Check - ups were not a thing that he did often. Anyone who cared enough about their own condition would surely come to him on their own time, or send a messenger, if need be. The nursery was something he came close to even less often, their very purpose being a (poor) containment center for rampaging little beasts. Bees in their brain, does not even begin to describe the outlook of kittens. Sometimes, bees buzzed about their mouth as well, syllables forming around nonsensical questions and vitriol. Other times, bees nested in their paws, their limbs, their ears... And this thing was just normal. Not something that he was meant to diagnose. He wonders how queens did not run themselves ragged with worry more often.

What a rarity this is, then, for Dawnglare to poke his head into the den the way he does now, gaze dragging across the bundles inside not in annoyance, but careful curiosity. Having such a packed nursery in Leaf - bare was not ideal... Some were nearing apprentice age, though, weren't they? " Hello? " He brings moss with him... Because kittens like moss, or somesuch, and hopefully they would bother it rather than bothering him. He would place it down and halfheartedly knock it deeper into the den, making mental notes of all who were present. " I suppose— I suppose I just wanted to... check. " To the kits and queens as well... A queen could certainly forgo their own sickness, while caring for kits? " Any sniffles? Any sneezes? Any coughs? "

  • ooc: @butterflytuft but no need to wait :)!!
  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 12.05.23. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
𓆝 . ° ✦Weedkit is too young to have remembered any sort of previous check-up he might have had from Dawnglare or Fireflypaw, and he and his siblings are fortunate enough to have avoided any visits to or from the medicine cats. But Dawnglare is unfamiliar terrain to the youthfully skeptical Weedkit. He blinks with weariness just as he does with any of the non-family or expectant queen visitors that rustle in and out of the nursery. The stranger does not introduce himself, further drawing forth disfavor from the fickle Weedkit.

"Who you?" Weedkit asks with all the confidence he can muster, but his stilted words and tiny form make it next to impossible to grant any seriousness to the kitten. He is one of the smallest residents of the nursery, and his puffy coat does little more than to further accentuate his slight (but growing) frame. He does not even know what a sniffle or sneeze is, though the unkempt nature of his fur sure makes it look like someone has sneezed right through it.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
  • Love
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

If she were being honest, Howlfire didn't really think Dawnglare liked kits all that much. The medicine cat had been a fixture in her life for well...all of it. And in that time she could not remember him being overly affectionate to any kits. Even her own littermates were not spared from his abrasive words and stares. And her kits - well, her son - mostly was definitely not spared from this.

When the medicine cat pokes his head, Howlfire looks up and gives him a friendly nod. It seemed he was here to do some checkups, asking if anyone was showing signs of sniffles, sneezes, or coughs. As Weedkit asks about who Dawnglare was Howlfire's eyes go to her own kits, looking over them briefly. As far as she was aware, she and her kits seemed well enough and she could see no signs of illness. "I think we're okay," Howlfire called to Dawnglare, gesturing to herself and her kits as she spoke. "I'll leave it to you to say for certain though."
  • Like
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
An exaggerated sniffle looses into the air from Howlfire's side, the source pressed close to her mother with an expression of sullen, childish fury. It's nothing to do with any sign of illness, as Dawnglare would likely quickly note in his moons and moons of experience; instead, it has far more to do with how hard @BLAZINGKIT had chewed on her right ear only moments prior.

"Not okay." Hawkkit adds, watching the moss go careening past them with half-hearted interest. A closer glance would reveal narrowed, watery eyes of hazel and the angry red of an irritated ear, but barely a scratch of broken skin on the young kit. A closer look would show that it was only Hawkkit's pride that's been wounded, rather than anything else.
|―――――――――――――――――| (()) |―――――――――――――――――|
Life was peaceful in the nursery as it always was. Kits tumbled about in play, pouncing and bouncing, and Pumpkinkit was no exception. It was currently in the process of pouncing on Springkit, pearly needles for teeth chewing on her shoulder, her nose. A playful growl rumbled in its throat.

When an unfortunately recognized scent reached its nose, the cats around it redirecting attention one way, the patchwork kit immediately backed off, round eyes turning around and up to the mass of pale fur in the entryway. It recognized him. The tom with the mean face. Twig-snapper.

Dark ears going flat, a noisy and shrill growl rose in Pumpkinkit's throat, their nose crinkling and chin tilted up at Dawnglare challengingly. He wasn't allowed to be here! This was their home! What if he broke something else with his big clumsy paws?

Next to Springkit, the larger sibling crouched, tail now whacking the earth in irritation and growling all the while. When Roseblaze placed a paw on her child's back, the growling briefly ceased. It resumed when she pulled her paw away, the kit's body vibrating with the effort.
|――――――――――――――| (()).....
  • // OOC
  • (( pumpkinkit )) of skyclan, sibling to springkit ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 3 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is not currently known, most just believe it to be quiet or slower to develop speech
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinkit is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springkit.
  • Angry
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Blazingkit had been nibbling on Hawkkit's ear not having paid a lot of attention to hard his needle-like teeth had been pressing onto the skin and he released her when Dawnglare made his presence known to the nursery. He remembers his misadventure in the medicine cat den and that light jab given to him that day and Blazingkit thinks he should return the jab since the tom wasn't somewhere he belonged, this was his nursery. The tabby tom feels giddy for a moment until Hawkkit sniffled declaring that she isn't okay and his head whips around to see the irritated skin but no bead of crimson in sight, he can't help but scowl in the slightest considering that his ears were often victim to either of his littermates. He never cried about it!

But Blazingkit would be a liar if he said he didn't feel bad about hurting Honky and he frowns with his ears laying flat against his head in brief shame. The sight of moss brought forth by Dawnglare grasping his attention reminding him that he wanted to get back at the adult while the bicolored tom was distracted potentially by his sister's sniffling. The fiery pelted kit darted forward and attempted to pounce on the bottlebrush tail of Dawnglare.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Sick
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
Who you? The question is so juvinille— both in the way the kit could hardly string together a sentence, and the absence of knowledge that any cat— not just SkyClan, should undoubtedly know. It manages to pull a smile from him, that, moon eyes becoming crescents, the press of fangs tight. " Me? " he repeats; the accused. " Dawnglare, " or was that too much to remember, when all you had was cotton between your ears? " I'm who you'll come see when you don't feel well. " Probably...

No, ah, definitely. The burr is shaken off of him before it can dig deeper. His gaze lifts to the nearby queen, who was indeed Blaise's daughter... What had her son called him? A bajillion years old? Certainly not. Absurd and childish, the thought... but he certainly felt it as he stood before her, the molly offering him a soft smile that was that of a mother. He feels himself stutter, at the sight of her, but he'd smile then. HIs, perhaps, not so soft, but something that was trying to be. Or something. He doesn't really care... He shouldn't, anyhow... His hum gets across satisfaction. It was in his paws, as it should be, and he is glad to find that he smells no sickness...

Though, as if on cue, a pathetic little sniffle comes from beside the queen. Dawnglare pulls himself forward— at last taking the invitation to fully enter the den, and cranes his neck at the little one. Hawk-kit, was it? Her and her substantially less pleasant littermate. ( Dawnglare has truly no idea how pleasant Hawk-kit herself was, but Blazingkit has set the bar quite astonishingly low for them all, hm? ) " No? " He has a feeling Blazingkit had something to do with it... He had no idea what to make of his reactions, but he simply knew. Dawnglare steps forward—

And he's met with a growl. Exhaustingly dramatic rumbling and thumping from one of the few kits that have already been a patient of his. He meets their eye only to roll his own, moving onward the moment he understands the fuss. " You should really be talking by now, no? " he mumbles partly to himself. Their mother had cried and cried about that, but, well, how long could the silent game truly lost? He hadn't known kits had the attention span for such things.

Perhaps he'd offer it more thought once Hawk-kit is tended to. If that would ever happen, because of course his small peace offering is ignored in favor of his tail. What was the appeal of kits, really? Having a little blood - sucker to make excuses for, day in and out? He had half a mind to cuff his ear— but... mothers! They are so wonderfully protective of the worst of things. Dawnglare quickly quashes his hiss with a broken sound, hiding it behind a smile that hurts his own eyes.

Indirectly, he would teach him. Indirectly! He would attempt to thwack his tail against the ground much in the same way Pumpkinpaw did, gritting out words all the while. " What a bundle. Of. Joy ♪! " he grits out, not paying attention to if he was or was not thwacking poor Blazingkit, because that would be his alibi if he was!

For a moment, he had considered bug bites, but now he leans toward Hawk-kit as he grins. " Could your perfect sibling have done this? " he questions, voice dropping in sympathy. Not entirely for show — for it must truly be awful to share a den with this one, really!

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 12.05.23. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Butterflytuft lifts her head from her dotted paws as the holly rustles. Dawnglare is poking his head in, asking about sniffles and coughs, and immediately her face turns towards her tiny three babies with eyes round. She hadn’t thought she’d heard anything worrisome come from them. But oh, what if she missed it? What if she hadn’t been paying close enough attention, and a sneeze sounded only to land on deaf ears? The paranoia begins to sink in as her yellow eyes dart from one kit to the next, searching for any tiny sign that may not feel good. Some mother she is!

Dawnglare makes himself busy with the other nursery inhabitants while the tortoiseshell leans forward to nose at Weedkit. “Does he feel warm to you?” She trills in concern, unsure if the body heat she feels coming off of her son is all in her head or not. Surely not, right? Surely this is real, if she’s feeling it? That’s a mother’s instinct, right?

If anyone else were to feel him though, he would likely just feel like any other kitten. Indeed, he is not sick, but Butterflytuft continues to lick and press her nose against his cheek.