sensitive topics awaken — flowercloud


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
/ mild gore ^^

Rarely did Duskpool make time for himself, taking patrol after patrol and enduring sleepless nights, hoping to rid himself of nightmares memories that plagued his nights like hungry hawks waiting to swoop. He breathed, letting the crisp air of leaf-bare enter his lungs, burning with each swell of his chest that sent prickles down his throat, nearly causing a coughing fit if he hadn’t swallowed, shaking his wooly fur in slithering annoyance.

On the days he took the time to relax his quivering muscles and weeping mind, relishing in the soft quietness the snowy tundra offered despite the lumbering chill that rattled his bones like scattered bones tumbling across a windy moor. He had allowed himself a small sliver of hope to blossom within a dark cavern that lived in his chest, heart pulsating with the sudden rise of familiar faces and discoveries that nearly made him purr in quaint happiness.

To have his younger sister, although troubled by what he still failed to say, and a son he had thought perished along with his mate to Flowercloud’s welcoming presence. Even if the harboring reminder of those that he lost, stolen away like fleeting stems on a dandelion flower. His heart tugged painfully, dark lips curling into a subtle frown, masked beneath the expression of indifference he wore like battle wounds.

The older warrior shifted, pausing mid-step to observe the pine-covered limbs that groaned beneath the powered weight that coated the ground in a slight sheen, undisturbed except for the small footprints of skittering prey and early hunting patrols. With a rumble, Duskpool ignored the sharp jabs of pain slithering up calloused paw pads to seep deep into the crevices of old injuries, shoulder throbbing with familiar numbness that barely phased the warrior after their rocky climb up a cliff and deeper into the windy alpines.

“Let’s get goin’ before the day gets any darker.” He rumbled to Flowercloud, molten gaze flickering to meet her own, helm swerving to stare ahead seconds after. “Ain’t gonna have much of a chance findin’ any good prey with the cold settin’ in.” He grunted, glancing wearily at the cold-barren ground, closer to the upwalkers, but he figured they tried their luck.

“Haven’t had much of a chance to see how ya been holdin’ up.” He rumbled, continuing his slow trek forward with an idly sweep of his tail. “Ya holdin’ up alright, kiddo?” He raised an eyebrow, mangled ear swerving in remembrance of their last conversation before she’d fallen ill and he’d set off on some self-sacrificial journey since the death of Yukio and his brothers.

His body stiffened, catching the quiet barks of beasts off into the distance, some lengths toward the upwalkers. Molten gaze narrowed, his maw parted to warn the other only for a sway of déjà vu settling across his shoulders to the sudden flurry of rapid backs cutting through the air drawing a loud snarl from the older warrior.

It was all the same—Damnit. Duskpool would have laughed at how foolish he’d been for hoping, if he wasn’t already surging forward toward the two large-sized beasts, letting out low-harbouring snarls. “Flowercloud! Get out of here!” He snarled over the loud barks, shooting the molly a sporadic glance, hoping that she’d listen, but even that was futile at the sudden sting erupting from his hind leg[, overpowered by the rancid smell of dog so similar to when he was a youngster fighting for his life to the sudden flutter of chaos during the last stretch, Duskpool found himself slammed into the unforgiving earth with a thunderous growl, teeth bared as he twisted awkwardly to latch onto the brute’s cheek.

/ @flowercloud.
thought speech

having a family now, an older brother long lost like a feather in the wind. stripped from her youth, but it's not like anyone could help it. since she found out, she had a reason. she wasn't alone.

for a long time, she thought she wouldnt have a family. but now that she did, she was taking care of herself the slightest bit better, especially after facing death eye to eye. but her brother had a history and a gaze that held summer grass with the warmth of a campfire on a cool night would meet the gaze of eyes hiding pain in the nonchalant sunrise hues. she could feel that he went through hell and back.

but, if she didn't have him she didn't know if she could have kept fighting during that sickness. if she didn't have her clan, she wouldn't have fought at all. she was finally recovering mentally from the draining encounter, and if she faced death again, she'd spit in it's face.

the golden warrior was more energetic since the days grew colder and the heat wasn't killing her so badly that she would laze about. it seemed they were understanding to an extent, remembering the apprentice that came to her aid on a heated day when the sun beat down mercilessly. "I agree, it's unfortunate, but if we dug those holes one of these days, I'm sure there's a whole nest of prey cuddling from the warmth." she had just thought of that idea, but unsure if it would work with the frozen ground.

"I'm doing better, dusk pool. it's been a minute, but it doesn't make us any less family. I'm just glad we figured it out, really. it was hard for me not having a family, watching all those that seemed so close," she admitted, a purr on the edge of her words. "have you been taking care of yourself besides overworking to the bone," she returned, a teasing tone in her voice.

it was a rather peaceful walk nonetheless, despite not finding much for food. but the sky was indeed darkening, casting orange and reds across the horizon, and bathing the grounds in a dimmer light. but she heard it as well, her head swiveling to the side. she expected it to be one of the dogs in the gates, protecting them from danger. but it barrelled closer. she heard him his voice laced in stern panic, but why did he expect her to leave him?

the mongrel collided into him, and she couldn't but but leap forward onto its back, attempting to dig teeth into the thick skin of its dusty coloured fur. claws dug on either side of the beast to plant herself on him. she couldn't let duskpool die. that wasn't what she ever wanted to do- to leave a clanmates to perish when she could have helped. so as much as she wanted to listen, she couldn't due to her own moral code.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The pain was familiar, grounding even if a snarl hadn’t rippled out like spewing lava, chest shuddering against a quivering heart that thudded like rattle drums. He sank deeper, tasting bitter ichor on a sandpaper tongue, flooding his maw and down his burning throat, mangled ear flat against his helm with a muffled rumble, ignoring the rotten beast that squealed beneath his unforgiving bite, letting go as Flowercloud lept into action, clawing herself onto its beast with heartbreaking terror. Damnit, Flowercloud! He wanted to snarl, claws grappling with the frozen earth, willing them to find some kind of purchase to pivot his frame toward them, but the mutt was resilient, keeping its jaws firmly planted into his hind leg, already scarred and bitten from his younger days.

He grinned, bitter-filled and hollow, molten gaze narrowing with a muffled sneer, letting go with gritted teeth, nearly slamming his helm into the frigid ground. “Go for its ears!” He snarled above the commotion, claws digging into the ground to lash out across the beast’s muzzle. His chest heaved in tandem with the rapid beat of his heart, muscles quivering from the lack of sleep, Duskpool grunted, wrenching himself from its muzzle with a series of quick jabs, claws hooking into the plump flesh of its whiskers drawing a high-pitched whine.

For star’s sake, did not one listen to a damn word he said? The male stumbled, rolling onto his paws and staring at the beast’s blocky movements with a narrowed molten copper. The battered warrior would have been fine. He made a promise, and he’d honor that till his dyin’ breath, but here, no—Duskpool had to make sure she came out of his blasted thing alive. To hell with his life, he couldn’t lose anyone, not now. He just—Duskpool wanted to curse, to laugh bitterly at fate’s way of tellin’ him it was a foolish hope.

To think he let a sliver of hope worm itself into his blackened heart, he supposed this was a slap to the face. Someone like him deserved nothin’ but a life worth of agony. Even death was too good for a bastard like him, and Duskpool should have known that. His expression darkened, his heart squeezing painfully, his teeth gritted against a scarred maw as dark lips curled into something ugly. “Get the hell out of here kid!” He snapped, voice rumbling like angry thunder, molten hues zeroing in on her long-furred form.

She shouldn’t have been here, not like this. He couldn’t lose someone he just allowed himself to see as a little sister, maybe not quite, but foxdung, he couldn’t just—The older warrior rumbled, splintering the angry barks and high-pitched whines, claws grappling with the frozen earth, breathing in the rancid smell of dog and fresh snow masked behind the icy smell of pine. It was his damn fault if she got hurt—Duskpool didn’t want to think about that. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

He hadn’t wasted more than a few minutes, surging forward with a pained snarl, hoping to latch onto the beast’s side, using his larger frame to his advantage to dislodge the mutt’s balance.
thought speech

Her claws tore through thick muscles on the mutts shoulders, teeth clenching down on neck fur till she tasted the iron in her mouth. this wasn't for her, because honestly, she was scared. she was so scared that she had no choice but to throw away her pacifism to the side to protect her family. she would throw her own life to the side for her family.

Seeing him struggle to get his leg free, she couldn't help but feel her heart tear itself apart with wretched claws. the high pitched whine made her own ears fold back, but she kept her grip on the back of its neck. go for it's ears! the command filled her own as she released skin to rake her claws down the canines back of his head.

usually she did listen, she could hear him quite well actually. but the bitter feeling of being alone was enough that she was feeling quite rebellious, and refusing to acknowledge his words of trying to get him out yet again. she couldn't bare it, she would never forgive herself.

as claws raked down it's ears, he'd throw his head back in an attempt to throw her off. unfortunately, it was successful, her legs scrambling to keep hold of its back. the large warrior hit the ground with a thud, before a wicked scream erupted from her lungs. the beast dug teeth into the side her head, and if duskpool hadn't charged his side, if the other warrior didn't throw the dog off, she swore she'd be dead. as it let go, his teeth tore through flesh. the pain was severe, her eyes watering. it was numb, she didn't even realize it had taken her ear with it.

blood dripped down heavily, trailing down the amber warriors head and the warm liquid dripped to the ground. her limbs pushed herself up in a hidden rage. her scream of pain that she swore echoed up to starclan turned into a snarl, leaping foreward to rake claws against its own face, claws ripping over hellish void of its eyes . she'd leap back as the dog attempted to snap back at her. flowerclouds head throbbed, her heart thudded in her ears, against her chest cavity so loud, she could not hear anything. she could not see but a pinpoint surrounded by red from one eye as she lunged again, this time for the front of its throat.

she didn't know if she was going to make it out alive. she didn't know if she would even recover, feeling blood soak her fluffy white neck, the warmth against the bitter cold almost soothing. she didn't know if she would live to see her clan again. she didn't know if dawnglare even had the necessary herbs to help them. but she didn't care. she wasn't ever going to sit there helpless.

she had a family. and she wasn't going to let them down. pure adrenaline ran through her, and she wasn't going down without a fight.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Nothin’ prepared him for the wretched scream that tore out of her throat, muscles stiffening like that of a day-old corpse willing the sight to be some fucked up illusion his mind created, but no. Foxdung. This was real—His body screamed in pain and overwhelming tiredness, unable to thank StarClan that he wouldn’t be burying another family member, not if he failed again like all those moons ago when he witnessed the death of cats he had cherished more than life itself, now nothing more than ghosts that haunt his dreams nightmares.

A bitter laugh nearly ripped out from his throat, molten copper narrowing, the pupil nothing more than a slit against the vibrant color of his iris. It was all the same, teeth bloodied, pulled into a tight-lipped sneer despite the quiver of his frame, birthed out of over-due exhaustion than fear surging forward in an attempt to shove Flowercloud out of the beast’s eyesight with a snarl, barely able to glance at the mauled flesh that was her ear, no barring similar resemblance to his tattered frame. He wanted to curse at fate’s wicked dance. “Damnit, kid! I told ya to get out of here—” He couldn’t fault her, not now, not when she would bear the markers of a losing fight. It hurt more than he would ever admit with a quivering heart to take the brunt of the mutt’s impact, sending him sparling backward with a choked wheeze, teeth sinking into his side.

He remained gasping, nostrils flaring against a scarred muzzle to lash out with rigid claws, sinking into the soft, pliable flesh of its nose. Crimson stained his black smokey fur paired with the slow trickle of his hind leg that smeared across the snow. Duskpool’s claws sunk deeper until the mutt released its hold with a high-pitched whine, giving the older warrior ample time to clamber onto tired paws. His sides heaved with a thunderous snarl, moving to stand in front of Flowercloud, smokey fur standing upright, appearing far bigger than he was, but nothing compared to the hulking size before them baring injuries with fearful eyes.

The warrior surged forward, jaws snapping at its face as it turned tail with the bulky male not far behind, coming to a halt when the world spun, black dots clouding his vision, only able to see the last of its form vanish toward the upwalker’s nests when he turned on unstable paws. He stared at Flowercloud with indifferent hues despite the maelstrom of emotions raging through his mind, maw parted to see just how bad it was when the world darkened, collapsing in a heap of smokey fur, falling unconscious, breathing ragged.
thought speech

the brute shoved her aside, and she was too weird feeling to fight back, eyes unfocused as she felt tired. that tired that reminded her of when she was sick. that tired that reminded her that she wore a mask to pretend it didn't exist, the sickening anxiety swirling in her stomach.

"get out of here, and what? let you die? You're all I got duskpool." she finally responded, her previously sweet voice spiked with fear and anguish, her vision hazy. she'd turn to face him, watching his fur bristle in front of her as the dog charged. a gasp escaped her, watching with green gaze the beast slamming into the smokey tom.

"duskpool!" she cried out, his body getting slammed into the ground, his claws clamped tightly into the dogs nose. it let out sharp whimpers, before finally running off. it seemed within milliseconds of her getting to him that he had passed out. tears fell down the Molly's scarred face. she hadn't done enough. star clan must be punishing her- but she only did the best she could. "why?!" her howl into the sky, eyes closed as tears dripped into the bloodied snow. "tell me why...." her voice a whisper, touching her nose to his shoulder.

blood stained the snow white ground, a symbol of a vicious battle, coming from both dog and cat. matts of fur littered amongst the blood, some drifting away from the light breeze. heavy paw prints of struggle coated the scene, with one trail of a something being dragged washing away her own pawprints. the sunset sky had turned black, leaving dim lighting from the moon causing an eerie air across the clearing.