camp BABY BABY - nursery visit

It felt like along time ago that she was Agatekit, curled up in the next with Mudfern and her siblings. Happier times, times where she would take and run around and play. Back before she was plagued by bad days, back before she was terrified of being useless. Back before she and Stonepaw had their falling out.

Today, she decided, she would make sure the kittens were entertained, give the queens a break, maybe. She poked her head in, green and gold glancing around. "Hi," she meowed softly. "I finished training today. Do you... need a few paws? Do the kits want to play?" Maybe it would distract them from the cold, or maybe they could talk or she could talk. Someone would listen. It would be nice. "I don't mind entertaining them for a while. So... how about it?" She looked at the younger members of the clan. "Anyone have something they wanna do?"

// @SMOKYKIT but no need to wait!​


Where the rest of her siblings are, Smokykit is usually not far behind, and today finds them piled in and around the nursery, the cold surely biting them all just as it nips at her own heels. Inside is warmer, though still a far cry from what she's been told it should feel like; her only solace is curling into the warmth of the rest of her family at night, their bodies pressed together for warmth. Still, she tries not to let it linger on her pelt long enough to seep in, a moving ball of embers and sparks to banish the chill in the air. So long as Smokykit is moving, running, jumping, playing, she has not a care in the world, save for what the next game will be.

As Agatepaw slips into the nursery, Smokykit hardly notices, too busy batting a clump of brittle moss towards one of her playmates, though by the time Agatepaw's made it about halfway through her greeting, smoke-wreathed ears prick up at the sound of a new voice. The moss is haphazardly forgotten in favor of intrigue, which quickly gives way to a flooding excitement at the prospect of an apprentice coming in to entertain them, even if for only a time. "YES!" she calls clear across the nursery, already making a beeline for Agatepaw's position, though her ears flatten slightly at the realization of her volume level. "Um - yes!" she repeats, this time a tad quieter, glancing towards her newest, littlest cousins, and then back to Ashenfall, as if to say, 'look, I'm being good!'

Without further preamble, Smokykit closes in on her quarry, feathery tail lashing in excitement. The moment Ashenfall gives an affirmative (or, at least, anything other than a resounding no) she practically pounces, orange eyes bright with excitement. "We should play - uh...uh...we should play BATTLE!" she announces, already scrambling forwards with paws outstretched. "I'm a ShadowClan warrior, and I'm gonna get you!"

Deeming the game straightforward enough that no further context as to what role Agatepaw plays, Smokykit descends into the game, trying to latch onto any of Agatepaw's exposed limbs in a bid to slow her down. "ShadowClan, GO!" she cries out, attempting to summon any of her loyal playmates to help take down this invading ThunderClan-rogue-predator-enemy.​


  • OOC: -
  • 22ltr8.png

  • SMOKYKIT. She/her, kit of ShadowClan
    .Flintwish x Ashenfall, littermate to Promisekit, Tinykit, & Mercykit
    . 2 moons old, ages on the 1st
    .An ill-proportioned, smoky molly with bright amber eyes and an exceedingly curly, tangled pelt.
    .Enthusiastic and vibrant, easily distracted, prideful & caring - friendly within reason
    .Peaceful & healing powerplay permitted - brushing up against her, shoulder bumps, etc.
    .Penned by Hijinks - feel free to DM me on Discord to plot! ^^