pafp bad mistakes // chatter

Skypaw ignores those from his namesake's Clan. It's easy, as plenty of them do not care about him on any level, and the few that do are dispersed to a degree. Blazestar is much too busy trying to coordinate something to get his cats home, and Fireflypaw is much of the same, however with many of his remaining sickly charges. Howlfire, suspiciously plump and waddling as she was on the journey here, is aptly kept away in ShadowClan's camp. Skypaw had only gleaned the interaction between his sister and her friend, and though he tries to care so little, he cannot help but laugh at the obscenity of the former claim

He spies the cream tabby from afar, and after weighing his options, he pitches forward. Maybe an 'I was right,' moment will make him feel better, even if only for a few minutes. "Coyotecrest," he recalls the other's name, surprisingly well even by his own standards. Perhaps he should've forgotten it and beckoned the other by some different, less fanciful moniker. Or perhaps he remembered, because the tom was a friend of his sister, and he... cared about her?

Absolutely not.

"Howlfire. She's with kits?" The mottled tom raises an eyebrow, the unspoken almost blatantly clear in his eyes. Bragging rights are only a few words away, waiting in the SkyClanner's throat.

[ pls wait for @Coyotecrest !! <3 ]​

The cream spotted tabby is blissfully unaware of Skypaw staring at him from across the way. At the moment her found himself locked in conversation with another warrior from skyclan, shaking his head as he relayed his answer. "No, I think the frogs are by far the strangest thing I've tasted here. I can't tolerate the slime.." The texture was an unholy mixture of leathery and gooey, two things that should never go together. The lizards were okay but he would never touch an amphibian again with a twelve foot branch. "Never again." He continued with a soft airy chuckle.

It was not until he heard someone call his name that the tom paused and turned his head. There he spotted the vaguely familiar form of Skypaw, Howlfire's sibling. To say that he was surprised to find them here wishing to converse with him was an understatement. Still, he entertains the apprentice regardless. "Yes?" The boy wastes no time getting straight to the point and he could nearly feel the thick of his mane beginning to ruffle at his shoulders. But its not necessarily what he said in this present moment, rather what Skypaw asked him several gatherings ago. "Who are you anyways? Her mate?" Embarrassment burns against his ears. Despite what it looked like he was still true to his word. They weren't mates. There was no official title tethering them to one another despite how he felt about her. "Yeah, she is...are you, excited about the news?" He asks finally, regulating his tone.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶