Awkwarrrd || Thunderclan Patrol

The last time he was here it was a little awkward, with the whole Sharpeye thing, but he hoped it wouldn't make anything tense between them. His wounds were fine, he could function...

He was fine enough to patrol, and so he did.

"Same as always, let's do what we're here to do and not cause any trouble!" He said to his patrol. He trusted the others wouldn't cause problems, but it's always good to make sure.

Finally, he set to work on marking a tree, rubbing his face on it to leave his scent.

Maybe they would get lucky and no one would be here, and they could enjoy the nice, peaceful walk they were having. Not that anything was wrong with Skyclan, he just enjoyed long walks in the woods.

@sloestride @crowflower


Rather proudly, Johnny could now pick out and name the scents of the individual clan that lay beyond the various borders of Skyclans territory. His interactions with said clans were still extremely limited, but with a delighted twitch of his whiskers he was able to breathe in the scent of Thunderclan and know that's who was approaching.

"Thunderclan." the koi tabby would greet with a nod toward the patrol opposite the border, an odd mix of formality and friendliness. "Weather treatin' you as good as it is us?" he asked as he brushed along the base of a nearby pine, refreshing the scent on their own side.

He knew there were tensions among the clans right now, but Blazestar had made it clear they were not to engage Thunderclan in hostilities, and the bobtail would respect those orders.

"Well, I just think that if you were smarter, you wouldn’t have to worry about-" A voice from the ground below interrupts Cloudberrypaw’s argument, and the apprentice sucks in a deep breath, ears pinning themselves against his head. Wild orange eyes remain locked onto the trunk of the spruce tree he’s perched upon, but his ears slowly swivel to better pick up the sound. Johnny, he decides, listening to the tom call out to—some ThunderClan cat, presumably. Their border patrols are just the worst, because there’s not even a river between him and the other clan. If they wanted, they could just… traipse right on over.

With a sigh, the young tom gives the tree a pointed look—this isn’t finished—and hops down to one of the lower branches of the tree. Stretching out along the limb, he can tilt his head and see both his multicolored clanmate and the ThunderClan patrol that he’s conversing with. The blue smoke doesn’t particularly care about the weather for the other clan, so he calls out from his spot in the tree, "Do all your trees have their leaves back yet?" The trees in SkyClan territory don’t lose their needles, but ThunderClan’s trees have been bare for the winter months.
[ just a side character ]
"Of course not," Crowflower said in a soft voice. She trailed behind Rabbitnose as she rubbed her cheeks along the rough bark of the trees, occasionally stopping to inspect a strange bug or interesting rock before having to scamper to keep up with the others.

Crowflower didn't want to be at odds with anybody. Her curiosity of life outside of Thunderclan consistently outweighed her understanding that many of the hostilities were for good reason. She just didn't understand why everyone had to be enemies all the time. It was exhausting just thinking about it. It was relieving that Flycatcher had assigned her to accompany Rabbitnose and Sloestride to Skyclan. The dense greenery of their territory intrigued her--she wondered what creatures dwell within, what marvelous sights were hidden beneath the canopy of the evergreens.

The friendly voices of Skyclan cats caught the young warrior's attention, moss green eyes sparkled as she offered a shy smile to Johnny before dragging her gaze up to inspect the blue cat in the tree. "The flowering trees have bloomed after all the rain and sunshine," she said in reply, resisting the urge to list off all the names. Redbud first, then dogwoods, plum trees next. "The oaks and maples have only just started to bud." This was probably too much information already, but she couldn't help it. There was just so much to tell. She flicked her tail in embarrassment and glanced again at the cat in the tree, feeling a little uncomfortable under his scrutiny.​
Butterflytuft approaches upon silent paws behind Johnny, wide yellow eyes fixated on the ThunderClan cats. She doesn’t come to this border often, and thus doesn’t really recognize the cats on the other side. Perhaps she’s seen them at gatherings before, but she really can’t recall. Upon hearing Cloudberrypaw’s question, her gaze lifts to the towering oak trees on the other side of the border. To her, they looked full and green, a vast difference from the leafless brown branches that had filled the forest in leaf-bare.
"Your leader must have a sense of humour." Silversmoke's ear twitched as he cast a glance in Rabbitnose's direction, his expression stark as he gave a nod of greeting. Out of all the ThunderClan cats he'd expected to see, the one involved in an unfortunate incident was probably the last on that list. Large paws carried him closer to the border, teetering just below the cats that preferred to converse like squirrels. He was not a little cat, though he could climb, he preferred not to unless circumstance made it a necessity. The Lead Warrior's attention flickered from patrol cat to patrol cat, shoulders sagging in relief when he realised that their leader was not among them. That fact, alongside the pleasant conversations the ThunderClanners were having with his clanmates, gave Silver some hope. "I trust that misunderstanding of ours was cleared then?" He tilted his head towards Rabbitnose, blinking sternly as he awaited an answer. With humans holding their beloved home in a vice, the last thing any of them needed was a spat with their neighbours over something none of them had any control over. With hindsight stronger than any lion, Silver could be grateful that Blazestar hadn't engaged ThunderClan in battle, even if the reasoning at the time had seemed archaic and wrong.