private baby there's another side that you don't know [ lilacfur ]

" I'M AN ANGEL " ?

siltcloud 18 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

Siltcloud is not as clueless as she lets on - no, she is not so naive. Her mind is her weapon, the only thing she has ever liked about herself - cunning and sharp where her figure is bleak and bland. These gifts they've exchanged, from silly trinkets to freshly killed prey, a warm nest lined to the brim with feathers and furs - she is being.. courted. By Lilacfur. But what she cannot seem to understand is the why of it - why her? What had she ever done to deserve lilacfurs attention - her affection, her love. She does not deserve it.

Not that it stops her from accepting it - coveting what shouldn't be hers to have. The lingering guilt is buried alongside the rest of her useless emotions, a smile painted across white-tinged maw instead, green eyes warm and soft. Lets herself float on by, high on this newfound happiness. Allows herself to believe for a moment that she is as soft as she pretends - that she is the cat she was before she'd learned just how cruel reality was, before she'd seen granitepelt hovering over charcoal figure, before she'd let out the monster that now lives in her chest. Before she'd lied.

Heat spreads across sharp features, painting cheeks pink as she sits beside her... friend; gaze turning towards the stars. It's hard to find a decent view within the marshlands - there are too many trees, and where there isn't there's too many puddles of muck and water. But the burnt sycamore is different - charred branches turned bare, the sandy ground clear and safe to sit upon. It's why she'd brought them here - wanting to do something for Lilacfur this time. " Its... pretty, isn't it? " she murmurs quietly - it's still strange, knowing that the heavens now hold the ghosts of their friends. Somewhere up there, is loampelt watching them? Or surely, he must have better things to do with his time.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I ' M - A - N I G H T M A R E ? I - K N O W - W H A T - Y O U - M E A N - B Y - T H A T


Normally Lilacfur was more than ready to take the initiative in her advances with Siltcloud. The moment she was free from her siblings den was the second she had started to put their romantic adventure to work. Love was an emotion the rosette was not generous of, an experience she kept herself guarded from for quite some time. Keeping one so close to her heart, it scared her. It was an admittance that there was more to lose, more at stake.

It reminded her of her mother. A widow before her and Starlingheart had even been born. A father that she would only know from other peoples memories. It made her think of Smogmaw, out in lands beyond and unknown while his mate perished at home. Returned well after her body was already buried. It made her think of Fleabounce, her mentor who was more like a mother she never got to truly know. Kept at a distance for both their sakes, knowing how life normally went for cats like them. Cats in this Clan.

But Siltcloud made it worth facing those fears. The molly had already been a longtime friend, bonded by shared annoyance of sickly love from their siblings. How ironic that now all these seasons later they found themselves feeling the same.

"The way the seasons change?" Lilacfur sighed as she stared up at the sycamore. The autumn sky was a glow of fiery orange and purple- "Yeah... Leaf-fall has my favorite colors." She purred as she leaned her fluffy coat against the others thin pelt. "Thanks for bringing me here. It's nice to have some time alone."
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]