ROEPAW — break the air to feel the fall.
Lately, it’s gotten alarmingly easy to conceal her disappointment when she returns from her border patrols to Skyclan. She knows it’s foolish, to truly think she’ll be able to see Snowpaw on every patrol she tagged along on- still, the hope was always there.
There’s a yawn blossoming on her jaws as she pads into camp alongside her clan mates, still groggy from her early start.
Mid-yawn, ears pinned back, she almost misses another’s attentive gaze on her.
Her jaw snaps shut, and she shoots them a questioning look- she doesn’t enjoy being stared at.
Seeing as she is no longer distracted, they finally part their maw to speak.
”You join a lot of the Skyclan border patrols Roepaw, what’s up with that?”
Their tone lacks any accusation, but burning curiosity tells the molly that their question wouldn’t be left unanswered.
Without the pressure of being put under a scathing microscope, lying through her teeth is almost too easy, to natural.
"Picked too many fights at Shadowclans border, and last time I went near the river I fell in. Besides, I like the smell of pine" she chimes back with a casual shrug. She supposes her reasoning was actually quite true, despite the fact that she didn’t actually mind shit-talking marsh monsters or hold any true fear of the water after her incident.
"Don’t you have a preferred route?" She hums back under the guise of simply sparking a conversation.

( Prompt:

A clanmate has noticed Roepaw seems to have a vested interest in joining SkyClan patrols recently, even remarking she will volunteer for them without her mentor…there is no immediate suspicion of anything, the question seems genuine curiousity but she'll need to reply somehow. )



"Is that so?" Moonpaw's voice is calm, levelheaded but she stares at Roepaw with a sharp scrutiny that only the frosty blue of her eyes really displays because her expression remains its usually soft but disinterested neutrality. The tortie point had been actively avoiding patrols to SkyClan unless she was forced upon one and even then she kept quiet and to herself, the scent of the pine forest was not what she'd consider enough of a reason to want to be on a specific patrol but then again Roepaw was a strange one. A senior apprentice, on the cusp of leaving the den to join the warriors and yet she seemed somewhat naively out of place in a way the younger girl had no desire to uncover. Was it from her exiled mother? Who knew. Moonpaw didn't actually care but it was strange.
"Patrol is patrol, I go on what's needed personally. My preference doesn't matter when work is to be done." She felt that was the best answer she could give. Honest and what her mentor expected in case word got back to him of her chats. In such a close community it wasn't unheard of.