private baby hotline | howlingstar


moonlight on the river
Jun 1, 2023
Lately Tansy had her paws full between Coal and Crystal, but it wasn’t a bad kind of busy. Coal filled a small part of the hole in her heart left by her late son and daughter Rainkit and Littlekit, he could never replace them but it was fulfilling. She herds them out of the nursery, a soft nudge here and there to corral them to where they agreed on playing yesterday. Her paws prickle with anticipation and she feels… nervous, odd enough.

Today was the day. If Howlingstar was free then she would ask. Being in the nursery, around the kits, it made her happier than being a warrior. Theres a sharp pang in her heart as she thinks about it- she should have been happy to be a warrior for the brief time she was. She should have been happy to serve her clan, but with the trauma endured from the Great Battle shes not sure she could ever lay claws on another for territory disputes again.

Theres a small thought in the back of her head that says that she would fight to the death for the youth of the clan instead. Silently she agreed.

Tansy tells them to be careful and that she’ll be back soon, slinking off to the leaders den. She stands before it with averted eyes, taking a deep breath before she calls forth. "Howlingstar? Are you free to… talk? I have a- uhm, somewhat of a request and a question." she does not let her voice wavers despite the possible threat of rejection hanging over her head. Theres also excitement hidden within, ears swiveling to the side as she waits.

The sun hangs low in the sky, the evening chatter arising in camp when Tansyshine slips into her den. Howlingstar greets her warmly with a smile and a trill, "Of course." She invites the queen in further with a flick of her tail, always happy to grant some time to those caring for the clan's kits. A difficult job, one that she has dealt with three times before. Kits are no easy business. She settles into a crouch, fluffy tail wrapping around her body before she blinks at the creamy-pelted she-cat. "What is it?" She asks, voice kind.

// BLEGH SORRY FOR SHORT POST trying to crank it out quickly before I gotta go
Howlingstar answers, her voice is kind. It has always been kind, Tansy does not know why she had been so... nervous. She dips her head in thankfulness, lips parting before they shut, then parted again, then shut once more. She had totally forgotten her whole spiel that she had painstakingly rehearsed. She looks away with burning cheeks, knowing its way too late to back down now. "Okay, so i've been thinking... I feel... Ah, sorry." she shakes her head and takes a deep breath, paws slightly kneading the ground below her.

"Well, Crystalkits time in the nursery is coming up, and Coalkit will be shortly after... I feel much more fulfilled in the nursery than I have being a warrior." she looks away, her throat dry. Would Howlingstar find it sad, pathetic maybe? Would she be looked down upon? She doesn't think she could return to being a warrior. Her paws have not been unsheathed for anything other than collecting moss and everyday mundane things. "I would like to know if it is possible to remain in the nursery and look after the young of the clan." her ear idly flicks but she has a ton more to say. "Crystalkit and Coalkit gave me a purpose in life, I am... In the happiest place I can be." it is not entirely a lie, only dampened by her grief for her two late kittens.

"I would like to give back to the clan in a way that I feel like I am most helpful in... I can help with the stray kittens," because Stars know that cats like to leave their kittens on their borders. Tansy feels like its unfair, but she would not complain. "And I can help raise them to be respectable warriors." she shakes her coat out, hesitating once more. "They grow up too fast." it tumbles from her lips before she can stop it, ears pinning back. She wishes they never had to grow up, but she knows they need to make their own path in life.
She can see the queen is nervous, causing Howlingstar to cock her head curiously. She offers an encouraging smile and slides a paw forward, hoping it assures her that she's okay to speak her mind. When she does, the tabby blinks in thought, nodding slowly in understanding. Tansyshine wants to be a queen, permanently, to never return to warrior duties. "I don't see why not," She trills, brow raising as if in sudden realization that it's a possible course. A queen's job is a valued one, and many would argue it is just as demanding as a warrior's.

She smiles, a gentle curve on her maw. "You may stay in the nursery even after Crystalkit and Coalkit are apprenticed. You can help other queens with their kits, nurse them to give them a break, offer advice for younger first-time'll be a big help, Tansyshine." She dips her head, tucking her chin to her chest. "I, and ThunderClan, would appreciate your service in the nursery. You won't patrol or hunt, but you'll fulfill a job not many others can do."
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