back to you — palemoon


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
A disgruntled sigh escaped a scarred maw, paw brushin’ briefly against the wound crusted in ichor, intendin’ to clean the wound before it became too much of a hassle and he’d have to bother Dawnglare somethin’ he wasn’t lookin’ forward to if it meant bein’ cooped up in the med den till the blasted thing healed. Regardless. Duskpool wasn’t mad. Grief was interestin’ to deal with and he sure as stars knew how it can consume a person till nothin’ was left and not once has he wanted anyone else sufferin’ the same fate — not if he could help it. So what if he accumulated a few more injuries? Ain’t nothin’ compared to some things he dealt with as a youngster.

At least the warrior wasn’t in that mindset, but it wore him down more than he wanted to admit. A shuddered breath escaped the male, paw pressin’ deep grooves against pricklin’ eyes. Damnit. He was sick of it.

If he hadn’t stopped Duststorm then SkyClan would be buryin’ another SkyClanner and the smokey warrior would have lost not one, but three family members. What would Hollywhisper do if Duskpool came bearin’ the news that his mate died foolishly? His shuddered breaths turned wet, helm tiltin’ upward to press against the bark of the tree he propped himself again. Stars. Please don’t take anyone else from me. He whispered achingly. If it had to be someone, then take him of all of ‘em because selfishly, Duskpool still doubted his placement, even if the warrior never dared voice these thoughts to anyone but the starry sky, forever trapped within his mind to never see the light of day.

A shift in atmosphere pulled him out of his rumbled musings, blinkin’ back the salty tears with a mirthless chuckle. “Palemoon.” He greeted the other warmly, offerin’ a quirk of scarred lips pullin’ at the injury, drawin’ beads of blood to the surface.

By now, Tatteredlight’s vigil would have ended, meanin’ he’d been wanderin’ the forest for some time, daybreak shinin’ through the trees in soft hues against dark obsidian fur. “Must’ve been in my head longer than I realized.” He huffed, peelin’ himself away with a tired grunt, sore limbs stretchin’ languidly, till molten hues peeled back to Palemoon’s form with a breathy sigh. “Ya didn’t travel out here on yer own did ya?” Not for the lack of trustin’ the molly, knowin’ she was capable, but with the rogues killin’ SkyClanners left and right, what was to say Palemoon became a victim herself?

The thought alone nearly gave him a full body shiver, muscles tensin’ with a subtle hiss trapped between clenched teeth. “Don’t think I could handle losin’ anyone else.” He breathed, timbre a low, guttural rumble takin’ on a mirthful hue despite the deadpanness, paw steps heavy as he reached to rest his nose against her helm.

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She felt a mysterious pull from the stars today, leading her to wander without purpose. Her small paws felt every blade of grass, the gentle breeze of the world around her tickled her whiskers. Ghostly pale blues closed as she seemed to accept the inevitable fate of her future, and soon a familiar husky voice caught her attention. Palemoon. She peeks over her shoulder towards the large tom-cat, giving him a gentle smile and her eyes open again to meet his molten gaze. ”...Duskpool...” Her voice is soft as her gaze flicks to the reopening of his wound and the faint reminder of tears that threatened to spill. Instinctively, she moves forward and raises a paw to caress his cheek and rest her forehead against his gently.

His next words make her ears twitch as she sighs softly, a gaze filled with affection for her best friend and sympathy. All she can do is press against his chest and provide his comfort to remind him that despite the tragedies of the world, she will always be there for him. Ya didn’t travel out here on yer own did ya? Palemoon blinks at his statement and she gives a soft smile in return. ”Mmm... the stars guided me... to you...” She admits after a moment. She knew of the dangers recently around Skyclan, but how could she deny the strange pull from the heavens? It was her destiny to be here. It was her path to be here and Duskpool was part of that string of fate woven by Starclan.

Duskpool cringes at the thought, and murmurs before he rests his nose against her head. ”...I wouldn't leave you... don't worry...” Palemoon coos softly in return as he rests against her. The fawn lynx steps forth and wraps her forearms around him to pull him into a hug. How much would he continue to lose until he lost himself? She didn't want to think of losing Duskpool and the thought even grips at her heart in pain. Starclan may have threads of fates for all, but she would intervene in the holy order if it meant keeping the tomcat by her side.

don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
A tired guttural sigh escaped the tom, mangled ear fallin’ flat as he leaned into the soft caress, molten hues flutterin’ shut at the brief contact, pullin’ away with a languid twitch of his wooly tail. “Of course they did.” He murmured, parted maw lifting weakly before falling flat — monotonous.

Somedays, Duskpool wondered what Starclan was thinkin’ ( which seemed to be most days ). Or maybe it was his way of thinkin’. Whatever it was, Duskpool was too tired to sort out those senseless thoughts this morning.

“Not willingly.” He muttered, timbre a low, gravel rumble, neck curlin’ around Palemoon, shoulders fallin’ lax beneath Palemoon’s hold, crooning. It’d been a while since he openly accepted affection, somethin’ the tom hadn’t thought he deserved since his life became a livin’ wreck, but Duskpool sure as hell didn’t regret his kids. Never them. He’d do it all again just to find them sooner.

Maybe then Hollywhisper and Ume would have their siblings if he’d been stronger, or better yet — Duskpool sighed ruefully, shakin’ his helm against Palemoon’s soft locks, molten hues flutterin’ shut. It ain’t nothin’ but the past. What happened happened and there were no if, ands or buts that could change it.

Nothin’ would change the guilt trapped beneath aged skin, marred by countless battles and failures but damnit if he didn’t just hope for once that they hadn’t been taken from him so soon. Duststorm hadn’t needed to go through the loss after just findin’ Tatteredlight, but life was just as cruel as it’d always been, not once takin’ into account the aftermath.

“Can’t help but wonder if life is out to get me.” He muttered, half-joking by the curl of scarred lips, timbre a low, drawn-out monotone. “Wistful, thinkin’, ain’t it?” He snorted, drawin’ back to rest his chin against her helm, breathin’ in the familiar, comfortin’ scent of the molly. “Enough of that.” I ain’t got nothin’ else to give. “Care for a walk?” He inquired, timbre a low, guttural draw, pullin’ away from Palemoon’s hold to peer down at her.
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A gentle chuckle parts her lips as she rests in Duskpool's embrace, crooning. ”...They work in mysterious ways...” Palemoon coos softly after listening to the words of the rugged tom. His colossal frame shadows her as he sinks into her like jello, and the sight instantly makes her heart tinge. The lynx point rasps a tongue over his forehead in comfort as she coos softly, ”... Never willingly...” Her words are gentle, barely above a whisper yet with the confidence of a warrior. Her tail sways slightly as she observes Duskpool quietly and watches his body language and the slight tweaks in his expression.

Soft ears flick as he speaks, Can’t help but wonder if life is out to get me. Wistful, thinkin’, ain’t it? Her long, wavy tail wraps around her paws for a second as she ponders his words. Duskpool seemed to always lose everyone else around him, and she questioned why Starclan seemed to do so. ”... I can understand why...” Palemoon states as she gathers her thoughts as ghostly blues close in the comfort of his chin resting against her head. A mismatched paw reaches forward and rests on top of his as she gently touches his nose to his. She offers a soft reassuring smile as she coos, ”... I'll always be here for you...”

Duskpool parts from her and asks if she'd be down for a walk, which gets a nod from the small she-cat. ”Mmm... I would love to... walk with you...” She would respond as she raises to her paws and gives her coat a soft shake, glancing around at their surroundings. Everything was getting blurrier, and she has to blink not once or twice attempting to clear her vision, which prompts a sigh from her. ”... I wonder how much longer... before I go blind...? The inquiry she made wasn't directed at Duskpool, but seemed to be more for her own sake. It didn't take much to notice that her pale blue gaze was slowly representing the blindness that overtaken her right eye.
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
A low-timbered grunt escaped the male, mangled ear swivelin’ at the comment. Mysterious ways, huh? The only thing that made a lick of sense was karma finally bitin’ him in the ass after moons of sinnin’, but truly, did his kin deserve to suffer for the mistakes he alone made, or was this just a reminder that no matter what he did to make up for everythin’ he’s done will amount to nothin’? A deep, guttural chuff escaped the older warrior, molten fiery hues flutterin’ shut at the tongue sweepin’ across his forehead, relishin’ in the gentle touch he’d long forgotten about since Sakura’s passin’.

“As ya said before, StarClan ain’t about to tell no one about their plans for us.” He rumbled, hummin’ faintly at the simple touch of paws, nose skimmin’ her cheek. “I know ya will.” He faintly whispered, molten hues crinklin’ despite the gapin’ hole in his heart of a future without the molly’s constant presence. Fate ain’t about to wait for no cat. He thought ruefully, already contemplatin’ on their nightly walk through the forest, long forgettin’ the sharp sting of his cheek now a low simmer against the dry, humid air. Let’s hope that idiot made it to camp. Hollywhisper ( if he could help it ) won’t ever have to deal with the loss of a significant other, not while he was still up and kickin’ stubbornly.

I wonder how much longer before I go blind? Duskpool paused, hummin’ in thought. “The future ain’t somethin’ ya can predict, but we’ll deal with that hurdle when the time comes.” He began, flank brushin’ against the molly with an affectionate rumble. Sometimes he wondered when Palemoon’s sight would completely dwindle, leavin’ the tom mullin’ over ways to make things easier than leavin’ her high and dry when it happened — not that he’d ever leave her when she needed him most; if she still needed him.

Duskpool can’t be entirely certain what she was feelin’, but speakin’ from the time where he lost the entirety of his vision durin’ a dog attack, leavin’ him defenseless sure made the tom warry, favorin’ his blind side more than he’d like to admit. Shakin’ obsidian fur, the older warrior rumbled softly, timbre a low, comfortin’ sound in the mornin’ rays, wooly plumage sweepin’ across the ground in a semi-arc. “I’ll be with ya.” And this time he truly meant it, come rain or shine, Duskpool would continue kickin’ like the stubborn foxheart he was.

“Since it ain’t mornin’ yet, why don’t we watch the sunrise before headin’ to camp? Figured I’ve been away long enough to worry Hollywhisper.” He grunted monotonously, shakin’ his helm good-naturally, calloused paw pads skimmin’ the undergrowth as they walked.
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Her ghostly blue eyes crease as she giggles softly as he touches her cheek. ”Mm... you're not wrong...” Palemoon responds with as her face softens in an affectionate smile. A gentle purr radiates from her frame as she gives a quick stretch. She watches the tom in the momentary silence and takes in his scarred figure. How long until she wouldn't be able to see such a beautiful molten gaze again? Her lips purse until his nose touches her cheek and she closes her eyes softly, embracing his gentle touch. Everything would be okay, as long as her best friend was by her side. Her plush tail sways slightly as she gives a bright grin at his words as she touches her nose to his and mreows, ”... I'm serious. I'm happy as long as you're... with me...” The ethereal beauty grumbles with a hint of pout lacing her voice. She allows her gaze to drift to the stars as he ponders her question before his husky voice tickles her ears, and she glances at him as he brushes against her. Her cheeks feel hot at his words as he states 'we' and she can't help but feel shy that someone would stick by her side even when she would become a burden.

”Ah... for now... I'll be your right eye and... you'll be my left.” Palemoon responds with a soft smile, rubbing her forehead against his shoulder. A soft humming rumbles from her as her ears flick from the ambiance of nature around her. I'll be with ya. The unfamiliar heat in her face returns once more along with her ears, and she wonders if she was sick for a moment. ”... Okay, Duskpool... I'll always be here for you as well... in life and death.” Pale coos softly, her voice quiet as a nursery lullaby, and she can't help the pull of her lips in a smile. She enjoyed Duskpool's presence more than anyone and she wasn't used to being the center of attention besides what her beauty brought. He actually remembered things about her that none else bothered to. Who would pay attention to a background character, after all? Her heart skips a beat as she clears her throat to rid the nervousness from her mind as she gives him a peek. Duskpool may seem intimidating or mean because of his rugged appearance, but he had a heart of gold. The black smoke was sweet and was willing to sacrifice himself for his family or clan.

”Mm... I would love that...” Palemoon muses as she sticks to his side as they traverse to an open clearing to fully witness the beauty of the sunrise. The rich colors ranging from yellow, orange and reds reminded her of the molten gaze of Duskpool that naturally make her giggle softly. ”... The sunrise looks just like your eyes...” She murmurs as she settles on her haunches, lightly leaning against his frame and watches the heavens. Her wavy tail curls around her forepaws as she coos, ”... Very beautiful...”

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don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
A subtle grin danced across scarred lips, helm softly bumpin’ against Palemoon’s. “Two peas in a pod then, I’d reckon.” He muttered, hummin’ languidly, the sound nearly turnin’ into a guttural purr at Palemoon rubbin’ her forehead against a broad shoulder. He breathed wishfully, mangled ears swivelin’ in thought. When was the last time he felt at ease with another? He figured his kids and grandkids didn’t count, but an old-time friend who had seen his lows and highs yet remained was … shockin’.

He ain’t a good tom, not in a thousand moons would he make up for the things he’s done or hadn’t done. It made him wonder if he deserved Palemoon’s kindness, not nearly as susceptible to kind gestures as some cats. “Life and death, eh?” He rumbled calmly, not at all bothered by the thought, but selfishly hoped that he’d die first, if not at the same time. Somethin’ morbid to think about. Not that Duskpool was all that surprised given a majority of his thoughts were nothin’ but morbid pessimism. “I wouldn’t mind that.” He murmured sweetly, nose skimmin’ her ear with a rumbled hum.

It hadn’t taken all that long to find a decent spot to sit side-by-side, only natural to feel Palemoom nestled beside his bulky frame, nearly swallowin’ her whole. He blinked, mangled ear twitchin’ at the comment, nearly lettin’ out a guttural huff in thought. Somethin’ that pretty ain’t worth it for a tom like me. Duskpool ain’t ever gonna admit that merely offerin’ a hum of acknowledgment, molten gaze not quite leavin’ the sunrise to curl absently around Palemoon’s frame in a loose hug, chin comin’ to rest on her helm. “Beautiful, indeed.” He rumbled, chest vibratin’.

Moments like these he wished he had all the time in the world to watch the sun rise and fall like clockwork, but duty calls and with a regretful sigh, pulled himself away from Palemoon as the sun rose, takin’ up the large expanse of sky. “Best we head to camp now.” He murmured, timbre like low, hangin’ fog.
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