private BACK IN TOWN [šŸŒ™] ????

Living cats only walked the afterlife in their dreams if deemed special by StarClan. Usually, these cats were medicine cats- sometimes destined leaders. Yet tonight, StarClan picks someone... ordinary. One who sleeps tucked away in the gorse bush that acted as WindClan's nursery.

Black fur, venomous green-eyes, she could've been mistaken for sister. Twin. Instead, she was the kit of a cat this StarClan cat loathed very much. Yes, a peculiar choice she has made in picking this cat for this very special task. Yet she was insistent, despite her wrath towards the origins of this child, she will be the one-to-one day restore WindClan!

When the ebony kitten awakes, she will find a blue she-cat looming over her. One of the most notable things- past the decaying forest that stands past her- is the gruesome wound around her neck. "Ooohhhhhhh!" The she-cat coo's in an over-the-top, sickeningly sweet voice. "It has been so long since I've had the pleasure of gazing directly upon one as young as you! Do not be afraid, little one." Still sweet, her voice melting over the kitten's ears like honey. "I have beckoned you here from your dreams. I have summoned you here- to StarClan... I- no... We, have a very special task for you- a very special kit."

She stares down, chin tucked into her plush-white chest. Lips curve and hook into a smile of adoration as green eyes beam down onto the moorland child.
  • ...unreliable narrator alert...
  • Ā» Soot ā€¤ Sootstar
    Ā» WindClan Leader
    Ā» She/her ā€¤ Mate to Weaselclaw
    Ā» Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    Ā» "Speech" ā€¤ thoughts ā€¤ attack
  • Ā» A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    Ā» Excels in quick, short moves.
    Ā» Fights to kill and maim
    Ā» Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    Ā» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Shadow-swaddled and eyes dripped from hazardous beaker, legacy ripples in quiet tide through fresh veins... Purpose hums in insistent, nebulous demand, lulled to the surface in lullaby and adder-sweet smiles. As time ticks by with agonizing dullness, the need to find work for idle paws grows more and more alike a burn... raw to the touch and left to sear when scratched at over and over again and it throbs under tender skin.

The sharp whistle of an airless breeze through branches that stand like skeletons draws the peeking of acid-bright eyes, absorbing the unfamiliarity of this forested place and all its haunting ambiance- it is nothing like the sparsely decorated fields of WindClan and there is something exciting about the unknown-

A joyous murmur itches somewhere in her ears like a violin note played just slightly off key- squeaky and unnatural but attempted with an earnest pressure and need for sound. Tall ears swivel towards a phantom of future destiny, staring up with wide desire and eager heart as promises of StarClan sing like siren-song before her. Honeysucklekit wonders if maybe... this kismet apparition felt joy in her final moments, if that is why red-black blood lingers around her throat like a gleaming necklace of carnations and poppies.

'- a very special kit.'

Child-heart swoons to be acknowledged, to be handed a fate that is solely hers and forms a purpose of a flowery spring-born girl that had eluded her thus far. She knew she'd waited too long to understand her divine duty in a way her brother had not needed to. Mother had given him purpose, the moment he could breathe... and left Honeysucklekit wanting for it, yearning desperately to understand her place. Certain and self-assured that all kits her age must know that much at least... that their direction in life was predetermined and easily defined, she grew restless.

"A special task?" Her tail curls eagerly above her spine, blinking in eager glances between the gloomy landscape and the ashen jewel that lingers in front of her as a guide. "I won't reject my destiny!" If it were to be placed so gently at her paws by the stars themselves, who was she to deny it? "What is it? What am I meant to do?" She leans forward on her feet as if she might tumble face first into the tangle of red-ropes that define her fate and understand it in all its clarity at once.

  • 'i beg of you, my purpose, do not lead me astray!'
    - child of wind-swept moors
    - she/her
    - daughter to mintshade and gracklestep

    - a solid pitch she-cat with fern-green eyes

Kitten tail curls eagerly and round eyes blink in awe. Tiny ears swerve to listen to her words and the StarClan cat grins, this kit would be perfect. So eager to listen, equipped with a young, empty mind with plenty of space for training. It would take moons to perfect her, but the ashen spirit swears it will be done.

ā€A rot has dug its tendrils deep into your clan, Honeysucklekit.ā€ The she-catā€™s eyes narrow into slits, her tone rid of honey and now dire. ā€It is your destiny to purge it. To restore WindClan to the powerful and mighty clan StarClan had intended for it to be.ā€

She smiles, again, looking at the kit almost as a mother would to her child. ā€You would like that, wouldnā€™t you? To be my chosen one?ā€ Purring rumbles deep in her throat, ā€If you wouldā€¦ you must swear to listen to meā€¦ above anybody else. Your mother. Your brother. Your friends. Your future mentor. Your leader. Can you do that? Honeysucklekit? Or have I- we been mistaken in this choice?ā€
  • Ā» Soot ā€¤ Sootstar
    Ā» Dark Forest Resident ā€ 
    Ā» She/her ā€¤ Mate to Weaselclaw
    Ā» Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes. A black, smoky aura seems follow her.
    Ā» "Speech" ā€¤ thoughts ā€¤ attack
  • Ā» A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    Ā» Excels in quick, short moves.
    Ā» Fights to kill and maim
    Ā» Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    Ā» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The shift of tone grows sour suddenly... an urgency begetting rigidness and seriousness. Honeysucklekit's spine straightens, as if willed to stand taller and prouder to rise to the challenge presented to her. Restoration... The promise of a future brighter than this one is tantalizing and she can almost taste that victory already, like it is at the tip of her tongue just to have considered it without even a single step taken towards rectifying the damage.

The gleam of scrutinizing eyes softens only a small amount, but it is enough to make her quiver with the need for more of it. More attention. More affection. More recognition. She craves it so badly, she scrambles to assure her allegiance, bidding her life so easily when its weight does not yet register in her head. "Yes! Yes, I would like that, very much," she answers quickly, practically begging for it to be truth. I am special! Let me be special!

The demand for fealty is inconsequential to one who cannot fathom the worth of their soul. It is too grand a concept to fit in a head so small- "I promise," it comes out as barely less than a desperate yelp, "I'll be good- I'll listen! You can trust me!"

  • 'sign my soul on the dotted line'
    - child of wind-swept moors
    - she/her
    - daughter to mintshade and gracklestep

    - a solid pitch she-cat with fern-green eyes