BABY ITS COLD OUTSIDE || Raccoonstripe

Badgerstrike should have known the weather would do this when she challenged someone to a hunting competition. Here they were, out in the snow as the accursed white flakes fell heavier and heavier.

She had half a mind to call for Raccoonstripe, to call off the hunt, but it hadn't gotten too bad yet......

She continued on with no luck. She shouldn't be surprised, if she were a mouse, she would be hiding in a burrow too.

Her paws were freezing and she could barely feel her nose. She was able to ignore it and continue searching for prey, determined to get something out of this.

But that was wishful thinking! The snowfall began to fall heavier to a point she could not ignore. Much as she loathed to be the one to admit defeat, she could barely see a foxlength ahead of her.

"Hey- Raccoonstripe!!" She called out. "We should take shelter somewhere! Can you see shit? I can't!"

As if to tell her to shut up, snow piled up on a branch gave way and fell on her head.


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( ☄. *. ⋆ ) A hunting competition. She'd been a fool for proposing it, and he'd been double the idiot for accepting. The weather all afternoon has threatened them with dark skies, and even before they'd left camp, the flurries had begun to fall in pale spirals around them.

Badgerstrike is somewhere beside him, but he can't even make her striped pelt out through the thick white snow, the terrible winds. Neither of them have caught a damn thing, though he supposes at least that means he isn't losing.

"We should take shelter somewhere! Can you see shit? I can't!"

Raccoonstripe snorts, grimacing as he tries to spot her through the opaque white world their forest has become. "What, are you admitting defeat, then?" Still, he has to admit she's right. He's never been so cold in his life -- his paw pads are starting to feel numb, and he only expects it will get worse.

He peers through the storm again, this time looking for a place they can shelter. "Over hear!" He calls over his shoulder, hoping the wind and snow don't muffle his voice too much. A hollow at the base of a mighty oak tree, stripped of its leaves. He tucks himself against it, giving his pelt a shake. Snow and cold, wet gunk flies from him. "It's better than freezing our tails off, at least," he says, beginning to clean his paws. Their icy to the touch against his tongue. "I never should've let you talk me into this..." He gives Badgerstrike a derisive look.

"NEVER IN A MILLION MOONS!" She calls back. She was too proud to admit defeat, even if the weather sucked. She was more powerful than the weather.

Hearing him call out again, she trudged through the snow to find him. She had no complaints about his choice of cover, it was better than having to squint through snowflakes. "Works for me!"

She cackled. "I don't control the weather! How was I supposed to know it was going to get this bad?"

Now they were stuck together in a tree. Some would call this romantic. Badgerstrike called it funny.

"How long do you think we'll be stuck in here?" She asked. "Do you think we'll have to cuddle for warmth?"

She's joking, and yet part of her wouldn't mind because of how cold it was. If they were going to be snowed in, they could AT LEAST be comfortable.