baby you look happier | roe

"Almost had it!" Flycatcher cried out in annoyance at the bird he was stalking was startled and flew out of reach. Usually, he was a fairly decent hunter, but it seemed like he had been stuck with poor luck on this day. Typical he had invited Roeflame to participate in a bit of friendly competition too. His green eyes scanned his surroundings quickly, and he lifted his nose to try and detect any further scents, finding none by Roeflame's and the bird he had scared off. "Are you having any better luck?" He inquired, speaking to the unseen Roeflame. Flycatcher knew she was around, he could smell her and was pretty certain he had heard her too, but he was unable to see her just now. "Perhaps we can move on and find a better place to hunt." Though granted, he didn't actually know how well Roeflame had been at hunting thus far.

@Roeflame .
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ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
When her former mentor had first approached her, Roeflame had been uneasy, the thought of being assigned to another patrol for the day knotting up her stomach. Her mind had been crowded, with barely enough space to continue about her day-to-day obligations.
The invite however, had been a pleasant surprise, one that the young warrior wasn’t hesitant on accepting.
She can hear the warrior huff in annoyance from where she is crouched in the undergrowth, the sudden noise startling the mouse she just about had at her claws.
It takes off in a blink, and Roeflame shakes her head- more in amusement than anything else.
Finally, she stands, raising her tail so that the deputy would be able to see her above the shrubbery.
She finds him easily, however, his gray fur sticking out like a raven in a sea of blue-jays.
"Nah, not really." She replies, a light fib on her tongue- there was no reason to make Flycatcher feel bad for the outburst. "We could go to sunningrocks? Or maybe great sycamore?" She brainstorms, remembering the prey that often hid in the cracks and crannies of the boulders.


When Roeflame does answer him, she reveals that she is not having much luck either. Flycatcher takes her word for it though he has a little suspicion she might have been lying. She proceeds to suggest either hunting at Sunningrocks or the Great Sycamore, and Flycatcher takes a moment to ponder the decision. "Sunningrocks?" He says, inclining his head to see what she thought of the decision. He waits for his former apprentice to agree before leading them off in the direction of the rocks. It's a relatively short journey from where they were previously hunting to Flycatcher feels no need to race there, but they keep a good pace.

When they finally arrive, Flycatcher has to admit the rocks look quite inviting due to them being warmed by the sun. "Looking at them like that you can see why RiverClan likes to lounge on them," Flycatcher admits with a small chuckle. "Perhaps we can rest here and enjoy the sun ourselves after some more hunting?"