baby, seasons change but I don't | pinecone fighting


They are well into Leaf-fall by now, and Snakeblink finds himself waiting for the turn of season with more wistfulness than trepidation for once. The same well-worn anxiety remains: Leaf-bare means less prey, worse weather, sickness and a chill that burrows deep into his bones. He starts worrying about all this as soon as his fur starts to shed in preparation for its winter coat — something he’s still dealing with currently, coming out of every grooming session with a mouthful of flyaway fluff. But the dangers of the cold moons seem lesser at the moment.

It’s because of the clan, he knows. Prey might burrow and disappear in Leaf-bare, but many warriors mean more cats who can hunt and feed them all. A medicine cat with knowledge of herbs and remedies keeps sickness at bay; a woven den full of sleeping cats keeps the nights warm. There’s safety in numbers: something he's known since his mother brought them to the marsh group, and which only became clearer with Riverclan — the smaller group feels safe like a family, not a colony.

Of course, lessened doesn’t mean gone: Snakeblink still worries, as is his nature. You can take the loner out of solitude, but you cannot take the solitary habits of fear out of him. Now, though, instead of being overwhelming, the thoughts of hardships to come feel… manageable. Further away.

How can he worry when things have been going so well, and the river is so beautiful at this time of year? The banks are heavy with fog and burning crimson and gold with trees shedding their own pelt. Here, within hearing range of camp but a little off the main path in and out of it, watching the water glitter with pale daylight, he truly feels at peace with the coming change.

As he tilts his head back to watch a bright orange leaf dancing in the wind, something whizzes past Snakeblink’s head and bounces off the ground. He whirls around, spooked, to find…

A pinecone.

Snakeblink huffs a laugh at his own reaction. He nudges the pinecone with his paw, and it rolls a little, riffling through the grass like a particularly clumsy vole. He nudges it again, entranced. After all… why not? It’s been a while since he last took the time to have fun.

That was unwise of you,” he purrs dramatically, circling around the pinecone. “You see… With anyone around, you could have persuaded a small fragment of mercy out of me. But it’s so easy to get away with murder, if you do it right. And you just happened to try and come at me without any witnesses around…

Crouching low, Snakeblink stares down the pinecone as if it’s his mortal enemy, come to assassinate him. Visualizing this traitor in his mind's eye, he pounces, rolling in the grass and digging his claws into its wooden shell, threatening it of a thousand deaths as he goes.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Fishface isn't particularly enthusiastic about the coming Leaf-bare. The crisper days were going to prove troublesome for his thin-furred scrag of a body; and the resulting lack of prey certainly won't help his case. Keeping the forthcoming season in his mind, the tom finds himself appreciating the territory's natural beauty more than before. The willow trees that hang overhead, looming over the scenery with cozened sorrow. The lilypads which propped up in the unlikeliest of places, fighting against the current with what little strength they have. Snow would soon blanket the terrain, putting the colour out of sight and stealing all the warmth. Best to enjoy it now while he still has it.

A lot of the leaves have already abandoned their branches by this point, but the odd one will whiz through the air every so often. The oriental tabby has been ogling this one for a hot moment. It's decently-sized and brightly coloured, and frolics through the air like a hummingbird. It ultimately passes by clanmate of his, Snakeblink - and by the time Fishface's line of vision descends on the older warrior, he's in the midst of a heated battle with a pinecone.

It appeared that there were cones aplenty scattered about the ground, but this specific one must have committed some serious offence to be deserving of such a brutal treatment. There's hatred in Snake's eyes. The pinecone doesn't stand a chance.

Fishface always takes the side of the underdog, and this situation is no different. He pads along, maintaining a fair emount of discretion on his approach, until he locates a plump-enough seed case. His front-right paw lifts off the ground and swings the cone airborne, and it hits Snakeblind right on the shoulder.

  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink

Run, run, Lost Boy
It was a rather nice day for fall and they had pushed themselves out of the medicine den in favor for a walk. Something to do and why not do their exercises like they were suppose to? Though as they wondered through the familiar willow trees and reed bushes they couldn't help but perk up their ears. A voice could be heard in the distance, seeming to threaten something, and they got curious of course as any young cat would. Though there was hesitance in their footsteps as they neared the sight of Snakeblink rolling in the grass with a pinecone. A snicker errupted from the black and white apprentice as they put a paw to their nose to stifle the sound.

Raccoonpaw had been about to get up to greet the tomcat, but then realized another cat was nearby. A silver cat with a long face and he seemed to stop what he was doing for that of a seed-covered cone. They gave a look as Fishface then took the cone in one swoop to throw it directly at Snakeblink only for it to hit him in the shoulder. Then a laugh burst from the apprentices' mouth and they nearly fell over from the force of it, "Get him Fish! In coming!" They ran for the nearest pinecone to playfull swipe it at the warrior in amusement.

Okay, so perhaps Snakeblink got a little too into his pineconicide. He just has his claws dug in just right, ready to rip it to shreds, and he gets so fixated on it that the other cone coming his way takes him completely by surprise.

The dull thud of another seed case bouncing off his shoulder has him rolling over, throwing his wooden prey away as he crouches into a defensive position. Who, what, where?. His eyes settle on a slender silver figure, and the panic dissipates as he recognizes the fellow riverclan cat. Not an enemy at all — and what an enemy that would be, throwing pinecone at him. No, it’s Fishface, who can barely get grass out of his own nose but is apparently a sharpshooter with a seed case. A silly cat, by reputation, but there are worse things than being silly.

Still, such a devious attack should not go unpunished. And it wouldn’t have, had Raccoonpaw not chosen that moment to appear. Their battle cry is the only warning Snakeblink gets before another cone flies his way with pinpoint accuracy. He flattens himself to the ground to avoid it then rises halfway to face these two new threats.

You made a mistake coming here, you treacherous frogs,” he threatens, smirking at the two younger cats. Then, he throws himself at the nearest pinecone and bats it Fishface’s way, aiming for his side and hoping the dead leaves he throws up in his haste will make it harder for Raccoonpaw to aim for him.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


The sound of smaller pawsteps causes Fishface to briefly divert his gaze from the enemy, and a triumphant grin overtakes his maw as he sees that Raccoonpaw has decided to join his cause. They enter the fray, locating a pinecone of their own and walloping it at the dastardly foe. "Teach him who's boss!" he cheers at his new comrade-in-arms. But his guard isn't let down yet, and he swivels his pointed head back towards the wicked tabby.

After rolling around on the ground like a moss ball, Snakeblink rises on his haunches and assumes a defensive position. He is outnumbered, and surely he understands his reign of terror was fast approaching its final moments. Narrowed hazel eyes stare down the older tom's own, unfazed by the threats he uttered.

But Snakeblink's retaliation comes swiftly. Fishface cannot react quick enough, and sustains a major injury (a pinecone to the waist).

The world spins around him, vision becomes dark- he collapses onto the earthen floor, reeling from this vicious counterattack. "Ah-!" he yowls in feigned, dramatised anguish. "Racc... Raccoonpaw," continues the thwarted male, craning his weary head to face the apprentice, "I'm beaten. You have to finish this one on your own."

Then he dies, like actually. His eyes aren't just closed. He's dead right now. May StarClan have mercy on his soul.


Ah, sweet victory.

It’s hard to tamp down on the burst of laughter bubbling up in his chest at Fishface’s dramatic exit from life — paws seizing as if from rigor mortis, tongue all but flopping out of his maw like a possum. Snakeblink manages to keep it to a low chuckle as he gloats over the body of his defeated foe. He turns slitted eyes on Racconpaw, making a show of limping on his (grievously wounded) front paw.

Seems the fate of the clan rests on your shoulders,” he simpers. “But you've seen what happens to those that rise against me!” He flicks his front paw towards Fishface’s prone form, making an example of the warrior’s tragic demise.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo