camp baby, i'm the problem &. apologizing


Jul 27, 2022
alright. she had never done this before. the only cat she even tried to apologize to was willowroot, but they were her mate and even that had been hard for the molly. still, this had to be done. she felt bad for raising her voice- causing such a ruckess and being so damned annoying. she had apologized to willowroot immediately afterwards, and now was taking the steps to be better. she had to- so she could be a good mother to her kits. she didn't want them to carry the same anger she did for life. she wanted them to see the good in the world. poppy wanted them to find the beauty, even when it seemed impossible sometimes. that's what she wanted. currently, her anger and resentment towards her own family had caused for big issues. she had to be better. she would be better because, above all else, riverclan was her home.

"okay... it's okay. you can do this. your uncle isn't here to laugh at you and neither are the rest of them... you have to do this. prove to everyone, and yourself, that you can be... good."

she took in a deep breath, nervously fidgeting as she paced back and forth before she cleared her throat. before quietpaw had returned, before the young one had ever even went missing, she told her that the first step in being a better cat was owning up to one's mistakes. she doesn't even remember how they got on this discussion but back then they'd laughed at it. now? she were clinging to any ideas of it. she needed this. she needed the inner peace and she wanted her clanmates to love her, the same way they loved willowroot. she was willing to do anything for it.

"uhm... hi? I don't know how to do this. don't laugh at me or anything... I'm sorry. i am sorry for being so mean and rude. I'm sorry for pushing you all away and snapping at you ever chance i get. I'm sorry. and mudpelt... as much as you are filled with nothing but water and hot air... this wasn't your fault. i reacted stronger than i should have been i should of just taken a deep breath. I really am sorry for snapping at you like that."

//she's trying her best u guys

Oh stars, Mudpelt had been riddled with guilt ever since he so foolishly blabbed perhaps the most important secret he ever could have spoken! How could he be so mouse-brained! He's wanted to approach the couple about it, but honestly hasn't been able to work up the courage to do so. Not to mention it's been difficult to find Poppysplash ever since the encounter, but here she is, standing before all of them now! He almost approaches her to apologize right then and there, but before he can, she begins to speak.

He listens with pricked ears, surprise evident on his face. She calls him out by name, apologizing to him. He pouts, emotion brimming. Already padding forward, he offers the she-cat a giant grin and trills, "Don't beat yourself up over it, Poppysplash!" Her insult goes right over his head, as if emphasizing it. His eyes squint shut as he beams, "Congratulations, by the way. I never got to tell you!"
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Like her father, Iciclepaw is surprised at Poppysplash's approach. The she-cat is known for being prickly and sometimes even volatile. The tortoiseshell blinks up at her father, who accepts this barbed apology without blinking twice. She twitches an ear at Poppysplash's comment about her father's intelligence.

"What's wrong with being full of hot air and water?" She gently headbutts her father's shoulder. "But yeah... what he said. Congrats."

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Man, Poppysplash was fierce. Steeppaw had witnessed her da being told off not so long ago, her head ducked behind a plume of reeds. Just like she had then, the apprentice sat askew with laughter brimming between her teeth as the molly approached Mudpelt once more. The fall and float of his expression captivated her until her amusement spilt into a roar.

"Your mouth is as big as your muscles!" She snorted at her dad. Bone white paws introduced her into the circle and she tumbled to a stop beside her sister. Broad shoulders leant across Iciclepaw's smaller frame for a moment before yielding to stand on her own. "You're for sure gonna be a good ma' Poppyspash. Already bossing about warriors!" Amber spun with awe as Steeppaw looked up at her. Being able to command attention like that was cool.
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