camp bad moon — kittypet collar


bad decisions make good stories 09/30/23
Feb 19, 2023
sacrifice , that's what we do for the people we love .
He hummed, glancing at the collar-like necklace sitting loosely around his neck, barely visible against the ghostly black fluff, but if seen in the right lighting would be more prevalent. Lostmoon reached upward, touching the delicate piece with a thoughtful expression. Would he ever part with it? No. He liked it. So why would he get rid of it? It was the one thing he held onto during the more … darker days of his life.

Shaking his helm, Lostmoon’s gaze crinkled, grinning at the other whether out of curiosity of malicious content, Lostmoon didn’t care. “That’s an odd question.” He mused, tapping his chin. “But I suppose I can indulge.” He trilled, patting the object of focus.

The queen shifted, easing into a more comfortable position leaned up against the nursery walls wondering when Jaggedstorm was coming back. He’d been awfully needy, but that came with being close to giving birth. It wasn’t his first time, more like his third time, but Lostmoon wasn’t counting.

“I never really thought about taking it off.” A laugh bubbled out, rubbing his nap with a sheepish grin. “It’s far too valuable to me to discard it! Don’t you think it’s rather eye-catching?” He tsked pawing at the heart danging against his chest.

Lostmoon hadn’t been a kittypet in a long long time. A stain on his existence. Something he hated to remember, but Jaggedstorm had given it to him as a courting gift. It was special. He wouldn’t dream of letting it slip through his paws.
thought speech

"It's very pretty! I like bows myself, they just feel nicer-soft, you know?" Hazelbeam had been given a proper collar a long time ago when she was still a kitten and had rolled around and caused such a fuss that her owner took it off and replaced with with a simple ribbon. Since then she had worn exclusively fabric around her throat, bows and bandannas, loose and comfortable and tied in such a way she could slip them off herself if she truly wanted to but outside her hat she rarely took them off. The simple token of her place in the world, the indication she was a kittypet, was not something she would discard so easily and certainly not here in the clan most known for having kittypets and former kittypets. A few of them may have more crude views, she recalls Silversmoke being especially annoying in his vocal opposition to her kind, but most were friendly or at least tolerant.
Lostmoon was one of the nice ones, she rather liked him and didn't have any qualms stopping for a chat.
"Say, when are you having your kits? I could bring them cute bows too! Different colors maybe? Or matching ones!"