pafp BABE LOOK || A gift

The river was the bane of his existence, and yet it always had the prettiest stones in its waters and on its shores. Rabbitnose was terrified of the water, but he couldn't keep himself from wandering ever closer to the waters edge to look at the little round pebbles that dotted the shore. Perhaps he could take one home with him... His hunt had been unsuccessful so far, and it brought his mood down. Making sure to stay just out of reach of the water, he calmly strolled along and gave each little stone a discerning gaze. The silence of the forest, the trickling of water, and the sound of birds made for a peaceful afternoon that he didnt want to squander.

And it was not for nothing, as he found a pretty pink pebble. It was small, just big enough to fit in his paw. Pleased with this pebble, he carefully picked it up in his mouth, and started hopping off back to camp.

Sunfreckle would love this rock, he thought. It filled him with glee to think of his mate's reaction. And it wasn't a bug this time either!!

He was bounding into camp and locating Sunfreckle with ease as his fur stood out quite easily when he tripped over his paws... And the pebble caught in his throat. Here he was, choking in front of his mate again..... Sunfreckle was probably used to this by now.


He retched a few times.


And finally, with a hefty cough, the pebble came out and fell to the ground. Delivery successful.

".....I got you a pebble!!!" He said excitedly, his voice cracking.

What a guy, Sunfreckle is so lucky to have Rabbitnose as a mate. Truly prince charming in feline form.


He loved Rabbitnose, truly. It was just sometimes he was taken offguard but the tom's erratic behavior and general silliness. Most of the time it was harmless, like getting stung by a bee cause he was trying to 'pet it' or eating a pinecone to see if it tasted good. Then there were other times where he was appalled at how little sense the blue tom had. He had eaten deathberries once, spurring an entire lesson for the clan by their then medicine cat on the dangers of them and saving his life by forcing him to vomit them up. He had licked an icicle during leafbare and gotten stuck to it, wasting what time they had set aside to hunt in trying to rescue him without removing his tongue.
And now, here he was, wretching and choking before him and sending the red tabby into a brief fit of panic before the offending object dislodged itself and clattered across the ground to his paws; coated in saliva and shining. Rabbitnose seemed very proud of himself.
Sunfreckle sighed, his fur had fluffed up in alarm at what he had been worried was a serious issue and it took a moment to flatten back down to his body before he leaned forward to touch noses with the other gently.
"...its lovely, dear. Please don't put it in your mouth again."