private Baaaaah | Quietpaw (Prompt)

Firefang had split off from the hunting patrol following a odd scent coming from horseplace - she’d taken Quietpaw with her. He wasn’t much of a backup but it’d be good for him to see a capable warrior in action. She slows her pace as she comes closer to the fence line, her ears shooting up at the strange high pitched wailing of a pale creature wandering onto the moor. It takes her a moment to comprehend what she’s staring at was a young sheep; Starclan they were that big even when they were young. It wasn’t able to be killed, not unless an entire patrol tried to take it down. Her tail flicks to order the apprentice behind her to stop and she turns to him.

If it wasn’t prey it was a nuisance, it’s wailing would scare every hare, mouse or sparrow it didn’t matter as much on this border but if it wandered further onto the moors it could spell trouble. If it didn’t scare things away it could bring predators, she wants to hope the wolves were gone laying crooked and broken at the bottom of the gorge but she isn’t optimistic enough to believe that every single one was definitely wiped out. "We can’t just let that thing wander around crying’ like a wimpy lil’ Shadowclanner" she remarks.

She looks to the fence catching sight of a much larger ball of fluff approaching the fence. Presumedly it’s mother "If it managed to get out there has to be a way for it to get back in" she wasn’t a strategist, brute force had always been her go to and her plan reeks with her mindset when she gives him an order. "Lets scare it, it’s time for you to get loud Quietpaw are you able to do that?" sadly she doubts it, the apprentice lived up to his name.

  • @Quietpaw
  • WDNoGIz.png
    Firefang She/Her, Warrior of Windclan, 22 moons
    Black tabby she-cat with amber eyes. former-loyalist of Sootstar, Moorunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

Heading to the horse place was an interesting choice, but the apprentice wasn't about to question anything, just keeping close to the black she cat. Tail low and ears searching for whatever it was that Firefang was looking for. Quietpaw heard the cries of the sheep before seeing it, and what a sight! He was doing his best to appear less afraid of the beast than he was. It was clearly in more distress than himself, and Firefang didn't back up or attack, signaling him to stop approaching.

Another sheep could be seen right behind the fence, just as rattled as her baby. 'Was the sheep scared of them?' Quietpaw had always been instructed to be quiet while hunting; it felt weird to yell. 'Would that make us more frightening?' The sheep wasn't a rabbit or bird so he nodded his head hesitantly in agreement. "Wouldn't it,, run,, if we are,, loud?" He whispered. Quietpaw took a step forward, and the sheep leaned away.

" Go,, over the fence,, or under? Quietpaw questioned them as if the sheep could talk. Either way, the mother couldn't follow. The apprentice really didn't want to mess up this for Firefang and was overthinking hard. Sheep aren't as small as cats, but this was just a baby. If the sheep was just scared enough to respond to their movements. Quietpaw straightened up and puffed out his body fur and tail swishing hard from side to side, trying to appear bigger than he was.

OOC: you tagged the other Quietpaw ^^ mine is @Quiet paw

She huffs, hypocritically she didn't like it when apprentices questioned her when she herself as an apprentice was a pawful sparingly listening to anyone except for her leader and her council. "That's the plan, it'll run from us and if we drive it away from the moors it should go back where it belongs" she explains biting back whatever words of aggression she had stored, she could tell him to shut up and do as she said but he's not her apprentice and she doesn't want him crying back to his mentor or Starclan forbid one of Sunstar's council. She takes a deep breath, her temper was always at a simmer on her best days but there really was no need to get mad at the members of the clan who didn't know any better yet.

The lamb had caught sight of them already as Quietpaw puffed himself out a funny sight that soothes her aggravation he was earnestly trying and in time he'd look fearsome rather then a ball of smoke colored fluff. She gestures with a paw "Go after it's right side, i'll handle it's left and back" even as young as the creature was it still had hooves and powerful enough hind legs to do some damage if it wanted to, she was never the kind to put anyone else in danger if she could prevent it. Her fur bristles and her tail poofs waggling around and suddenly she juts forward a loud caterwaul of a yowl roaring out of her. It was her warcry and it did it's job in spooking the lamb who all but fell over a high pitched wail leaving it's mouth. It didn't go towards the fence instead it begins to go towards the right looking to escape her.

She calls out "Don't let it stray to far, scare it back towards me!" hopefully it'd get the point and understand it had nowhere to go but back towards the fence quickly.


Her war cry rang through the air. Well-practiced movements were confident and precise. The sheep definitely made the right choice by taking off from her. The warrior was frightening to face. While he waited, unsure, his muscles stung with anticipation and worry.

Firefang yelling at the apprentice to move, cut right through his indecisive thoughts. Sending Quietpaw scrambled to get into position. Paws slammed hard into the ground, pushing his back legs to kick harder to move faster and cut the sheep off. Despite his delayed start speed is something either you have or don't, and he was glad that this creature wasn't anything like the quickfoot prey of the moor.

It skirted into a hult perhaps sizing him up in comparison to the more intense cat to its left. The black Tom opened his mouth attempting be loud as instructed. His 'warcry' was more of a half hiss half screech combo. Quietpaw didn't even know he could make such a sickening noise but it did the job. The sheep had its options cut off from both the left or right. With only one escape available taking off towards the fence. Quietpaw did his best to keep up after the sheep, sticking to its right to keep the sheep heading in the right direction.