nodded along as if he had completely heard and understood what the pair were saying. He could read between the lines well enough, mark this and that, hunt where he could, and run for the hills if rogues or other ghastly creatures crossed their paths. "Gotcha," he mewed with an eager nod of his head. It had been a little while since he'd been a patrol member instead of leader, perhaps the novelty of his heroics in the shelter had worn off, something the point was silently grateful for. Leading had never been his style, too many choices, too many responsibilities.

"Should I bring dead prey back anyways?" He asked Mallowlark, head cocked towards the creepy clanmate. Momo's coat shone, his body was lithe like a ferret, his eyes were clear and his nose was clean. The struggle of starvation and sickness had not reached the Daylight Warrior (somewhat luckily, he reminded himself when recalling Tallulah's fate), nor was it ever likely to; even if he was told the effects of carrion, it was difficult to imagine it unless he could experience it himself. He chewed on his tongue gently, he shouldn't have to feel guilty about not suffering, but... he did, as if his world was cloistered without the negative experiences. "Silversmoke said it would be better than nothing." The Lead Warrior's authority was not one the point acknowledged at that moment, instead, he looked to Dogteeth with reverence - only one of the two had been antagonistic towards him since his first day in SkyClan, and it certainly wasn't the cinnamon tabby.