pafp AW NUTS || Acorns


So breakable, unbreakable
Oct 8, 2023
The world has been nothing but cruel to Pearlykit the entire three moons he's been alive. First, his mother dies of yellowcough and his father follows soon after. Then, Windclan is ousted from their home and he is forced to live with cats he is unfamiliar with. The oak forest brought many new scents and sights to him, and he enjoyed them as much as they exhausted him. The Thunderclan camp was like a whole new world to him, and it was.... It was overwhelming. Mostly because of all the cats he didn't know, the Thunderclanners. He didn't know what to think about them, he hadn't heard anyone speak of them negatively like they do Riverclan and Skyclan.

He was put here with other kits and queens, but he's never felt more alone in his entire life than he does right now. He has no one to cuddle up to for comfort, no one to ask if its going to be okay. Those cats are gone to the stars, leaving him behind. He hasn't slept properly since he arrived here. He doesn't expect Thunderclans queens to hurt him or do anything nefarious, but they're cats he doesnt know. Their kits are cats he doesnt know.

Padding out of the nursery with furrowed brows he sits just in front of it, glaring at the ground thinking of how unfair everything is. Something catches his eye, however.... A funny brown thing. What is that. It looked like it had a funny hat. Another thing he is unfamiliar with that upsets him. He gets to his paws and turns on the object of his ire.

"YOU DON'T SCARE ME, YOU FUNNY EGG!!" He shouts at it, his voice shrill.

And with a mighty THWACK, he smacks the acorn away from him and sends it flying towards another cat, not that he is looking.

((@Bearkit ))​