pafp backyard full of dying flowers; intro



chamomilepaw | 10 months | genderfluid | any pronouns | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ffff99

Leafbare is hard. He misses the sweet scent of flowers on the breeze- the warmth of the sun bearing down on his pelt until it's almost unbearable. He misses the days when he could simply lie about and weave crowns of ivy and myrtle, when his mind was occupied by nothing more than the siblings he adores. Things have never been perfect he knows, but they were all he had known. A quiet sigh slips past parted lips, mismatched gaze watching the clouds of his breath dissipate into nothingness.

Soft, clumsy paws tread onwards, musings interrupted by the reminder that he's out here for a reason, watching as the first rays of dawn creep over the horizon. His paws carry him onwards until he spots the stump he'd been searching for. Paws scrabble and teeth flash as he pries his prize from beneath it's roots, clumsy and awkward yet ever so determined. It's one he'd saved from his travels - from the days when he didn't know if they'd ever see each other again. His gift now held securely in his jaws, he plods his way back to camp.

The sun is up by the time he returns limbs heavy from his long trek, but they carry him onwards and back to his den. A dopey grin on his face, he finally drops the feathers at his sisters paws- pretty little things, silver and russet with bands of black marking them. "Found these for you!" he chirrups cheerfully. He knows honeypaw likes pretty things - and while he doesn't see the appeal of feathers and shells when flowers are such much nicer, he still wants to do something nice for her.

// @honeypaw

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honeypaw missed the warmth of greenleaf as much as anyone else. the immeasurable joy that was brought along with the warm summer breeze was truly like nothing else. she would often recall moments of her and her siblings exploring open meadows or illuminated forests. if she had to pick, she would say those were some of the happiest times of her life. before their mother had left, before everything had gone so wrong.

the fluffy molly blamed herself for a long time. she wondered what she could have done differently that night. she stopped blaming herself when chamomile appeared once more. honey held much love for her siblings, and seeing that at least one of them was okay made her feel whole again. while bear was still unaccounted for, chamomile's reappearance brought her hope that her mottled sister was out there somewhere thriving. she tried not to dwell on it too much. one day they would find her and once again become a family.

honey had dreamed well into the morning. dreams that felt more like memories of her life before riverclan. however, as the sun breached the mossy roof of her den, she awoke soft and slowly. the tabby had only just risen to a sitting position, a yawn erupting from her before she delivered a few delicate licks to her fur. pawsteps approaching gained the attention of the young molly. a sleepy gaze was cast towards the entrance of the den as she made out chamomilepaw's figure and she smiled as a greeting. he was holding something, but with the morning light cast behind him she struggled to make it out. then, a small bundle of feather was placed at her paws and honeypaw lit up. "oh wow, thank you! these are so pretty!" she complimented with a wide grin as she craned her head to inspect them further. the silver in the feathers would just match perfectly with the jagged rock she had found in the river, another perfect addition to her collection. "i didn't know you had such an eye for these things, i'll have to bring you the next time i go out collecting."