camp Back and Forth || Inner crisis, prompt

He paced back and forth around the camp, eyes wide, deep in thought. He looked disturbed. Newleaf was here and with it, the forest was coming back to life. He should be happy. Joyful. Relieved. But no, the anxiety he felt was nothing like he'd ever felt before. White paws were starting to leave a rut in the mud as he paced. His fur was puffed, and tunnel vision kept him from acknowledging any other cats around him.

He couldn't stop thinking about his interaction with that thunderclanner at their border. Why was he so worked up about it? There was no reason for it. Was he guessing wrong- Was it really the near death experience with the monster that he was upset over? ......No. That wasn't it. He was bent over Stumpybounce who had pinned him down for accidentally trespassing.

But why? All he did was say Frostbite had nice eyes. Why was he in such a tizzy over a simple compliment???

He was losing his mind. His pace was quickening as he tried to work through this feeling. It was just a compliment.

He always reacted nervously when complimented. He would shuffle, start feeling awkward. Sometimes even excusing himself from the conversation. But this time? He was in a full blown near panic. All because of a simple compliment. What the hell was wrong with him.

His pacing was cut short as he bumped right into another clanmate.


Oh, he was stuttering now? What the fuck was that.

"I was thinking and wasn't watching where I was going."
➳ ➳ ❝Pacing ain't no good for thoughts,❞ Heavybranch says without heat, brushing himself off with the plume of his tail where Frostbite had collided with him, ❝Promise me you'll sit a moment and chat, then all'll be forgiven.

And poor Frostbite looked to be a sight. He was set to score a trench in the ground, all wide eyes and worry in each step. By the end of it, his paws'll be so mud stained that the brown would never wash out. Heavybranch thinks he knows the look — it's never been one he's had on his own face, a fact that he's glad for. Such an expression wouldn't suit his ugly mug. Heavybranch sits then, waves an aching paw like it's an idle thing, and then gestures to a spot near to him for Frostbite to take his own seat.

So what's got you digging a new creek through camp?
shadowclan elder ✰ brown tabby ✰ flat face ✰ polydactyly ✘
He liked Frostbite. The tom was a good example of what Ghostpaw should be. At least, he thinks so. Being snow-colored wasn't so... so good in ShadowClan. But Frostbite manages, and so, Ghostpaw should be able to too. But Frostbite is different today. He's tense, he's pacing. Pacing was never so good. No, never. Others paced, and when they did, it made Ghostpaw scared to be where they were. A warrior. It didn't seem so good... then.

Ghostpaw follows only with his eyes. Otherwise unmoving while his head shifts to keep Frostbite within view. Similar looking, they were. Ghostpaw wonders if he could read the toms mind if he tried hard enough. He tries to feel... Feels nothing. He's only worried. Is that what Forstbite was? Worried?

He's only stopped by the body of Heavybranch. He's lucky its him, because someone else could've yelled at him... It's none of those cats, though. Only him. Only Heavybranch. And the elder is wondering the same thing. Digging a new creak through camp. He interjects, then, "What's wrong with you?" It's said without malice. He's only worried. Worried cause this wasn't him. Frostbite didn't... do these things.
જ➶ "Yes, what might be the problem with you? What has you in such a tizzy?" The tom's voice is filled to the brim with amusement, gently laughter bubbling. He has been watching the other from the sidelines and something someone said to him has done something. He honestluly wants to know what they said to garner such a reaction from him. One where he is racing to and fro to the pace of his own mind's road. Flicking his tail the young chimera sits down with the rest of them and he holds a casual concern. He doesn't think that it is too bad and thus he is waiting to hear just what happened to the other. Maybe later on he will head out and roam the territory.

everyone was worried about frostbite, and chilledstar couldn't say that they weren't. clearly there was something upsetting the tom cat, so much so that it had him rather frazzled and distracted. he even stuttered out a response after bumping into a clanmate. hm. interesting. with a lash of their tail, they moved to stand near ghostpaw, gently flicking their tail in greeting before their head tilted. what more could they say that hasn't already been said? their clanmates so graciously had spoke upon their worries for the snow colored tom cat, and there was no way that they could say anything that would be that much more different than what the three other cats said already.

"not to overwhelm you, but are you alright?"

Great, now he had to explain himself... What was he supposed to say?? It sounded so stupid when he thought about it.... Nobody else had this problem....

His pelt prickled as he realized he was drawing a crowd. Even Chilledstar was asking. He was cornered, he had no where to, no way to get out of this. He felt the same feeling he had felt before with Stumpybounce, a feeling he still couldn't place. The feeling of being cornered, perhaps.....

His chest tightened momentarily before he took a breath and responded.

"It's nothing terrible. Somebody said I had nice eyes and I dont know how to handle compliments." He admitted. " I didn't mean to worry anyone."

He felt so stupid, holy shit. The swamp should just take him now.

It would be a lie to say she hadn’t been worried as well. She watches the white-furred warrior pace around the camp and she cannot help but wonder what was wrong. Physical ailments she could treat with an herb, order bed rest. But there was no herb that could heal emotional turmoil, not in ShadowClan’s territory at least. She does not want to overwhelm him though and so she simply comes to stand next to the others in the group without a word, waiting with open ears to hear what it was that ailed him.

Ah, she thinks when it is finally revealed. Compliments, she found, were hard for her to accept as well. It was something she could relate to, though when Granitepaw paid her a compliment she had an easier time believing it. "Your-your eyes are v-very pretty!" she chirps "They re-remind me of-of the sky o-on on a on a good day" the kind of day that made you want to just laze about in the sun and soak it all up.