camp baby, don't you burn and bleed when i make you happy || moving to the nursery

Stepping into the nursery for the first time since she had been so very small, Betonyfrost cannot help but feel like this is a defeat of some kind.

It's wholly unchanged from when Betonyfrost was a kit, yet the feeling of strangeness doesn't leave Betonyfrost as she glides whiskers over the thorn-branch ceiling to inspect for weak points and puts her nose to the space between wood and ground to feel the soft leak of a draft. It's Betonyfrost that is different; she takes up far more space than she had as a kit, but the thought that her body's grown too large for her is not a new one. Betonyfrost wishes she had known to ask her mother questions when she had the chance, and swallows thickly when the image of her mother scrutinizing old bedding, just as Betonyfrost does now, comes unbidden to her mind.

Betonyfrost breathes out — it's a ragged sound — and reminds herself that she is only in here to look. She doesn't need to be doing this. She's just looking because she's curious, because it's been so long. Sunlight that filters in through the mouth of the den illuminates suspended dust. Betonyfrost remembers being young, standing on her hindlegs to catch those same specks, and at once wishes she was allowed to openly mourn the loss of her kithood, or wishes that she knew why she had been mourning it even back then.

But Betonyfrost is just looking, and when she settles just outside of the nursery, chin pillowed on her folded paws and wilted ears folded to her head, it's because that's where she had happened to get tired, and where she happened to lay.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 18 moons | tags
When Forestshade arrives back in camp with a lizard clamped in her jaws, she doesn't expect to find anything different than when she'd left. The apprentices are still complaining about chores, the warriors are still chatting away over fresh-kill, Betonyfrost is still outside the nursery- wait, Betonyfrost outside the nursery?

The realization halts her paws and the warrior scents the air, making sure she got that right. Sure enough, there is the she-cat's scent, just outside the den where queens and kits sleep. She's heard some rumors, some idle chit-chat that the warrior might be expecting. Apparently, she's been filling out, which to Forestshade could just as easily be blamed on the newleaf influx of prey. She supposes she was wrong! Brows raising, the patched molly meanders over to the woman and places her lizard on the ground. "And here I thought I was just hearing gossip!" She jabs, a smirk on her face. "Congrats, guess I won't be seeing you on patrols for a while!" An amused snort leaves her, but not from ill-intention. She just thinks the other as a queen is, well...odd!

Betonyfrost as a queen is not a thought that had ever graced the young medicine cat's mind. She had of course, seen the sides of the gray warrior growing but had falsely assumed it was because she was now finally having her fill of food. She does not like Betonyfrost too terribly much, but unlike her clanmates, Starlingheart doesn't hate her either. Green eyes alight on the two warriors standing outside of the nursery, pausing to rest on Forestshade for only a moment, taking in her words. Betonyfrost is pregnant.

She should know, of course. She is the medicine cat, after all. But still, this news comes as a surprise to her. "Y-yes congrats" she says from the tortoiseshell's side, her eyes focusing once again on the molly in question. What kind of mother would Betonyfrost be, she wonders. She just prays that they are nothing like her.

never in a million years would anyone have expected this turn of events. betonyfrost, a firecracker of a she-cat with history of being a thorn in most people's side is retreating to the nursery with a slightly more noticable plumpness to her build. geckoscreech was baffled and tried to recall for any moment in time where the blue tabby was seen with anyone in a romantic sense but she comes up empty-pawed. whoever this mysterious bachelor or bachelorette is they were no longer in the picture or maybe they are but just too embarassed with the fact that it's betonyfrost who is rearing their children and honestly she can't blame them if that's the case.

"i never thought i'd live to see the day where you ended up here."

the remark falls from her lips in a very blunt manner as the lead warrior joins forestshade and starlingheart who share their congratulations for the tabby but it never comes out from her. personally geckoscreech believes betonyfrost isn't fit to be a mother especially not with the history that currently follows her pawsteps. maybe she'll be proven wrong but something tells her not to bet on it.

it seemed a congratulations was in order... but did chilledstar really have to be the one to give it? they occasionally glance at betonyfrost and can only hear the unusual and painful confession she gives, and it makes them recoil. they seem to be in pain at the very thought, uncomfortably shifting their weight as they twitched their ears forward and back. back and forward. she was pregnant. this she cat, who graciously hit apprentices. who snapped at anyone in such an odd fashion, and held grudges like no other. who, in all of her delusion, still thought herself to be in love with the leader. she was having kits. bringing life into shadowclan's ranks, and somehow this doesn't make them feel good. they don't feel very great about it at all... who was gonna protect these kits from her insanity? would they be just as crazed as their mother? the thought alone makes them nauseous but they say nothing about it. they only stand near geckoscreech, subtly bumping against her before turning to betonyfrost with a nod.

"just let me know if you need anything."

they might have said congratulations if they thought she deserved it. or if she even looked slightly happy about having to carry kits. she seemed more inconvenienced than anything. starclan, I know you hate us. but if you're gonna do anything right... protect those kits.
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The allegations of seasonal tizzies have ultimately rang true, it would seem.

Next to enter the swarm of prying eyes is the aloof deputy, projecting his own right onto Betonyfrost's swollen belly. Her litter-to-be, germinating just under those pearly furs, put there by someone far more tolerant of her presence than he. Such strength ought to be commended, truly. The conjured image of an unnamed individual getting all cosy with her a brings a grimace upon his face, and because of that, he strives to not dwell on it for too long.

A black-tipped ear tilts to the acclaim of his clanmates. Forestshade's comment about not seeing her on patrols is amusing, for a couple of reasons, though he stifles any laugh that'd come from it. It wasn't wrong—Betonyfrost's decision to get herself pregnant has doomed her to this thorn bush for the coming moons. "Yeah, colour me surprised," he says, latching onto Geckoscreech's comment. "Thought of names, yet? I can share some ideas if not."

Eh, good for her. If she has to seclude herself for the foreseeable future, this development is nothing short of a win in his books.


Brought forwards by the string of congratulations to Betonyfrost, Ferndance's smile widened in a muted surprise. She was an older cat free of the burden of motherhood, sometimes, it was easy to forget that younger she-cats could even have babies - especially Betony. She'd never seemed the motherly type, yet, sure enough, the mackerel tabby was inching closer and closer to the nursery as if it were her new home. The others had confirmed the news for her already. "I take it these didn't come from a mystical stork who can talk and grant you painless babies." She blinked widely, her eyes practically glowing with intrigue over what could be a juicy piece of gossip. Her recent conversations with Betonyfrost had been far more intelligent than what the ticked tabby was used to, perhaps she seeks to balance it out by questioning the new queen on matters that truly weren't her business. She leaned on her alabaster paw, the tip of her nose pointed towards Betonyfrost. "Who's the sire?" It was not as taboo to Ferndance as it may have been to another. Love was a funny thing, sometimes granted through actions and othertimes granted through temporary trysts. Regardless, when it resulted in new life, she couldn't help but want to take note of what had happened.

જ➶ Every seems so lively today. Especially when he comes into camp with a rodent clenched in his jaws. A group huddled near the nursery and talking all excited like about something. Excited? Might be the word but something is going on and he wants to see what it all is about. So he unceremoniously throws the rat he caught onto the pile and plods his way over to the group and what do you know it's Betony at the center. He tilts his head a bit as he sits down and listens in on the conversation. Congratulations are being given, a question of who is the sire spoken and he blinks slowly. It seems to take his small brain a little while to catch up before he finally understands what is going on. "Oh, oh! Betony you having kits? That's what everyone is talking about right?" He looks around and then to is sister before looking back to Betony.

A small smirk then pulls through before he shrugs his shoulders. "If you are, ah, have a great time with that. I'll be sure to bring you extra snacks." He remembers when mom had gotten pregnant with his younger siblings. He can help he is sure.
It's Forestshade that is first to approach Betonyfrost with words of congratulations. Betonyfrost lifts her head from her paws like it is a difficult thing and wonders how Forestshade could be so bold as to assume Betonyfrost is expecting, by nothing but where she happen to rest. Rumors. Betonyfrost coils her tail tight to her belly, shifts, and doesn't correct Forestshade because—

Because. Just because.

Inhale, exhale, "Well," Betonyfrost starts, but finds that she's wordless. She wets her mouth, tries again, "Well if you have nothing else to say..."

She doesn't finish that thought. It fades like a trail of rising smoke to blue sky, and once more Betonyfrost is silent. It's unfair, it's all so unfair. Betonyfrost is supposed to nod and smile and accept half-hearted congratulations like she's gracious, as if she isn't drowning in far more uncertainty and disbelief than her peers. The lot of them think Betonyfrost can't do it, and Betonyfrost wishes to agree with the whole of her chest. She can't do this and she hopes with every passing day that it's all been a strange dream.

Betonyfrost doesn't react fully until Chilledstar speaks. Her rounded ears perk before her mind could remind her that she isn't wanted, and then Betonyfrost is blinking up at Chilledstar.

"Tell me something else," She blurts. She needs more than Chilledstar is willing to give. She doesn't know how to convince them yet.

Smogmaw speaks, talks of names, and Betonyfrost feels her heart harden to a stone and drop into her gut. Names, she'll need names, and suddenly this is all too real. Betonyfrost will need names because kits need names, and there will be kits.

"No," Betonyfrost responds, "No, no, don't tell me any names. I— I don't need any suggestions."

With Ferndance's question, Betonyfrost cannot help but hear an accusation. An old anger sparks — how many times will Betonyfrost need to defend herself? "He's shadow, and that's all you need to know," She snaps, then riding that same anger, to Chittertongue, "You can help by climbing the nearest tree and stepping, stepping right off the highest branch you can find. It'll be far more useful than gawking around me."​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 18 moons | tags
❪ TAGS ❫ — So, the rumors had been true. Roosterstrut would be lying if he hadn't noticed Betonyfrost growing more... rotund, but he hadn't dared bring his observations up. The thought of Betonyfrost having kits with anybody was such a strange thought; occurrences like these only served as a reminder that his generation was growing up quicker than he could keep up with. It felt like he and Betony had been denmates not too long ago, little kits who only had each other and found solace in the other's company.

The thought probably on everybody's minds was who the sire was, but only the ever-erratic Ferndance possessed the audacity to ask aloud. Betonyfrost hadn't a mate, at least not to anybody's knowledge, and if she hadn't mentioned whoever it was by now then she likely wasn't going to at all. Roosterstrut understood, hence why he visibly cringed when the cinnamon-hued molly intruded on Betonyfrost's privacy.

Reactions to the news of the mackerel tabby she-cat were varied overall, and while Roosterstrut found himself pretty puzzled about the situation as a whole, he would still support Betonyfrost if she was willing to accept it. They weren't friends but they weren't not friends, either, with their relationship being just about as muddled as swamp water.

In an attempt to alleviate the mood, Roosterstrut meowed, "Well, we'll be here for you whenever you need it. Or we can leave ya' alone, too. Whichever's less stressful." A small, hopeful grin accompanies his features, even if he fully expects for Betonyfrost to scowl and grumble like she always has.