BABY, IM YOURS [night hunting]

. Heathershade .

Angelic -
Oct 20, 2022

Truthfully, the young molly had been desperate to prove herself to her newfound home, or more, makeup for the epic hunting fail Chilledgaze had apparently managed to spot.
It had taken only a pawful of days for the tabby to settle in, but soon she was ready to be put to work- despite the fact that she had not yet received a clan name or mentor, she was getting antsy.
Paired with another warrior for supervision, the two had set out at dusk, the other kind enough to let Sweets take the lead on this expedition.
Only after about ten minutes of walking did the adolescent signal for the other to stop with a silent wave of her tail, letting her eyes flutter close and her maw part slightly to take in the nearby scents.
Marsh, water, other cats…
She searches harder, jutting out her neck ever so slightly.
Her eyes snap open, the yellow optics now sparked with excitement.
She moved carefully now, her instincts still not entirely adapted to the night-hunting habit her clanmates seemed to have.
She almost bumps into a rock, but on light paws easily veers away, her nose not once leaving the thready scent trail.
She hears soft scuffling, and a rancid scent slaps her senses. They must be right near the carrion place now.
Silvery ears swivel as they hear for another rustle.
there! On the left!
Quickly she drops into a carefully practiced crouched, typically hidden muscles now flexed, she is on the prowl.
One paw step after another, she can make out the rats scent under the carrion- though in her opinion they are just about identical.
A pink tail peeks through a dried patch of rotting twigs, and Sweets doesn’t have to think twice, her muscle memory is kicking in.
Her lunge is almost effortless, and the rat barely has time to give a surprise chitter before she is on it. She cracks her teeth against the back of its neck, and it falls limp. Triumph sparkles in her eyes as she happily drags the rat back to her companion. "I got it!" She hums joyously, she knew she still had it in her!
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

She sighs, letting the younger molly dart ahead of her through the lush darkness of the marsh. She has an apprentice of her own, @Siltcloud. trailing somewhere behind her -- why, oh why, was she forced to accompany this outsider kit on top of everything else she's expected to do?

Perhaps a better cat, a better mentor, would have given Sweets some instruction, commented on the scents, her form, but Flickerfire only watches her with a bored expression. Faint interest lights in her coppery gaze, but it's only instinctual, tracking movements with well-trained eyes.

Sweets catches the rat, is quick and ruthless as she pins it and snaps its neck. Her purr of satisfaction causes Flickerfire to shake herself out of her stupor. She pads over to Sweets and gives the piece of prey a hungry look. "Wow, good job," she says, voice taking on a sickly sweet edge. "Maybe you'd like to share that... I'm your honorary mentor today, after all."

- ,,

A bird narrowly escapes his grasp. Smogmaw curses between the teeth, an especially irritable expression fixed to his already-grumpy mug. ShadowClan cats were supposedly known for their prowess come nighttime, and yet, the mackerel tabby finds he hunts much better during the day. Keeping his eyes peeled for the subtlest of movements in the darkness is an excruciating feat for someone with his impatience.

Only adding to the warrior's displeasure is the clear success of his clanmates. Sweets happened to be as much of a clan cat as the rat she'd caught, but the prey in her mouth is greater output than anything from his end tonight. It got to his head a little bit.

"Uh-uh," counters Smogmaw, coming up on Flickerfire and the apprentice-aged newcomer, "you've got your own peon to feed you, Flickerfire; I call dibs." The most he's had to eat today is morsels and scraps scattered on the ground near the fresh-kill pile, forgotten about by whoever'd put them there. Maybe, just maybe, if there were a dash of fuel in his system...

"Good catch, though," he mews, now giving Sweets the entirety of his attention. "If you keep it up, perhaps we'll survive this coming Leaf-bare after all."


  • Haha
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flickerfire was an idiot... how chilledgaze managed to be friends with her was a mystery in of itself. sighing heavily, they turned back to their own hunt, watching quietly as a frog bounced across the marsh. it was mere seconds of a perfect opportunity, making them pounce with a grunt, snapping the neck of the amphibian before it could croak out a noise that would certainly frighten the other woodland creatures that lurked. with a paw steadied on the thing, chilledgaze glanced over at sweets who had caught something.

"both of you are idiots.... stop arguing over who gets the prey and hunt for yourself. we have an entire clan to feed, badger-brains."

they snorted, only giving a slightly encouraging nod to sweets before turning back to the two warriors with a roll of their eyes. idiots.
siltpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Scrawny and skinny and frail, Silt can only trail along behind her mentor uselessly. She's frustrated with her own lack of skills - even the kittypet has caught prey before her now! A quiet grumble slips past her lips, a frown tugging at her face - perhaps the most emotion she's shown in days. The dusty molly simply shakes her head, gaze averted, jaws parting to scent the air. She hopes they find something - even if flickerfire has to step in and catch the prey herself, the least she can do is track something down. Her keens nose picks up a multitude of scents, but the one that catches her attention is that of another rat. Pale ears twitch, and though she drops into a crouch automatically she glances at flickerfire for permission before moving from her spot - should she even bother trying?