no angst back in the woods again ↷ [drizzly morning]

Smogstar has taken a restrained stance ever since becoming leader. He's been playing it lowkey, allowing the impact of his position to gradually unfold without the burden being too severe. Giving his clanmates space to breathe, space to ruminate upon their losses. Time for the wounds to heal. Time for ShadowClan to come to terms with its change in leadership.

This new levelheadedness, this unobtrusive demeanour, suits him, scales well with the solemn atmosphere around camp these days. He's keenly aware of how brazen and bombastic his initial addresses had gone. Those words spoken in passion, outpoured like wildfire from within, and he doesn't regret having said them. What flames once were are now embers, still-burning with fervent purpose, but dampened into flickering coals. He'll reignite the kindling again, but he's found his purchase. For now, all his focus need be upon securing a sense of normalcy, familiarity, and routine. Day-by-day, forward movement only.

Raindrops lash against Smogstar's back, trickle into those woolly curls tucked underneath his neck. He hasn't yet groomed the morning's tussles from his fur, nor last night's, or all of yesterday's for that matter. A polished exterior isn't imperative just yet, and he can bear the feeling for a little while longer. In his thoughts, preparations for the next meeting, a mental list itemised to the last syllable, save for one article: who he must appoint to deputy.

He'll sit on the matter some more.

He sits now, facing the peaceful wind. A weighty grey mist has set its sights upon the marshland today, and he can scarcely see from one side of camp to the other. Serene. The ambient pitter-patter of droplets against his skull, his back, the surrounding trees, brings calm to nerves often shot. This rain is a blessing, this breeze a boon. Nature lends its paw in quiet assurance.

For all he's mouthed off about 'no hesitation', the new leader is no fool. A fox must find its balance before making its leap. Elsewise, it'll trip and break its own nose, and Smogstar does not like the idea much. A lazy morning is an opportunity unto itself, anyhow. It gives room for rapport building, meditating on the past moon's endeavours, soaking up the gentle pace of a slow day. "Dawn patrols'll wait a bit longer," he says to the first lead warrior passing him by. "It's all grey 'n dreary out, might as well enjoy the peace for a li'l bit."

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"You always seem to be so friendly with the rain." Lilacfur recalled with a warm smile as she saddled herself beside the tabby. The pattering of droplets against waxy leaves and fresh brambles had pleasantly been the cause of her rising, much preferred over the commotion of scuffling paws and the accidental tail-stepping from her nest neighbors. Or far worse; Mirepurr rolling on top of her in their sleep.

Wiry fur does well to repel the assault while it can, but Lilacfur knew her pelt would dry fast once the storm clouds continued to roll on from the marshes.

"I've heard water draws out the worms, maybe our hunting patrols will have more success after this." She mused with him, turning an eye up to grey skies and leaning in direction of the leader without making contact. "Hm. Don't see a patch of clarity in sight... is that just me?" She would hope the rains would relent some time soon, if her patrol was to be even mildly enjoyable.

  • 82313904_EOrjiqreK2nTja8.png
  • LILACFUR she/her, 22 moons, mother to marblepaw and sycamorepaw
    lh lilac rosette with yellow eyes (carrying cinnamon, solid), a torn left ear, missing her left eye and most fur from a multitude of claw-marked scars
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by this loser@gonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

✧*:.。. "Worms?" Wormwatcher saunters towards Smogstar and Lilacfur, having seen Lilacfur settle besides the leader encouraged himself to meander over from the concealed shadows of the camp. "Guess you're right." He murmurs in amusement as he inclines his head in respect towards the lead warrior first and then Smogstar himself.

The blue tom settles down with his lengthy limbs folded beneath himself and turns his icy gaze upwards upon the overcast sky. "Nuh-uh. Just clouds," Wormwatcher mews softly. "This weather is refreshing. A good change." He settles into comfortable silence besides the two, his angular face jutted upwards to stare at the gray sky. This'll be a good day.

  • ooc–
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾, tags
maggotfur 20 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
" Glad you can enjoy it, " comes grumbling voice, but it's clearly meant in jest - amusement coloring the mollies words for once. Blue and white pelt is fluffed up to high heavens, nearly doubling her size in a vain effort to divert as much of the water as she can, eyes squinting against the haze. " Should've stayed in my nest - won't be getting much training done in this, " great way to snap a paw, slipping and sliding in the muck - though then she'd have yet another excuse to skive off, wouldn't she? Truth betold, she doesn't feel like doing much of anything today, other then resting, but needs must. " Worms? Why'd you want to hunt them - they're no good for eating, are they? Full of dirt, " not that she actually thinks thats what they mean, but instead thinks her joke to be funny - memories of her own childhood, jaws stuffed with bugs creeping into her mind as muzzle wrinkles.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T
Leechpaw blinks once, twice, considering the rain, considering Maggotfur's words. "I dunno," he muses, head tilted slightly as he thinks about it, taking it not as a joke but as a genuine comment. "They taste a little dusty, but they're not too bad. They're not as good as crickets, though. Worms don't have any crunch to 'em like crickets do." His eyes are wide as he looks up at his mentor and then towards the others, dutifully explaining this to all of them so they know what to look for if they want to hunt for bugs. "If y'like squishy stuff, though, they're pretty good," he settles on, corners of his lips pulling back in a content grin, glad to be a help to the warriors around him.​