AY, I'M WALKIN' HERE! ☆ shadowclan patrol

the relationship between shadowclan and thunderclan has been a little less than amicable since the whole stealing prey situation had occurred but with new-leaf bringing a bountiful amount of food for both groups she wondered if there would be a possibility in the future for them to be on more neutral grounds with eachother but that's a topic to be discussed much further down the road.

as the patrol nears their shared border, geckoscreech pushes through the clumps of dewy ferns where she is greeted by the familiar stretch of thunderpath that splits the two lands apart. a monster had recently passed through here not long ago as the stentch of something burnt and acidic permeates strongly throughout the area causing geckoscreech to recoil a little with a crinkled snout of disgust.

"let's get this over with and try not to rile up any passing thunderclan patrol too much."

the lead warrior doesn't seem too concerned about it getting out of hand as long as the back and forth banter doesnt evolve into something more serious.

@GHOSTPAW @Rainecho @Magpiepaw @DOGFUR @rosemire @Maggotfur.
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Though the forest was thick with undergrowth her paws made not a noise as they traversed through the territory. A ThunderClan warrior would not do good as a hunter if they did not know how to walk silently through the brush-littered forest. If it wasn't for her scent being carried by a downwards breeze she would've gone undetected until her paws touched the scent markers.

Arriving at the edge of the forest, scarce sunlight warms her pelt. Green eyes greet the ShadowClan cats venomously and a scowl is embedded on her face. "We've arrived just in time." The warrior sneers to her patrol, yet her gaze is unmoving from the marsh cats across the thunderpath. "If we had been just a few heartbeats slower perhaps we would've met this ShadowClan patrol on our territory." Her claws unsheathe and sheathe again, a promise to the enemy patrol that if they dared pulled a stunt like that again she'd take her claws to their face's. It still amazed her that a clan that had been so intent on trespassing on ThunderClan land to steal their prey was so quick to show their hypocrisy under the full moon. WindClan gave them a taste of their own medicine and they went howling in protest.
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She trots after Prickleflower, careful as ever as to not disturb too much of the undergrowth. It's easy, as with previously stated a proper ThunderClanner wouldn't be caught dead cracking dropped twigs or rustling a bush. Plus with warriors guiding the way, the partially blind she-cat had more than a single guide to help her through. The other stops and there's tenseness in the air - along with the thick smell of a border, and the thicker smell of a recently passed monster. Daffodilpaw can't decide which is worse.

Prickleflower insinuates that ShadowClan would trespass, even after their declaration beneath the full moon. The apprentice furrows her brow - the concept of disobeying a law blessed by StarClan is somehow more aggravating than a simple trespass - and she holds her gaze on those over the thunderpath for a few moments longer.

"They wouldn't dare," she huffs after a moment, ears craning back. "StarClan should smite them, even if they dare think about it." Daffodilpaw twitches her tail and takes a few steps further along their beaten path, narrowly adding that perhaps StarClan should've already struck them down. She's not that foul mouthed.​
Maybe Rosemire would think the same if the clans haven't proven time and time again that they're happy to roll in shit if it means inconveniencing their neighbor with the smell. The Great Battle taught them nothing but how to hate each other under different names, and he shudders as he does every time he thinks of that day. He doesn't want to find himself huddled in a bush on the wrong side of the thunderpath because he entertained the memory too long, so he fixates on the stench of the black, flat snake splitting the land.

"Not a snarky comment from me," he promises Geckoscreech with a thin smile, ignoring the ThunderClanner's jab that rolls over their way like a ball of dung below a beetle. "Though I can't speak for everyone else."


He is dutifully following along behind Rainecho, pausing every few steps so he doesn't run into the back of her legs. He doesn't like being on patrols, Magpiepaw even preferred hunting with his less than average skills at the task over going out near the thunderpath. It felt as though everytime he saw it the stains on it grew more wide, sullied darkened spots bleeding out across the already midnight tar; lives lost forever burned into the gritty stone underneath.

The ThunderClan cats are hostile, accusing them of trespassing and Magpiepaw flicks an ear in silent consideration, "We have been over here though." The small apprentice comments, tone light in confusion because what a senseless thing to do; make bold accusatory statements when ones nose could determine the truth. He lowered his dark pink tipped snout to the ground, gave a huff and raised his head, "....smells like us. Not you." ThunderClan hadn't been here either apparently which was good, it meant everyone was listening to Chilledstar's addition to their code.
His large blue-violet gaze hones in on Daffodilpaw, another apprentice and as he did with Cottonpaw of WindClan he pays her more mind than the rest of the older cats present, "I'm Magpiepaw. Do you like birds?"

"Ooo! I like birds!" Shiningpaw piped up in response to the question that hadn't been directed his way. He appeared like the gleaming beacon that he was with his full golden pelt that caught elegantly in the light. The apprentice was on the cusp of becoming a full warrior now and his body reflected that, and it brought him some relief to know that his days with his mentor would be at an end. Heck, this could easily be his final patrol with the guy. He spared a glance in the direction of the NPC warrior but the older tom wasn't even paying him any attention. Typical.

Deciding not to intrude on Magpiepaw and Daffodilpaw any longer he then turned his focus towards that of the older ShadowClan warriors as he let his curiosity take over. Bantering wasn't really his sort of thing, but he did like to learn what he could from being friendly. "Hello there! How goes things?" He queried with a warm smile and a tilt of the head.




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They wouldn’t dare, says Daffodilpaw who inches closer to the scent marker. Perhaps they wouldn’t now that they’ve initiated this code, but they’ve dared before. Code or no code, ShadowClan would always be thieves in her eyes after what they had done. One ShadowClan warrior ignores her comment, mostly, but a black and white apprentice defends they’ve only been “over here”. ”For now. Until your tummies rumble.” Simply she replies, venom in her words though she does not hiss nor spit. She casts a sideways glare at Shiningpaw, unappreciative of him failing to fall in line with her established demeanor with the marsh cats. ThunderClan would not forget or forgive their wrongdoings so easily, and she wasn’t going to let them think that for a heartbeat.

Prickleflower rubs her pelt against the branch of a shrub to mark the territory, she’ll be departing soon.