private Baby of mine ‡ Gravelkit


A light in the dark
Oct 17, 2023
*+:。.。 Having a kit at their belly was...quite nice, actually. Oh, how they missed the little beasts that gnawed on their sensitive belly, their cute little cries - shrill with so much devotion for Ebonylight and Ebonylight alone. Now, they were far out of their reach, growing bigger by the minute without Ebby there to watch and guide. Starclan, they hoped Nightingalecry wasn't fucking things up. For now, they focused their attention on the new little life curled at their belly.
This one was too pale, too bathed in bleached white to ever be considered one of Ebby's...but it was close enough. Lifting their head, they watch the thing fondly, it's little chest rising and falling beneath the night's careful glow. Gravelkit, is a gift to Duskclan, but ultimately a blessing all for Ebonylight. Leaning their head down, they aim to groom at Gravelkit's ears, purring softly as they imagine how big she'll grow, her personality molded perfectly into that of a loyal Duskclanner.

"I cannot wait to see you reach your potential..." they purr, voice full of love and adoration.


    DFAB— He/They/She — Pansexual
    18 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Duskclan (Rogue)
    Mates with Nightingalecry, father to Frightkit, Deathkit and Witherkit

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold black

    injuries: None currently
It's still hard to sleep in such a desolate place, hard to relax when so many cats prowl during the night, look at one as if they were just a piece of prey. It's hard, and stressful, to exist in a world wholly unwanted by most. Gravelkit doesn't even know where to put their paws half the time, who they can talk to, the kitten-ish urge to play squashed long ago.

They were their mothers only child. They never had siblings to play with. They never knew anything else than this, so why does it feel so... unfulfilling?

They're finally drifting off when Ebonylight begins to a draw a tongue over their ears. It startles them awake, not entirely used to the sensation yet- something off-feeling churns in their stomach and makes them feel sick. They almost shift away but they're frozen until Ebonylights voice comes out in a warm wisp of love, like Gravel was important to them.

In the moment, its nice to feel wanted. Feel loved. Feel whole again. They lean in to it, desperate for approval, desperate for this to continue. "I'll be the best," their little voice sounds too grown-up, but its a promise, it is, paws fumbling for something that would keep this going. Bile rises in their throat, they swallow hard. "I'll make Duskclan proud." i'll show everyone.

  • 61219945_72oYA7X8l5z18Wk.png
    baby ,, gravelkit
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 04 months
    duskclan kit ,, adopted by ebonylight
    black/blue smoke chimera with high white and blue eyes
    "speech, 9d9adf" ,, thoughts
    too young to be interested in anything ,, single
    smells like heather and pine needles
    art by woodlandpest ,, penned by chuff
*+:。.。 Ebonylight is but a fragile creature at heart, even they can't help but melt when they see something so meek and small speak such bold promises. It makes their smile glow brighter, their empty chest feel warmer. "I'm sure you well, little pebble" they say, curling their tail tighter around the little life they so graciously saved. "And I'll be right there beside you," as one might stand cheerily beside a prize catch, or a successfully dug channel into a tunnel system - if you're not there to claim your recognition, what's the point? Grooming the child's ears, Ebonylight would hum softly, "I know it's not easy, though. I was in your paws once, many moons ago. Brought to Windclan without any blood tying me there. I got plenty of ugly looks too"
He smiles fondly at the memories - the looks of shock and dismay that had filled the clan-born's eyes when they entered everyone's precious protected camp along with their band of merry rogues. "But overcoming it was plenty easy once you show them how useful you are, and I'll ensure you learn how to serve your use" he promises comfortingly. She has no choice in the matter, after all, unless Gravelkit wants to be thrown right back to the wolves. He knows a spot, too!

"But let's think positively, shall we, pebble? What's something you've liked so far? Anything you've found interesting about Duskclan life, at least?" she asks, serpent eyes aglow with curiosity. It's about time she got to know her little prize to Duskclan - Gravelkit has to have some opinions, right?

    DFAB— He/They/She — Pansexual
    18 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Duskclan (Rogue)
    Mates with Nightingalecry, father to Frightkit, Deathkit and Witherkit

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold black

    injuries: None currently