BAD BLOOD \ adderpaw

Some of Bluepaw’s Clanmates seem to have chosen to ignore the golden thing that pierces her brother’s ear. Truly—perhaps because she is always in Sootstar’s company—she does not see how. When she used to look at Adderpaw, she would see a fierce future warrior, a force to be reckoned with. Now, all she sees is the glint of light on that object—and the disappointment and rage in her parents’ eyes.

Thus, because it angers Sootstar so, Bluepaw cannot forgive Adderpaw for refusing to have it taken off. She cannot imagine having something derived from Twolegs in or on her body. Surely he’s just as disgusted by it, so why not let Vulturemask or their mother tear it out? Even Mintshade had offered to do it, though Bluepaw would not trust her precision, truly.

What’s worse, in her opinion, is his defiance. He had chosen to go against their leader, their father, his mentor. He is still choosing it. Neither of them have been brought up in a world where disobedience is an option, and she wonders where this wayward spirit against Sootstar has come from. Once, he’d been as proud to share her blood as Bluepaw is.

Could that have changed?

She sees her brother sitting in camp alone, and her approach is deliberate. She stares at him for several heartbeats before finally speaking. “Perhaps you should have remained at the badger set until that thing rotted off of you. At least Sootstar would be able to look at you again.” She narrows her eyes, but only slightly. “Aren’t you the least bit ashamed, Adderpaw? Really…” She sniffs.

// @Adderpaw

Life doesn't discriminate
Broad paws clutch the remnants of a rabbit's leg, curved talong hooked into tender flesh as he takes yet another bite. Chewing methodically he stares forward in a bored fashion, serpentine tail flicking to and fro. A shadow looms over him but he does not turn to face its owner, for he knew who it belonged to. He picked up on the distinct sound of her gait before she stopped near him and opened her mouth. "Perhaps you should have remained at the badger set until that thing rotted off of you." He swallows his mouthful of prey and draws his tongue over dark mahogany lips. "You're spoiling my lunch, Bluepaw." Adderpaw drawls, tufted ears flicking slightly. She apparently wasn't finished voicing her opinion over his ear, just like everyone else. If that was all she wished to talk about he'd rather not. Until she strikes a nerve that ignites white hot within every fiber of his being. "At least Sootstar would be able to look at you again.”

The muscles of his jaw flex and ripple as he clenches his teeth. “Aren’t you the least bit ashamed, Adderpaw? Really…” His pupils constrict as he finally turns his head to face her, eyes narrowing just like her own. A prince that fell from grace, surely that's what everyone thought. What they whispered when they thought their words were too low to reach his ears. "You weren't there when the twoleg finally dropped me. Sootstar and Weasleclaw looked at me as if they were staring at a corpse." He spat hackles beginning to bristle as he shakes his head. "Nevermind the wound I inflicted. How many can even say they marked a twoleg?" Not many he'd wager. Inky lips peel back in a sneer as he looks back to what's left of his meal. "That twoleg will wear my scar just like I wear theirs. There is a story behind every scar, having this ripped away would be like tearing away my victory. A symbol of my survival." Leaning down he tears another chunk off with more force than necessary and resumes his chewing.
Between the sinners and the saints
  • Sad
Reactions: Marquette
Bluepaw stands over him, her expression unchanging even as Adderpaw tears into the rabbit with tooth and claw. Her presence seems to annoy him, and her words vex him further. The pale tabby lifts his head to glare at her, his burning orange gaze like twin infernos. She meets it with cool green glades, unchanging even in the face of his impressive anger. “I wasn’t there, but what does it matter? Yes, you left a scar on the Twoleg, and that is impressive.” Her ear flicks. “But… you really intend to keep that wretched thing hooked into your ear?

The young gray she-cat hesitates, but then lowers herself into an uncomfortable sitting position, facing her littermate and staring him down. “You know what they’re like,” she says in what she assumes is a reasonable tone. In reality, she sounds uncaring and detached. “They hate Twolegs. They hate kittypets. To them, you might as well have died. You know that.” She shrugs, the long fluff dangling from her cheeks breezing about as she does. “It can mean that to you all you’d like, but it’s never going to be a symbol of strength to them.

  • bluekit . bluepaw
    — she/her, apprentice of windclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — long-haired blue she-cat with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meg
Life doesn't discriminate
He fully expects her to leave after his outburst. To turn her back and keep walking because for whatever reason that option felt easier to deal with than talking about it. But she sits, and she stays. His sibling then goes on to speak words he already knew to be true in his heart. Facts he did not necessarily wish to face. "So I'm expected to let it go and be rid of it?" The tip of his tail taps repeatedly against the ground, brows still pinched with raw emotion. "What proof would I have to show my accomplishments, Bluepaw?" Proof. If a cat did not have the evidence to back up their words they were almost always immediately deemed a liar. The gatherings at fourtrees proved that enough.

His eyes cut in the direction of her paws although his head fails to turn and face the blue female. "I want to please them both, I do." There was nothing quite like receiving praise from his parents. To see a short lived smile or nod of approval. But this decision was more difficult than he'd thought it'd be. He knew the tag was ruining that for him, but he could not find it within himself to let it go. Not when it had become a trophy of sorts. But, if someone earned the right to tear it from him, then so be it. At least he would have fought to keep what was his until he couldn't any longer. "Perhaps one day they will get their wish. Today, is not that day."
Between the sinners and the saints
Bluepaw sighs. “You’re so stubborn.” And perhaps, were she not so intent on pleasing her mother, there’d be a part of the small gray she-cat that could envy that spirit her brother clings to. She’d have long ago given into Sootstar’s wants. “You will have more scars than you know what to do with by the time you’re a warrior… scars from other warriors, and not Twoleg kits,” she tries to point out.

Adderpaw tells her he might someday give them what they want, but that today isn’t the day. Bluepaw flicks an ear in exasperation. “Suit yourself.” She stares him down again, the flame of his eyes searing through the frosted green of her own. “Don’t say I didn’t try to talk some sense into you, though. You and Cottonpaw are about the most harebrained cats I know.” She wrinkles her nose, but only slightly—and the white line of her muzzle smooths before it can disturb her pretty features.

  • bluekit . bluepaw
    — she/her, apprentice of windclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — long-haired blue she-cat with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meg