AWKWARD &. [ september 11th meeting ]


this was going to be a long meeting. they had quite a few things to discuss. warrior ceremonies. apprentice ceremonies. deaths... and... the journey. they needed to figure out who was going. with so much at stake, they couldn't deny any of this, no matter how much they wanted to. they truly needed to send cats off for the journey. but... who? with a huff, they just closed their eyes before climbing on the rock, sitting down with a lash of their tail.

"everyone, this is a very important meeting! if you are not sick, please gather."

they take a pause. this... was going to be a meeting to change many lives.

"first things first. let's get ceremonies out of the way. mottlepaw, please step forward. do you promise to be the best warrior you can be for shadowclan, and provide and protect those younger and older than you?"

they wait for the response with a nod.

"then from this moment on, you will be known as mottlefox for your cunning and speedy nature. I hope that you take all that you've learned and put it to good use. shadowclan needs you as much as you need it."

they turn to the kits, sighing. another generation already ready for their apprenticeship.

"sweetkit, sparrow, briarkit, ghostkit, screechkit, and nettlekit. please step forward. do each of you promise to do your best to learn from your mentors, taking steps to become true warriors of shadowclan? then from this point on you will be known as sweetpaw, sparrowpaw, briarpaw, ghostpaw, screechpaw, and nettlepaw. sweetpaw, you shall be mentored by forestshade. sparrowpaw, you shall be mentored by geckoscreech. briarpaw, you will be mentored by skunktail. ghostpaw, you will be mentored by lilacfur. screechpaw, you shall be mentored by me. and nettlepaw, you shall be mentored by nightswarm. i trust that each of you shall prove to be good mentors to your apprentices. and remember, apprentice, do not leave camp without another warrior. your curiosity may overwhelm you, but not as much as a predator ready to tear you apart will."

and now for the least fun part. they didn't want to address anything next.

"before we get to the rest of the meeting, just a few quicker things. sabletuft has decided to step down. if you wanna know why, ask him. sunnyday has long since been booted from the den, and if you catch him on the territory, drive him off. I don't want him around. speaking of our territory, there does seem be more rats running around. just be careful. those things pack a nasty bite."

chilledstar's class gently dug against the rock.

"we don't have the cure. it doesn't grow here and the other clans can't possibly just give us what they barely have. but... starlingheart, along with the rest of the medicine cats, have found a way through starclan. we must travel. far from here. the only way we can get our cure is to go to the mountains. starclan says that this is the only way. problem with that is... with so many sick there are very limited amount of you that can go. so... I'm asking for volunteers. who is strong enough to go on this journey with the other 4 clans, for the sake of our clan?"

// OKAY IF I MISSED ANY CEREMONIES PLS LET ME KNOW. ALSO. IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY WITHIN THE JOURNEY DISCORD, PLEASE DO NOT OFFER YOUR CAT FOR THE JOURNEY. these are already pre-planned! they are simply being nice by asking instead if just telling.

tags. ↟↟↟ Pinekit’s dark brown ears perked to the sound of Chilledstar calling the clan to a meeting. The curious kit sped out of the nursery, stumbling on his lanky legs as he did so. He halted outside the den and took a place close to his mother, Minktail (npc), and the other queens. He could see a big group of his denmates, now ex-denmates, all sitting in front of the clan. The nursery was going to be much roomier with all of them moving to the apprentice den. He worried a little bit that soon he’d be sitting in front of everyone at a meeting too, but he still had some time to prepare. He got to stay behind for now. He was a little sentimental that the nursery would be quieter after today, but he was happy for the new apprentices. ”Screechpaw! Sweetpaw! Ghostpaw! Nettlepaw! Sparrowpaw! Briarpaw!” He cheered all their new names.

Pinekit’s maw turned to a frown when the crowd of Shadowclanners suddenly fell silent as Chilledstar began talking of a cure. StarClan says they must travel to mountains to get the cure for the sickness? His green eyes shined with hope. Then all his clanmates would feel better! They only had to get to the mountains and bring back what StarClan wanted! They had to go! The sooner the better! He faintly felt his paws start to tremble. But who would go? Chilledstar asked for volunteers who were strong enough to make the journey…. There was no way in StarClan he could go. He was just a kit and he’d never been outside camp or even met a cat from one of the other four clans…. The journey sounded like a task for a brave warrior. Pinekit scanned the crowd of his clanmates with anxious eyes.

Upon Chilledstar's call of a meeting, Nightswarm approaches like a moth drawn to a flame and take their seat next to one of their siblings awaiting to hear whatever announcement or graduations would be held today. Their ear flicks when Mottlepaw is named Mottlefox and becomes a new warrior amongst the rest of them, it was true that the clan would need Mottlefox more than ever considering that a lot of their clanmates had fallen ill due to the spreading disease. The thought makes the warrior roll their shoulders in mild discomfort and perk their ears forward knowing that some of the kittens were of age and ready for their apprentice ceremonies, this meant their own kin as well. They listen attentively as Chilledstar assigns each kit their mentor, half-lidded gaze lighting up at the mention of their niece, Ghostpaw, being given to their littermate, Lilacpaw, and another apprentice to their brother, Skunktail. What they hadn't expected was to be given Nettlepaw to mentor.

His amber eyes unblinking for a few heartbeats and he holds his breath deciding that it was likely best to take the kitten under his wing and he could keep a watchful eye on Nettlepaw for Starlingheart in a way especially now. Nightswarm's poor sister likely driven to madness having to juggle both her children and the duties of a medicine cat that wore her out, this was for the best, he tries thinking to himself as he finds his nephew and dipping down to touch brief noses with the newly graduated from kittenhood, Nettlepaw. He would likely take his nephew out for his first outing after the meeting but for now, the warrior sits down and realizes that Chilledstar has a lot more to say. Once more they become attentive and can't help but feel his jaw clench in the slightest, a perilous journey with the possibility of no return, failure, or even success.

The thought of working with the other clans just a bit distasteful but she has already made up her own mind and will not go, not due to being a coward, no, but moreso the fact of training her newly appointed apprentice and potentially helping Starlingheart while other Shadowclanners volunteered themselves.

the meeting proceeds as usual, shadowclan gains a much needed warrior in the form of mottlefox but it's quick to get overshadowed by the ceremonies of starlingheart and forestshade's brood who are now ridding themselves of their -kit names in favor of -paw to show they are ready to walk the path of warriorhood. mentors are being chosen from a sparse crowd and her name is one of many that is spoken aloud, she was not assigned any of the children that came from the nursery, no, she had been chosen to train the former outsider they found abandoned on their territory. Her would jaw tense, forcing back the urge to display her annoyance at such a choice but she knows better than to make a complaint as trival as this. honestly, she should just be glad to even have been assigned an apprentice in the first place especially since the incident.

geckoscreech was given a second chance to take a student beneath her wing and this time she wasn't going to mess it up. so sweeping aside any minor gripes, the molly continues to listen to chilledstar as they speak with brows lifting a little at the news of sabletuft stepping down from his position and wonders momentarily if the outburst surrounding sunnyday had anything to do with it. she does not care to dwell on the matter for too much because shadowclan is graced with the sudden news that they have no access to the cure, how wonderful. it seems their only option to acquire any is to journey to the mountains alongside the other clans which causes a slight look of disbelief to shadow her features.

starclan is asking them to send pawfuls of their own on some risky journey with no certainty of success? not to mention they don't know how long it will take them to accomplish this, hell, by the time they return half the clans could be wiped out by this disease! with a held tongue, she looks over the crowd waiting to see who'd step forth to the call.

  • ✎ . . .
  • to be added.
  • to be added.

He smiles as the apprentices are named. He is happy for them, but he is also happy that his workload has just lightened significantly. He could faint with relief if he isn't careful. He loves these kits, but keeping an eye on all of them was beginning to get rather difficult. Now they were off on their own adventures, on their way to becoming proud Shadowclan warriors. He cheers all their names, and he can't help but think about his own kits ceremonies. They were very close, and he almost feels...Sad. He won't get to hold them close anymore, they'll have their own responsibilities.

That is a crisis for another time.

He was about to have a new one.

The cure isn't grown in this damnable swamp, just as suspected with their luck. The leaders have discussed amongst themselves and a journey is to be made to the mountains to procure the lungwort. Starclan has told them to go to the mountains.... And his ears perk and his eyes light up.

I'll go-!

He nearly volunteers. His mouth is parted, ready to let the words spill out. But reality strikes him harder than any monster could, and he finds his voice gone.

He can't go.

His kits need him. He is still stuck in the nursery. He would never be allowed to go. Not to mention, the clan would need him here.....

His mouth closes and his eyes close, looking down from the leaders rock. A chance to go home, to the climate he was born and raised in, to once again stalk through snow coated forests and rocky cliffs... And he can't even volunteer.

Was Starclan mocking him? He can't help but feel slighted by the stars. But he knows that can't be true, it's unreasonable. He keeps quiet, and listens for those who do volunteer to go. He can't help but wonder how bad things will get here while they are gone.​

Eagerly he moves through the crowd of cats to find his new apprentice, touch a nose to hers and offer a grin wider than any he'd given recently. Skunktail had been trained by his mother and the Marsh Colony cats under her but had never been apprenticed proper. When the clans were established he was past the age for it and so he had learned their customs and borders as many of his peers had through sheer effort and work alone with only the help of his clanmates and their leaders. At first he was bothered to be recieving an apprentice so late, but honestly the wait was well worth it even if Briarpaw made him somewhat uneasy with her name and semblance to his mother.

Skunktail listens to the rest of the news with a tail flicked in irritation, Sunnyday was gone and Sabletuft removed of his position? Chilledstar says nothing on it but any fool can make the correlation after the fact; what a wretched tom thinking himself above borders, borders that his mother had established long ago, that all the clans agreed on respecting and not intermingling with the others. His annoyance at ShadowClan's lead warriors continueing to be failures is interuppted by the news of the journey to the mountains and what it might entail. A cure found there.

ShadowClan already had so full healthy warriors to even keep them going here, they could hardly spare many at all to send on some asinine journey that might end in them not returning at all. Skunktail wants to volunteer at first, feels he should as heir to the marshland's founder herself - brother to their medicine cat, healthy and surefooted as any of his clanmates and just as capable a warrior as his mother and brothers before him but...
He doesn't. He does not speak it.
Green eyes drift back down to Briarpaw next to him, green-eyed and sleek as the night; a mini reflection of what he was sure Briarstar had looked like when she was younger. How funny that a blind mother named this cat.
He was just given an apprentice and the sooner they had more paws trained to hunt the better their odds of survival would be. A cat without an apprentice or even one with an almost trained one ought to go to increase their odds...He was better off serving his clan here and he knew it.

Their voice is called to the Clanrock and they walk forward and forward and forward, until their tiny nose smashes against the hard surface and a squeal of alarm breaks the silence following their rapidly spouted ceremony boiling over with a visage of being torn apart by whatever lay outside the camp. You know, they rather like the nursery and rubbing a paw to their nose debated asking to remain in it but it is only when the name of their mentor rings out within their head do they think otherwise. Forestshade!
To get the chance they didn't have to see their mother more often, no longer left waiting in the nursery watched by other queens and wondering if she'd even come back - now they would get to join her on her outings and never be left wanting again. Sweetkit, now Sweetpaw, turns and staggers about in a circle; eyes wide and unseeing but nose tilted upward to try and find her among the throe of cats there and once her trail is caught they are toddling along quickly in that direction, "You're my mentor!" The blind apprentice cries out shrilly, excited and overwhelmed, "We get to do things together!"

Oh, Nettlekit was sure he was prepared. Chest puffed out, he proudly descended upon this meeting, sky-blue eyes bright-blazing, rivalling the clearness of early leaf-fall sky. A small dip of disappointment had dropped into his chest, when Flintkit had fallen ill- it seemed deeply unfair and unjust that a kitten of a medicine cat should grow so sick that he had to have his ceremony delayed- but he knew his brother would have his chance soon enough. In a much less crowded meeting, he would bet! A generation was graduating here, like vines sprawling higher and higher... with how quickly these four moons had passed, Nettlekit could imagine how soon they would be touching the sky.

Nightswarm. Kin, yeah. That'd be good- someone who knew him well, and likely knew his potential. He'd heard it once or twice- you'll make a good apprentice. And he believed it, he really did. He wasted no time in striding up to his mentor, bravado radiating from him like the greenleaf sun's warmth. A grin crescented lagoon-blue eyes. "I'm thrilled for our first day," he whispered excitedly to Nightswarm, though determination true was difficult to read on his body language. No facade dropped with his words, though- he really was excited to live up to what he had built as a kitten.
penned by pin ♡
His daughter doesn't sit with them today. She's not far off, and maybe that's the worst of it. He can feel her absence and presence both, this...heavy, fearful thing. She's not as bad off as some of the others, but– they're out of their treatment, Chilledstar says, and he knows things will only get worse from here. More of them will fall sick and die (one fewer, if– no, no; he would have done it too, he knows he would have) and what could they do about it but go? Who would save his daughter if not for him? Those around Chilledstar's meeting spot have been quiet so far. Obligation, some. Health for others. Some of them newly apprenticed. Surely their leader, however desperate, would not send them. Who, then?

His desperate gaze finds Clearheart. "Me. I'll go." For Dragonflypaw, he manages not to say, but any who look at him should know that it was his motivation. His gaze leaves Clearheart and Chilledstar and drifts ceaselessly towards Starlingheart's den. There is no great motivation. No heroic need to save his clan or even his friends. Honeyjaw is not a good cat, not really. He loves his daughter more than just about anything.

  • ooc:
  • honeyjaw ╱╱ 36 moons old ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a former loner who joined the clan approximately six months ago (give or take).
    ──── named for the deep honey-brown of his pelt as well as his too natural charisma.
    ──── has an apprentice-aged kid he joined with, def scared of watching 'em grow up.
    ──── bisexual- kinda flirtatious yet never seems to really pursue a relationship. single.

    a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected, with a salt-and-pepper dusting around his jaw and muzzle.
  • "speech"
  • Like
"I'll go."

Her voice is quiet, a shaky timbre that is barely more than a quip. She surprises herself with her own words, though. She had two apprentices, she had Ferndance, she had Frostbite, she had Wheatpaw - all people that she felt the urge to be near, protect, love as fiercely and as closely as she could, since she could lose them in the blink of an eye. They could go the way of Chittertongue or Heavybranch, gone before she could even formulate a goodbye.

Heavybranch's death weighed especially heavy on her mind. He had done so much for her over the course of her life, only for her to not even be present for his last words. Yes, she would go. At least she could make it up to him then.
  • Like

━━ι═══════ There is much discussed, and it is a somber meeting despite the progression of many ShadowClanners, from apprentice to warrior and kit to apprentice. The sickness seeks to overshadow all success, to dampen their spirits and send many to StarClan. While there is peace to be found in the skies, there is still much to be done in this world— life to be preserved and guided, life such as Dragonflypaw, whose absence brings distress to her father. Clearheart watches him as much as he does Chilledstar, perhaps more so despite his typical vigilance of customary behavior.

It is unsurprising that he volunteers, and Clearheart steps toward him to rest a gentle paw on his shoulder. He holds his gaze steadily, and after Needledrift has spoken, he does not look away when he says, "I will lend my strength to this journey as well. With StarClan's guidance, we cannot fail."

  • CLEARHEART / / 40 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns but will also accept the use of neutral terms.
    — a warrior of shadowclan / / currently mentoring dragonflypaw / / excels greatly in combat above most all other skills.
    — former loner who wandered great distances & rarely remained in one place for long / / arrived after the great battle.
    — devoted to starclan above all else (aside from his idea of the common good) / / not prone to enter battle mindlessly.

    — of a height slightly above average / / trim and athletic with a sense of immovability about his posture/stance & size.
    — chocolate sepia w/ low white / / fur is quite short for the most part / / tail is naturally bobbed // full-body reference.
    — fairly warm demeanor much of the time; there is a "softness" about his features so that neutrality doesn't seem surly.

    — lawful good, in the sense that he likes to maintain order and work toward bettering lives around him without cruelty.
    — often misunderstands figures of speech and may interpret them literally. as such, can seem to lack a sense of humor.
    — deeply genuine; dislikes lying immensely, and so (most of the time) he is wholly earnest, especially with compliments.

When the meeting call echoed through the camp, Lilycrest moved gracefully toward the rock. Every step radiating confidence, as their plush tail swayed gently. Punctuality defined Lilycrest's character, and today was no different. He was eager to see Nightswarm, their dearest confidant, and show comradery to his clanmates.

Navigating the crowd, they scanned the masses, and almost immediately, their keen eyes locked onto Nightswarm. With ease, Lilycrest made way through the feline sea, determined to reach their friend. Efforts rewarded, he sat next to Nightswarm, and couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. Their friendship with Nightswarm was unique, and though deeper feelings existed, those emotions remained concealed, awaiting the right moment. For now, they offered silent support, a pillar of strength always ready to catch her.

As Chilledstar initiated the meeting, Lilycrest's attention remained fixed. The topics were of utmost importance, and the gravity of the decisions weighed heavily. They nodded in agreement, acknowledging the significance of the forthcoming journey, despite the discomfort it stirred.

The ceremonies proceeded per usual, and dutifully he called aloud for each new warrior. His polite aura switched immediately over to genuine excitement. Igniting a smile across their mug while Nightswarm's mentorship with Nettlepaw became knowledge. Their eyes glow with sincerity, and he leans over whispering, words jolting at every intruding purr.

"Nightswarm," Lilycrest murmured with genuine admiration. "Congratulations on becoming a mentor. Nettlepaw is fortunate to have you."

This moment of warmth from him was meant solely for Nightswarm's ears, a testament to the affection they held for her. Alas, the leader's comments roused their distracted gaze back to attention and silenced his next line of words.

Listening to the leader propose a challenging journey for the cure, Lilycrest's concerns deepened. They weren't the best Shadowclanner, but they were willing to volunteer for the sake of lives on the line. A heavy, unknown weight settled across the fluffy cat's back and deafened his ears. His inner 'hero-complex' forcibly paused in its tracks as he mentally back stepped from the inner delusions. Past interactions with other clans had been less than friendly, and conflict was more than possible.

Rather than stir up a storm, he made the firm decision to keep quiet and be of use at home.
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Chilledstar's poise stood firm as they called forth the ranks before Clanrock, yet an unmistakable apprehensive undertone weighed on their words. It's bothersome to him. Even in defiance of the leader's penchant for emotionally-charged choices, which was more than worthy of casting aspersions upon, their intent commitment to their decisions has always affirmed their reliability. Now, it would seem that some reservations simmered beneath the surface, betrayed by the longer-than-usual pause at the meeting's opening. Just what might the snow-streaked feline have in store for the clan today?

The deputy combs through the growing crowd in search of his apprentice, whom he would settle beside well after the ceremonies began. This change of season saw a wealth of newly-anointed apprentices. With the pressure of this plague continuing to bear down on the clan, the responsibilities they'll soon shoulder will prove exceptionally burdensome. So, Smogmaw coaxes a reassuring nod, and chants the names of those promoted alongside the rest of the clan.

His muzzle contorts into a grimace when the name of a now-former lead warrior hangs in the air. Eyes, pinched, comb through the masses in search of Sabletuft's outline. How paradoxical this sorry tom was. From upholding a reputation of unquestionable loyalty, to having his loyalty called into question. A parasite has blighted his mind. Blind infatuation. That he'd rather fall from grace than glean insights from his predecessors' errors, it leaves Smogmaw dissatisfied beyond reasonable measure.

Whiskers atwitch, a sharp exhalation follows Chilledstar's final revelation.

"Stars above," he curses with bated breath. The way in which things never seem to go their way is nothing short of comical. First, bears. Second, a plague. Now, joint cooperation with the other clans, and to Highstones, no less.

Entrusting their survival to individuals who'd never held them in high regard is a notion fraught with follies. The folliest of follies, he'd wager. It nigh on brought his blood to a boil, and most certainly enticed his claws into the soil underfoot. Halfshade's life hangs in the balance, and having WindClan as a determinant factor in her fate is a bitter herb he refused to swallow. "I'll be going as well," says the deputy loud and clear, nodding towards those who'd already promised their presence. Honeyjaw, Clearsight, and Needledrift—a formidable bunch worthy of representing this clan. His gaze then descends to the high-strung bundle of black furs at his side. "And you," he tells Sharppaw, "you're coming with me."


  • Wow

Magpiepaw does not often attend the meetings, especially not recently with the sickness so rampant in the camp and their stock of herbs dwindling more and more but the discovery of the cure and that StarClan itself had given them a sign to seek it out in distant lands was enough motivation for him to pad forward from the den to listen to Chilledstar’s announcement.
Their leader rushes along dismissively, pushing through ceremonies swiftly and with little decorum. Starlingheart’s kits (and Forestshade’s) were apprenticed now and she was free to resume her duties in full, and it was this realization that made him settle on his decision then and there, the cries of cats volunteering rising up to burn his ears. It would be dangerous, they would be hurt or lost, they might not even return, but he could certainly level the odds…

“...I will also go.” His shrill tone pitches upward, it is not a question-but a statement. He was going. Who else would ensure their cats return? Without her litter underfoot Starlingheart could manage the tide here easily - she had done so before long before he’d ever been made her apprentice and it was her worry that pushed him forward. They needed it, they needed it terribly or ShadowClan would not survive. That so few cats were able to volunteer at all was enough indication they could not chance anything. He knew what the herb looked like, he knew how to keep basic injuries in check and in doing so he could ensure they actually survived the trip home with the lungwort in tow.

She will always find it strange, that a leader is willing to admit some meetings are more important than others. Would she not be looked at differently, were she to stay tucked within her den, or gnawing a frog leg somewhere were she could pretend she was anywhere else, rather than pricking her ears for the string of names, and news he would already know, muttered through a poisonous vine?

He can’t show that he is bothered by ceremonial words not meant for him – because he is not and why would he be? He is satisfied, happy, even, That Mottlepaw – Mottlefox’s ceremony is something to get out of the way rather than dwell on. Who cares? Sharppaw kneads black paws into the dirt.

Who cares about the toddling little things, excited to be an apprentice of ShadowClan, so they may experience the wonders of mud and rats and garbage from Carrionplace. Chilledstar spares no ceremony, even for the kit that they take under their own wing. Just as well – who cares?

The last notion comes quick – sickness, and no cure. Sharppaw huffs a hiss of frustration, that of course the hellhole they lived within was not capable of growing such a thing. So… we’ll all die.

No. We must travel. And why not stay away? Why bind themselves to this marsh that did nothing for them; and the cats that did even less? Mere pride?

( Yes, he would admit on another day. Because surely, he had to have suffered for something).

His shoulders remain stiff, the twin moons of his eyes blinked wide. He is still, as eventually, voices pipe up around him. Those same eyes would flit toward his mentor, as he too, commits himself to such a thing. A piece of her dares to be relieved, for a moment. A time where Sharppaw could breathe, not having to think about auburn eyes and dark tabby fur around every corner. Although, another part of him knows what’s coming – and that part is what crosses his face with trembling whiskers and pinched eyes; the uneven ruff of his neck seems to shudder.

And you. A wide - eyed look dares him to do something. Whichever outcome – he was not sure what he prefer. His tail – not as dead as he once believed – gives a twitch, something that might have been anger, if he had not convinced himself that he could not feel it there. You’re coming with me.

A few days, a few days away from this place. And even if Smogmaw would loom over her shoulder nonetheless, she hated him less when alone, at least.

( She thinks so, anyways. )

It’s for this reason that she does not argue. She squares her shoulders, and faces forward.

  • SHARPPAW: brother to Rookpaw. Mentored by Smogmaw
    —— he / she , no pref , icked by they prns ; fine with gendered terms ( tom, molly, etc... )
    —— currently 14 moons old. warrior ceremony delayed due to lackluster progress.

    anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharppaw is a creature living in constant fear. Most thoughts are irrational, but consistent in that they are borne from pessimism and generalized anxieties.
    In an era of assessing what has set him back and figuring out what he wants.
He had gathered with the rest, unsure what was happening but apparently it was a clan meeting. He had no clue what that meant. He knew nothing of clan life, but he was determined to learn quickly. He had quickly prepared himself to not expect his father's return. He had to have abandoned him, and from the sounds of it, he probably thought Sparrow was old enough to be on his own. Or for him to die, but he refused to think of it like that. No, He would survive here.

Ice blue eyes against a black coat listened as a warrior was named, and cheers began. Then further listened as apprentices were named, and even himself. They were all given new names, and his name would stay the same, a suffix of -paw added to it. His name would be a slight change he assumed he would have to get used to.

Geckoscreech was assigned as his mentor, but looking over to him, he didn't seem to excited. But Sparrow was an overthinker. He would always assume the worst. But he hoped to get better at it. He had to get better at it.

He knew not the names of others. He knew not anything that was going on, but he'd learn. And hopefully, he could prove himself.

They spoke of a journey, a journey that was supposed to help a sickness spreading within the clans. He wouldn't have known about it, if already stated and overheard. It was easy to listen, but harder to talk to others with so many around him that he was not used to.

BRIARKIT — hello, my old heart.
That is the only thought that crosses Briarkit’s mind when she is called forward alongside her siblings and Starlinghearts kits. This was going to be the most important day of her life until her warrior ceremony, and she could only hope that she would get a fitting mentor.
She stands close to Sweetkit and Screechkit, making sure they match her steady pace.
Chilledstar begins the long list of assignments, and Briarpaw is almost surprised by the surge of envy that comes over her when Sweetpaw is assigned to their mother.
There is a break in her steady gaze, a quick glance to her sibling- but that is it.
Her new name is spoken again, and she is paired with Skunktail.
Hazel eyes pick through the crowd, flickering to her mother first, was she proud?
Finally, they land on Skunktail, the son of her namesake, a fitting mentor. Her paws are quick to follow her gaze, and soon she is looking up to him as their noses touch ceremoniously, pupils wavering to and fro as she curiously attempts to read him and his wide smile.
Silently, Briarpaw dips her head before going to take her place next to him, eyes drifting to Sweetpaw as they’d find their way to their mother.

for every volunteer, there is someone that doesn't. they're not upset at those who don't wish to go. if they had it their way, they never would have agreed to this nonsense. besides the tiniest kindness of neutrality, and occassional other things, what have the other clans truly done for shadowclan? they don't think it's worth it to bond with the other clans, a waste of their time, but if this was the only way to cure the sick... then so be it. however, they don't expect magpiepaw to want to go. and they also don't expect the way their stomach twists with anxiety at the thought. sure, most cats didn't understand their aloofness, and seemingly careless attitude. it was their shtick for sure. but that didn't mean that didn't have some sort of heart in there. very few cats deserved to see it, and who knew how magpiepaw felt about them, but they can't lie and say they weren't worried about him. not because of his disability, but because he was still a kit.

"okay... very well. it's... settled. honeyjaw, smogmaw, clearheart, needledrift, sharppaw and... magpiepaw. you will be journeying with thunderclan, skyclan, riverclan, and windclan to the mountains to find lungwort. may the stars light your path both there and home. may those we lost guide you to the cure that they couldn't have."

they closed their eyes with a sigh before dismissing the meeting with a flick of their tail. they needed to talk to magpiepaw before their stomach came up. they briefly made their way over to screechpaw, nudging their new apprentice before blinking.

"training starts tomorrow."

they stepped away, looking at magpiepaw.

"hey. mind if we talk?"

Perhaps now by continuous habit, Lilacfur found herself beside @Siltcloud. on most occasions. The cinnamon tabby had been her preferred companion in most recent events if any of her brother's weren't already available. When Chilledstar had called the meeting, stressing for the sick not to approach, she became grimly reminded of her nephew. Flintkit, weakly surviving his own bout of yellowcough in her sisters den. Her teeth snapped together as she kept her jaws shut, biting back a voice that wanted comment on Chilledstar's lack of inappropriate humor. No love to joke on how their Clan was dying? But her mother was free game?

Her bitter stirring thoughts leave her numbed to most of what they announce. Mottlepaw had graduated, rightfully so after proving themselves nearly as many times as she had paws. Mottlefox, cheeky. She knew her friend would like it, though. Next a line of apprentices are named, her niece and nephew included. Tufted ears perk as her name is called to mentor- to mentor Ghostkit, and her gaze quickly searched for the dark she-cat.

"Did I hear that right?" She murmured to Siltcloud, excitement peaking in her voice. Her paws find purchase on the ground, and proudly she approached Ghostpaw in greeting. The news comes fast, Chilledstar is already moving onto the next. A journey including cats from every Clan under StarClan's light. To leave their home and go where few have traveled and return with the cure? Her Clanmates step forward, bravely volunteering their lives and Lilacfur found herself silent. Torn.

I have to stay here. I can't leave my family, not if I can help them here. Soft amber eyes peer down toward Ghostpaw, and her paw gently planted itself between the younger cats ears. "I'll make sure you're safe, no matter what. StarClan take my own pelt." She swore proudly under their starry ancestors, meaning her intent behind every word.
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]

Screechkit has been waiting for this day!

Becoming an apprentice meant getting to leave the camp, which meant he didn’t have to try to slip through holes in the bramble wall that enclosed the camp to try to get a glimpse of the world outside of it. A newfound freedom itching at his paws, waiting to be fed again with a name change and a mentor assignment.

Though, beneath his excitement, he has to admit it - he’ll miss the nursery. It’s warmth was his home for the first four moons, and he’ll miss some of his nursery-mates who are too young to move onto this new chapter with him. He’ll even miss Frostbite, and his strange brood of kits. Most of all, he’ll miss the rare moments of closeness with his mother, a close slumber beneath tortoiseshell fur when her presence finally returns to the nursery.

But hopefully, he’ll get to see Forestshade more often, now that he’s an apprentice. It only makes sense that she would be his mentor, since he is her son, since he carries her markings, and her hunting skill. The downside to that would be having to train with Orchidpaw, but, it wouldn’t be for too long, he hopes.

He waits with anticipation as his name falls in line with that of his littermates and his peers. Flintkit is noticeably missing from the list, and Screechkit can’t help but feel bad that Starlingheart’s son is left too sick to join them in the apprentice den. Hopefully next moon he’ll feel better.

Their ceremonies are swift, a quick list of name changes - he listens closely for confirmation that Forestshade will be his mentor, only for the expectation to die immediately. Sweetpaw, she will be mentoring Sweetpaw. Envy twists at the sight of his littermate’s excitement. It should’ve been him, and if Forestshade was going to be Sweetpaw’s mentor, then who was going to mentor him?

Briarpaw is assigned to Skunktail, and the tom finds little opinion on that. It wasn’t Forestshade - if Sweetpaw hadn’t been chosen, would it be her instead? That doesn’t seem fair either.

Finally, amidst his peers being listed off, he hears his own name, his own mentor. Screechpaw blinks in surprise, looking up at Chilledstar as they announce they will be mentoring him. He thinks he likes Chilledstar well enough but, what does it mean when the leader’s his leader? Was that any better than Forestshade training him?

Screechpaw isn’t sure, and he spends the rest of the meeting thinking about it. Perhaps if he hadn’t been left dwelling on whether he’d gotten a good mentor - whether they’d be able to keep up with him, like Sharppaw told him his mentor wouldn’t be able to - then he would’ve heard about the journey to the mountains, maybe volunteered himself. However, the meeting ends before he figures out what everyone’s volunteering to, and Chilledstar is already leaving their podium to speak to him.

Training starts tomorrow, they say. A brief interaction, one that leaves Screechpaw wide-eyed and nodding his head. Would they be doing something fun, like exploring the territory? “Okay,” he quickly says before they can step away and tend to other business.

His gaze shifts upon Chilledstar’s departure, opting to search for swirls of tortoiseshell fur instead. Sweetpaw is already making their way to her, a scene that leaves his stomach sinking. Is Forestshade proud of him, at least?