back to reality | thunderclan patrol

Flycatcher would have been lying if he said he wasn't feeling a bit cautious every time they patrolled along the RiverClan stretch of the border. Their triumphant victory to claim Sunningrocks was still fresh in many cats minds in both clans. Many in ThunderClan, Flycatcher himself, believed they were justified to seek out the rocks for their own. Perhaps they should not have attacked when RiverClan was so weak from a previous battle, but alas, their paws had been forced.

When considering who to bring on his patrol, Flycatcher knew he needed strong, reliable warriors to back him up, so he decided to include Raccoonstripe and Silverlightning. Given what Raccoonstripe had done to one of their warriors he was perhaps not the best choice to bring here, but he could trust the cat to hold his tongue if needed. "The weather seems to be holding up today," Flycatcher mused, looking up at the sky quickly as they walked. "I was beginning to grow tired of the little rain showers." Stepping through a bush, Flycatcher emerged close to the shoreline. He waited for the rest of the patrol to follow him through, before indicating for them to begin with a flick of his tail. "Let's get this done quickly," He said, already moving to mark a section of their border. "I know things between our clans are tense right now, but I encourage you to remain civil and not rise to any challenges should they try to goad us. I'd rather not have to explain to Howlingstar about us potentially getting into a border scuffle."

tagging @RACCOONSTRIPE & @Silverlightning
feel free to post before them but don't overwhelm this thread! thank you!

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Lakemoon is on her own patrol, almost surprised to have been assigned to Thunderclan’s border so soon after the battle, the paranoia in the back of her mind that she had never been able to crush whispering that perhaps it was a test, perhaps there was a fresh target seared between muscled shoulder blades, burnt in by her clans council.
No. I proved my loyalty. She shakes the thought away with a subtle crinkle of her nose, she had left that russet warrior with a lasting good-bye, had only met her kin with ferocity and ice.
She trails behind the patrol leader, the soft gushing of the rivers current coming up ahead sparking unease in her chest.
When reeds and foliage part, three Thunderclanners perched on the other side of the river bring dismay flickering behind navy tinted eyes, even more so when familiar a brown tabby pelt is amongst them, unsolicited memories echo in her mind.
Pray our paths never cross again.
She holds her tongue, but her presence is hard to miss when she almost towers over most in her patrol.
A deep, dark sliver of herself almost wishes that the Thunderclanners would be foolish enough to cross, that she’d be able to avenge Lilybloom’s lost eye.
She turns, deciding that she’d do her job of marking their border and move on from her blood-tinted mindset. It would soon become tiring, anyhow.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning nods his head in agreement with Flycatcher as he treads alongside the tom. "You and I both." He hums in a low tone as they break through a patch of dense foliage. The consistent rain showers were an irritating thing, soaking everything in camp and chilling him to the bone. His gaze runs across the riverside, listening to its gurgling before moving to mark his own spot. Flycatcher's voice claims his attention again, causing the gunmetal hued warrior to lift his chin. "Of course." He murmurs in response to thunderclan's deputy. Not that he would have wasted his time with senseless banter anyway. He counted endless bickering as a lack of maturity. A flash of movement across the water brings the riverclan patrol into vision. He recognized her as the one yelling fervently at Raccoonstripe during the battle, leaning over a smaller molly with tears in her eyes. Silverlightning gives a careful glance in the direction of the dark lead warrior, surely he'd listen to Flycatcher's warning.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Her recovery had been long and brooding, silently going more restless by the day as she had let her wounds heal. Now here she was, leading the patrol with Lakemoon in tow along the new ThunderClan and RiverClan border. Cindershade was not able to participate within their skirmish over Sunningrocks, having to place her faith that her clan mates would succeed—but it was just too soon. They were already weak from the raid with WindClan, then the second patrol behind them to try and finish the job. Pathetic ThunderClanners, had to wait to make their move after they were made aware of the losses RiverClan had endured. The newly scarred molly pushes through the reeds, her head held aloft along with her patterned tail. ThunderClan scent was strong here now, clearly them over compensating to make sure RiverClan would stay away from their newly taken territory.
Cindershade makes out the shapes of three just over the water, marking the border and she feels Lakemoon stop from behind her to stare at them. The lead warrior remembers her dragging Lilybloom back to camp, one side of her mottled face covered in dark crimson where her eye had been before. Her gaze also sweeps over them, the ire behind their blazing depths unmistakable as her features harden like carved stone. She follows her clanmates gaze to sweep over a familiar dark tabby pelt, equally dark eyes shaped into a natural hard stare. She remembered him from before, how he spoke over her to answer her own apprentice and the blatant disrespect made her molars smash together to hold her own tongue. No matter how much she wanted to spew venom their way, to cross the stone and shred them—she knew better. She had to hold herself accountable, to be a role model for her fellow warriors.
With a flick of her tail over the taller molly's shoulder, she beckons her forth. "Come, Lakemoon. We must finish scenting the border and get back to camp. I'm sure Lilybloom is missing you." The rosetted molly would speak, her voice raised for ThunderClan to hear. They may have won this battle, but they would know that it would not shake RiverClan. They were still strong, even at their darkest hours.

Thunderclan… so close, and so soon after the battle? Snakeblink’s fur bristles, more anxiety than anger as pain lances from his still-healing shoulder. He finds the feeling validated as his eyes fall on the figure of the one in part responsible for the wound. The blue tom may be clean of blood now, but Snakeblink remembers the way his teeth had felt digging in his flesh. He tears his attention away from the tom, unwilling to show his unease, and instead looks for the other cat he fought in that ill-fated battle: the fiery molly whose watery demise seemed to spark the deputy’s rage. He does not see her. This means little; it’s only one patrol, after all. She may be at camp, or on another patrol. But Snakeblink remembers the panic in her eyes as the river swept her away, and thinks: she probably did not make it.

He has little qualms about it now, staring at the proof of their defeat.

”Thunderclan cats cannot swim, right?” He asks his patrol, perhaps a little to reassure himself but mostly out of curiosity. His words are meant for them alone but his voice, rendered louder by gnawing anxiety, easily carries across the river. ”The one I fought drowned… I wonder if they’ve found her body yet.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

He pads behind the ThunderClan deputy, shoulders squared and jaw clenched. A bushy striped tail flares behind a scarred, well-muscled body; Raccoonstripe's ears, however, are angled forward, alert for RiverClan taunts and sneers. He can scent their patrol before he can see it, all scale and salt. He's loathe to find his dark eyes meeting blue ones; Lakemoon is on patrol, and the look she gives him is withering.

He acknowledges Flycatcher's order with a dip of his head. "It's not worth instigating, I agree." He moves to mark their new territory, aware of the opposing patrol's scathing looks but refusing to return even a single glare.

Perhaps had circumstances been different, Raccoonstripe would have boldly and aggressively met every challenging look from the opposing Clan. But Lakemoon's presence reminds him of the cowering blood-faced molly he'd rended the flesh of, and his new rank has instilled a sense of propriety into him that he'd solidly lacked before. The tabby knows Howlingstar and Flycatcher would be disappointed to know a lead warrior had chosen to exchange petty words at a shared border.

He just manages to hear one of the other cats murmur something -- a drowned ThunderClanner. Raccoonstripe's eyes narrow. Could he be referring to Flamewhisker? He opens his mouth, preparing to let the RiverClan lead warrior down, but instead he looks to Flycatcher questioningly. Would he reveal that his mate had lived, that RiverClan had not secured any permanent casualties?

// @Moonpaw @WILDPAW


Flycatcher is pleased his patrol appears to be in unison, all agreeing to remain civil and not rise to any challenges the RiverClan cats might throw at them. It doesn't take long for the scent of the other clan to hit his nostrils. Flycatcher is assisting with the patrol, and can see cats appearing on the other side of the river, staring at them but not making any trouble for them. Quietly, Flycatcher was relieved. He already knew the gathering would be testing enough, the last thing he needed was RiverClan cats making snide remarks at ThunderClan from across the river in the lead up to that.

The deputy had no intention of saying and reacting to the RiverClan cats until Snakeblink's voice carried across the river. He did not know that it was meant only for the ears of the RiverClan cats but he heard it all the same. "The one I fought drowned… I wonder if they've found her body yet."

Flycatcher stiffens and looks up, knowing immediately that they are referring to Flamewhisker. He spots Raccoonstripe looking at him questioningly, perhaps wondering if Flycatcher will respond or not. After a moment, Flycatcher raises his voice. "We did find her," Flycatcher calls out, looking directly at Snakeblink as he speaks. He wants the other tom to see him, to hear him. "She lived."


Best behaviour, right? Wildpaw kept his mouth shut as he prowled along behind Raccoonstripe, keen to remain in line more than ever now that his time to become a warrior dangled above his head. He couldn't allow anything to jeopardise that step up in his life, though he found himself glancing off in the direction of the RiverClan patrol. Remarks danced on his mind but nothing came past his lips. Though he couldn't help but ponder over what was being said, but both the RiverClanners and by Flycatcher. Who had nearly drowned? He felt out of the loop to say the very least.