private baby, its okay | sablepaw



જ➶ The woman is poised, settled on a rock in the middle of the river. The water slips off her pelt from her swim and she is just observing the world around her. Thinking, puzzling over the events that have happened. The way those that should be her clanmates turned into ravenous monsters, lashing out on one that had been their own. Yet despite that she knows there are reasons for what happened. She knows that they ran Hyacinth off because of misdeeds and poor judgement. Her inability to severe her to ties to Windclan seemed to be her own undoing and worst her own family got involved. Frowning she looks down at the waters and she sighs. Personally she has come a long way, learned to swim, learned how to fish, lost her own mate and pulled herself up by her own claws. Her Shadowclan family wants nothing to do with her and she doesn't hate them for it. It's something she doesn't much think about now a days. Her family here matters more to her. Slowly she slinks into the water and swims her way to the shore line, pressing onto the bank where she gives herself a shake. It is there she sees her daughter and she frowns at the way she looks. "Sablepaw..." The mother calls to her as she steps through the reeds.

"Are you okay? I know....I know what has happened can be hard to understand." Hard to process. It is even terrifying as well given the circumstances. And then having to make a choice to push forth and give her all to Riverclan in such a brutal manner. She does not like that. Bloodshed is not the only way to be loyal to one's clan and her child is too young in her eyes to be doing something like that. She doesn't care if Cindershade is her mentor. She will make sure her child understands that honor and understanding are key things of the world.

In every situation you give me peace
Sitting by the pebble laden shore dark paws furiously splash and rub to rid itself of the crimson tucked underneath her claws. Her lithe form trembles and quakes, failing to hold back tears forged from the guilt of her actions. She didn't want to strike out at Hyacinthbreath, to watch as the silver molly's face twists with shock and pain. To feel her flesh split as her own claws scored through the warrior's shoulder. Never in her life did she ever think she would have to lay a paw on any of her clanmates.

She tries to tell herself that it was necessary. That Hyacinthbreath forced her hand. Naturally, the others would begin to side eye her family next if she didn't prove her loyalty right then and there. But it did nothing to erase the guilt she felt behind it. There was also an underlying frustration that she could not shake. Despite participating in the warrior's exile she was not so naive to think it would completely spare her family from cats wondering their "what ifs". No matter how she looked at it this situation was a double edged sword that left her family nearly starting from the bottom all over just to avoid the chopping block.

The sound of water trickling upon the pebble laden shore behind her makes her stop. But it was the sound of her mother's voice that caused her to turn around. Boneripple enters her sheltered space relatively hidden away from prying eyes and flattens her ears. "No. No..I'm not okay." It was obvious to see, but it hurt even more to admit. A proper riverclanner wouldn't feel so conflicted by their choices in this matter, would they? Her mother goes on and Sablepaw begins shaking her head, raising a single paw to wipe the flood of tears. "I didn't want to do it, to hurt her. But I couldn't risk her situation becoming ours if I stood by and did nothing."
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead